STAT 3250 Assignment 7

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An active thread on Reddit is \Random Acts of Pizza” where a user can put in a request for a pizza to be donated by another user. Some requests are granted, others are not. The le pizza_requests.txt includes requests from approximately 5600 pizza requests. Data for each request includes a statement describing the nature of…

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An active thread on Reddit is \Random Acts of Pizza” where a user can put in a request for a pizza to be donated by another user. Some requests are granted, others are not. The le pizza_requests.txt includes requests from approximately 5600 pizza requests. Data for each request includes a statement describing the nature of the request, and various other pieces of information. The le README_pizza.txt gives more information about the data set.

Use the data set to answer the questions below.

  1. What proportion of requests were successful? (The requester received pizza.)

  1. Find the median account age at the time of request for all requests.

  1. Divide the requests into those with account age greater than the median found in the previous question, and those with account age less than or equal to the median. Find a 95% con dence interval for the

di erence in proportion of successful pizza requests between the two groups. The formula is


p^1 p^2 1:96 p^1(1 p^1) + p^2(1 p^2)

n1 n2

where p^1 is the proportion of successful requests among older accounts (age greater than the median age), n1 is the number of older accounts, and p^2 and n2 are the same for the newer accounts.

  1. Determine the percentage of request texts that mention the word \student” or \children”. (Upper or lower case.)

  1. Determine the number of requests from Canada.

  1. Find a 95% con dence interval for the proportion of successful pizza requests donated anonymously.

  1. Find the maximum number of subReddits subscribed to by a single requestor.

  1. Determine the number of distinct subReddits among all the requests, and the number of times that each appears. Place a table of the 10 most frequently occurring (in order, starting with most frequent) in your Python code le, organized

subReddit01, count01 subReddit02, count02 subReddit03, count03 subReddit04, count04 subReddit05, count05 subReddit06, count06 subReddit07, count07 subReddit08, count08 subReddit09, count09 subReddit10, count10

Also write to le all of the subReddits and their corresponding counts to the le named


Replace XXXXX with your computing ID.

STAT 3250 Assignment 7
$35.00 $29.00