Distributed File System

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In this assignment, you will be developing a working *distributed file server.* We provide you with only the bare minimal UDP communication code; you have to build the rest. A Basic File Server Your file server is built as a stand-alone UDP-based server. It should wait for a message and then process the message as…

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In this assignment, you will be developing a working *distributed file

server.* We provide you with only the bare minimal UDP communication

code; you have to build the rest.

A Basic File Server

Your file server is built as a stand-alone UDP-based server. It should wait

for a message and then process the message as need be, replying to the given


Your file server will store all of its data in an on-disk, fixed-sized

file which will be referred to as the *file system image*. This image

contains the on-disk representation of your data structures; you

should use these system calls to access it: `open(), read(), write(),

lseek(), close(), fsync().`

To access the file server, you will be building a client library. The

interface that the library supports is defined in [mfs.h](mfs.h). The

library should be called `libmfs.so`, and any programs that wish to access

your file server will link with it and call its various routines.

On-Disk File System: A Basic Unix File System

The on-disk file system structures follow that of the

very simple file system discussed

[here](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/file-implementation.pdf). On-disk,

the structures are as follows:

– A single block (4KB) super block

– An inode bitmap (can be one or more 4KB blocks, depending on the number of inodes)

– A data bitmap (can be one or more 4KB blocks, depending on the number of data blocks)

– The inode table (a multiple of 4KB-sized blocks, depending on the number of inodes)

– The data region (some number of 4KB blocks, depending on the number of data blocks)

More details about on-disk structures can be found in the header [ufs.h](https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-projects/blob/master/filesystems-distributed-ufs/ufs.h), which you should

use. Specifically, this has a very specific format for the super

block, inode, and directory entries. Bitmaps just have one bit per

allocated unit as described in the book.

As for directories, here is a little more detail. Each directory has

an inode, and points to one or more data blocks that contain directory

entries. Each directory entry should be simple, and consist of 32

bytes: a name and an inode number pair. The name should be a

fixed-length field of size 28 bytes; the inode number is just an

integer (4 bytes). When a directory is created, it should contain two

entries: the name `.` (dot), which refers to this new directory’s

inode number, and `..` (dot-dot), which refers to the parent

directory’s inode number. For directory entries that are not yet in

use (in an allocated 4-KB directory block), the inode number should be

set to -1. This way, utilities can scan through the entries to check

if they are valid.

When your server is started, it is passed the name of the file system

image file. The image is created by a tool we provide, called `mkfs`.

It is pretty self-explanatory and can be found


When booting off of an existing image, your server should read in the

superblock, bitmaps, and inode table, and keep in-memory versions of

these. When writing to the image, you should update these on-disk

structures accordingly.

Importantly, you cannot change the file-system on-disk format.

Client library

The client library should export the following interfaces:

– `int MFS_Init(char *hostname, int port)`: `MFS_Init()` takes a host name

and port number and uses those to find the server exporting the file system.

– `int MFS_Lookup(int pinum, char *name)`: `MFS_Lookup()` takes the parent

inode number (which should be the inode number of a directory) and looks up

the entry `name` in it. The inode number of `name` is returned. Success:

return inode number of name; failure: return -1. Failure modes: invalid pinum,

name does not exist in pinum.

– `int MFS_Stat(int inum, MFS_Stat_t *m)`: `MFS_Stat()` returns some

information about the file specified by inum. Upon success, return 0,

otherwise -1. The exact info returned is defined by `MFS_Stat_t`. Failure modes:

inum does not exist. File and directory sizes are described below.

– `int MFS_Write(int inum, char *buffer, int offset, int nbytes)`:

`MFS_Write()` writes a buffer of size `nbytes` (max size: 4096 bytes) at the byte

offset specified by `offset`. Returns 0 on success, -1 on

failure. Failure modes: invalid inum, invalid nbytes, invalid offset, not a

regular file (because you can’t write to directories).

