Shell Programming Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to become more familiar with the C language. You will do this by writing a simple Linux shell program that supports directory creation and deletion. Logistics You should solve the problem for this assignment individually. Any clarifications and revisions to the assignment will be posted on the course…

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The purpose of this assignment is to become more familiar with the C language.

You will do this by writing a simple Linux shell program that supports directory creation and deletion.


You should solve the problem for this assignment individually.

Any clarifications and revisions to the assignment will be posted on the course web page (KLMS).

Project Specification

Your shell program should have the following features

* The command line typed by the user should consist of a command name and zero or more arguments, all seperated by one or more spaces.

* Your shell program should supports following commands:

* The “`ls“` command prints all files and folders in the current working directory.

The printed files and folders should be seperated by exactly ‘one’ space and ended by line break character “`\n“`.

ex) “`”directory1 dirctory2 file1 file2\n”“`

* The “`mkdir“` command creates directory.

* The “`rmdir“` command deletes directory.

* The “`cd“` command changes the current working directory to target directory.

* The “`cd ..“` command changes the current working directory to upper directory.

Output Example



EliceUtils.cpp EliceUtils.h main.c shell.c shell.h main

mkdir dir1


EliceUtils.cpp EliceUtils.h main.c shell.c shell.h main dir1

cd dir1


mkdir dir2



rmdir dir2


cd ..


EliceUtils.cpp EliceUtils.h main.c shell.c shell.h main dir1



Your score will be computed out of a maximum 100 points with several test cases.

We will evaluate your score on elice evaluation system.

If you copy codes from internet or from other students, you will get 0 points.

Shell Programming Solution
$30.00 $24.00