Program #5 Solution

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Objectives 1. Using indirect addressing and/or base-indexed addressing 2. Passing parameters on the stack 3. Generating “random” numbers 4. Working with arrays Description Write a MASM program to perform the tasks shown below. Be sure to test your program and ensure that it rejects incorrect input values. 1. Introduce the program. 2. Get a user…

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5/5 – (2 votes)


1. Using indirect addressing and/or base-indexed addressing

2. Passing parameters on the stack

3. Generating “random” numbers

4. Working with arrays


Write a MASM program to perform the tasks shown below. Be sure to test your program and ensure that it rejects incorrect input values.

1. Introduce the program.

2. Get a user request in the range [min = 15 .. max = 200].

3. Generate request random integers in the range [lo = 100 .. hi = 999], storing them in consecutive elements of an array.

4. Display the list of integers before sorting, 10 numbers per line.

5. Sort the list in descending order (i.e., largest first).

6. Calculate and display the median value, rounded to the nearest integer.

7. Display the sorted list, 10 numbers per line.

Example Program Operation

Sorting Random Integers

Programmed by Author Name

This program generates random numbers in the range [100 .. 999],

displays the original list, sorts the list, and calculates the

median value. Finally, it displays the list sorted in descending order.

How many numbers should be generated? [15 .. 200]: 10
Invalid input
How many numbers should be generated? [15 .. 200]: 16

The unsorted random numbers:


The median is 488.




The sorted list:






Thanks for using
my program!





1. The title, programmer’s name, and brief instructions must be displayed on the screen.

2. The program must validate the user’s request.

3. The main procedure must consist (mostly) of procedure calls. It should be a readable “list” of what the program will do.

4. min, max, lo, and hi must be declared and used as global constants.

5. All procedure parameters must be passed on the system stack.

6. Each procedure will implement a section of the program logic, i.e., each procedure will specify how the logic of its section is implemented. The program must be modularized into at least the following procedures and sub-procedures:


get data {parameters: request (reference)}

fill array {parameters: request (value), array (reference)} sort list {parameters: array (reference), request (value)}

exchange elements (for most sorting algorithms): {parameters: array[i] (reference), array[j] (reference), where i and j are the indices of elements to be exchanged}

display median {parameters: array (reference), request (value)}

display list {parameters: array (reference), request (value), title (reference)}

7. Parameters must be passed by value or by reference on the system stack as listed above.

8. There must be just one procedure to display the list. This procedure must be called twice: once to display the unsorted list, and once to display the sorted list.
9. Procedures (except main) should not reference .data segment variables by name. request, array, and titles for the sorted/unsorted lists should be declared in the .data segment, but procedures must use them as parameters. Procedures are allowed to use local variables when appropriate (section 8.2.9 in the textbook). Global constants are OK.
10. The program must use appropriate addressing modes for array elements.

11. The two lists must be identified when they are displayed (use the title parameter for the display procedure).

12. Each procedure must have a procedure header that follows the format discussed during lecture.

13. The code and the output must be well-formatted.

14. The usual requirements regarding documentation, readability, user-friendliness, etc., apply.


1. DO NOT put this off – it is a much more time-intensive project than any of Programs #1 – #4.

2. The Irvine library provides procedures for generating random numbers. Call Randomize once at the beginning of the program (to set up so you don’t get the same sequence every time), and call RandomRange to get a pseudo-random number. (See the documentation in Lecture slides.)
3. The Selection Sort is probably the easiest sorting algorithm to implement. Here is a version of the descending order algorithm, where request is the number of array elements being sorted, and exchange is the code to exchange two elements of an array:

for (k=0; k<request-1; k++) {

i = k;

for (j=k+1; j<request; j++) {
if (array[j] > array[i])

i = j;


exchange(array[k], array[i]);


4. The median is calculated after the array is sorted. It is the “middle” element of the sorted list. If the number of elements is even, the median is the average of the middle two elements (may be rounded).
5. If you choose to use the LOCAL directive while working on this program be sure to read section 8.2.9 in the Irvine textbook. LOCAL variables will affect the contents of the system stack!

Extra Credit Options

(0.5 pt) Add a greeting message that contains EXACTLY ONE TA name at the beginning of the program. If that TA happens to be your grader, then you get the points 🙂

(1 pt) Display the numbers ordered by column instead of by row.

(3 pts) Implement the sorting functionality using a recursive Merge Sort algorithm. For a graphical explanation of the algorithm, I recommend this GeeksForGeeks article ( . You may add additional procedures to your

program as needed. Remember that all parameters must be passed on the system stack.

In order to ensure you receive credit for any extra credit work, you must add one print statement to your program output PER EXTRA CREDIT which describes the extra credit you chose to work on. You will not receive extra credit points unless you do this. The statement must be formatted as follows…

–Program Intro–


–Program prompts, etc–

Please refer back to the documentation for Program 1 to see a sample of the extra credit format.


Program 5 Rubric





Files Correctly Submitted
1 pts

0 pts

Submitted file is correct assignment and is an individual .asm file.