– `int MFS_Read(int inum, char *buffer, int offset, int nbytes)`:

`MFS_Read()` reads `nbytes` of data (max size 4096 bytes) specified by the

byte offset `offset` into the buffer from file specified by

`inum`. The routine should work for either a file or directory;

directories should return data in the format specified by

`MFS_DirEnt_t`. Success: 0, failure: -1. Failure modes: invalid inum,

invalid offset, invalid nbytes.

– `int MFS_Creat(int pinum, int type, char *name)`: `MFS_Creat()` makes a

file (`type == MFS_REGULAR_FILE`) or directory (`type == MFS_DIRECTORY`)

in the parent directory specified by `pinum` of name `name`. Returns 0 on

success, -1 on failure. Failure modes: pinum does not exist, or name is too

long. If `name` already exists, return success.

– `int MFS_Unlink(int pinum, char *name)`: `MFS_Unlink()` removes the file or

directory `name` from the directory specified by `pinum`. 0 on success, -1

on failure. Failure modes: pinum does not exist, directory is NOT empty. Note

that the name not existing is NOT a failure by our definition (think about why

this might be).

– `int MFS_Shutdown()`: `MFS_Shutdown()` just tells the server to force all

of its data structures to disk and shutdown by calling `exit(0)`. This interface

will mostly be used for testing purposes.

Size: The size of a file is the offset of the last valid byte written

to the file. Specifically, if you write 100 bytes to an empty file at

offset 0, the size is 100; if you write 100 bytes to an empty file at

offset 10, the size is 110. For a directory, it is the same (i.e., the

byte offset of the last byte of the last valid entry).

Server Idempotency

The key behavior implemented by the server is *idempotency*.

Specifically, on any change to the file system state (such as a

`MFS_Write`, `MFS_Creat`, or `MFS_Unlink`), all the dirtied buffers in the

server are committed to the disk. The server can achieved this end by

calling `fsync()` on the file system image. Thus, before returning a

success code, the file system should always `fsync()` the image.

Now you might be wondering: why do this? Simple: if the server crashes, the

client can simply timeout and retry the operation and know that it is OK to do

so. Read [this chapter](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/dist-nfs.pdf) on NFS

for details.

Now you might be wondering: how do I implement a timeout? Simple, with the

`select()` interface. The `select()` calls allows you to wait for a reply

on a certain socket descriptor (or more than one, though that is not needed

here). You can even specify a timeout so that the client does not block

forever waiting for data to be returned from the server. By doing so, you can

wait for a reply for a certain amount of time, and if nothing is returned, try

the operation again until it is successful.

Program Specifications

Your server program must be invoked exactly as follows:

prompt> server [portnum] [file-system-image]

The command line arguments to your file server are to be interpreted as follows.

– portnum: the port number that the file server should listen on.

– file-system-image: a file that contains the file system image.

If the file system image does not exist, you should print out an error

message (`image does not exist\n`) and exit with exit code 1.

Your client library should be called `libmfs.so`. It should implement

the interface as specified by `mfs.h`, and in particular deal with

the case where the server does not reply in a timely fashion; the way

it deals with that is simply by retrying the operation, after a

timeout of some kind (default: five second timeout).

Relevant Chapters

Read these:

– [File System Implementation](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/file-implementation.pdf)

– [Distributed Systems](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/dist-intro.pdf)

– [Distributed File System: NFS](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/dist-nfs.pdf)

Some Helper Code

To get you going, we have written some simple UDP code that can send a

message and then receive a reply from a client to a server. It can be found in


There is also other code as mentioned above:

– [mfs.h](https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-projects/blob/master/filesystems-distributed-ufs/mfs.h)

– [ufs.h](https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-projects/blob/master/filesystems-distributed-ufs/ufs.h)

– [mkfs.c](https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-projects/blob/master/filesystems-distributed-ufs/mkfs.c)

You’ll also have to learn how to make a shared library. Read [here](https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html) for more information.

Distributed File System
$24.99 $18.99