Full Marks

No Marks
1 pts



Program Assembles & Links
1 pts
0 pts
Submitted program assembles and links without need for clarifying work for TA and/or


Full Marks
No Marks
messages to the student. This assumes the program is actually an attempt at the

1 pts
assignment. Non-attempts which compile/link earn no points.



Documentation – Identification Block – Header
1 pts
0 pts

Name, Date, Program number, etc as per syllabus are included in Identification Block


Full Marks
No Marks
1 pts



Documentation – Identification Block – Program Description
1 pts
0 pts
Description of functionality and purpose of program is included in identification block.


Full Marks
No Marks
1 pts


Documentation – Procedure Headers
2 pts
1 pts
0 pts

Procedure headers describe functionality and implementation of program flow. Should



Headers without Conditions

also list pre- and post-conditions and registers changed.
Descriptive headers but lacking pre-
2 pts

and post-conditions and ‘registers










Documentation – In-line Comments

1 pts

0 pts



In-line comments contribute to understanding of program flow (from section comments)



Full Marks

No Marks
but are not line-by-line descriptions of moving memory to registers.





Program Executes
2 pts
0 pts
Program executes and makes some attempt at the assigned functionality.


Full Marks
No Marks


Completeness – Displays Title & Programmer Name
1 pts
0 pts
Program prints out the programmer’s name and Program Title


Full Marks
No Marks


Completeness – Displays Introduction
1 pts
0 pts
Displays program introduction. Program introduction should describe functionality of


Full Marks
No Marks




Completeness – Gets / Validates data from User
2 pts
0 pts
Utilizes ReadInt or ReadDec to receive user input. Saves values in appropriately-named


Full Marks
No Marks
identifiers for validation. | Validates that user-entered values are within the advertised




Completeness – Displays Unsorted List
1 pts
0 pts


Full Marks
No Marks





1 pts




• pts



1 pts



1 pts




• pts




1 pts


Completeness – Displays Median
1 pts

0 pts






Full Marks

No Marks
Completeness – Displays Sorted List
1 pts

0 pts






Full Marks

No Marks
Completeness – Lists are displayed 10 numbers per line
1 pts

0 pts






Full Marks

No Marks
Completeness – Lists are labeled “unsorted” and “sorted”
1 pts

0 pts






Full Marks

No Marks
Correctness – Array declaration
1 pts

0 pts


List array declared as 200 integers


Full Marks

No Marks





Correctness – Random Number Generation
2 pts

0 pts
Generates random numbers correctly in range


Full Marks

No Marks
Correctness – Fill Array
2 pts

0 pts


Stores random numbers consecutively in array


Full Marks

No Marks





• pts


• pts


• pts


• pts


• pts


2 pts


2 pts







Correctness – List is sorted in descending order
5 pts
3 pts

0 pts





Ascending order



List is sorted in ascending (instead
5 pts


of descending) order






Correctness – Median Calculation
2 pts

0 pts

Correctly calculates and rounds median



2 pts

Full Marks

No Marks





Requirements – Modular Design
8 pts
6 pts

0 pts

Uses procedures: main, introduction, getData, fillArray, sortList, displayMedian,



All except median


All procedures exist and used
8 pts


except displayMedian. Median



calculation done in main or grouped



in other procedure.






Requirements – Parameter Passing
5 pts
3 pts

0 pts

parameters are passed to procedures on the system stack (arrays, strings, and return




All but strings





by OFFSET; others by value)
Value-parameters and return
5 pts





parameters passed on stack but






array/string offsets are not.





Requirements – displayList correctly used
2 pts

0 pts

Two different CALLs to the same displayList procedure (one for the unsorted list, one for




Full Marks

No Marks

the sorted). If there are two different list display procedures – zero points



2 pts














Requirements – Limits as CONSTANTS

2 pts

0 pts



Random range bounds and user input bounds are declared and used as constants.



Full Marks

No Marks



Requirements – No non-CONSTANT global references outside of main
0 pts
0 pts
Deduct 5 points if there are any non-CONSTANT global references outside of MAIN


Full Marks
No Marks


Requirements – Correct Array Addressing Modes
0 pts
0 pts
Deduct 5 points if indirect addressing (register as pointer) or base-index is not used for


Full Marks
No Marks
array processing.



Coding Style – Uses appropriately named identifiers
1 pts
0 pts
Identifiers named so that a person reading the code can intuit the purpose of a variable,


Full Marks
No Marks
constant, or label just by reading its name.





Coding Style – Readability
1 pts
0 pts


Program uses readable white-space, indentation, and spacing as per the Indentation


Full Marks
No Marks
Style Guide. Logical sections are separated by white space.




Output Style – Readability
1 pts
0 pts
Program output is easy to read


Full Marks
No Marks




• pts



0 pts




0 pts




1 pts




• pts



• pts




Extra Credit
0 pts

0 pts

Successfully guess the grader (0.5 pts)



Full Marks

No Marks

Displays the numbers ordered by column instead of by row (1 pt)


0 pts
Implements recursive merge sort algorithm (3 pts)







Late Penalty
0 pts

0 pts

Remove points here for late assignments. (Enter negative point value)



Full Marks

No Marks
0 pts



Total Points: 50

Program #5 Solution
$24.99 $18.99