STAT 3250 Assignment 9 Solved

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Background: This project centers on several related data sets, the centerpiece the set reviews.txt which consists of 100K movie reviews. There are 1682 di erent movies reviewed, with a total of 943 di erent review-ers. Each review is an integer between 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest). Other data les include information about each reviewer, about…

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Background: This project centers on several related data sets, the centerpiece the set reviews.txt which consists of 100K movie reviews. There are 1682 di erent movies reviewed, with a total of 943 di erent review-ers. Each review is an integer between 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest). Other data les include information about each reviewer, about each movie, and relating zip codes to states/territories. The le README_assign09.txt gives more information about the data sets, including some that is required to answer the questions correctly. (So read it!)

Please con ne your work to the given data sets. (Work with the zip code le given { part of the assignment is data cleaning.) Use these data sets to answer the following questions.

  1. Find the 5 reviewers with the most reviews, and then use their reviews to nd a 95% con dence interval for their average rating (taken as a group). Then nd the average rating for the remainder of the reviewers. Is this average within the top-5 con dence interval? Here the sample sizes are quite large, so we can use the con dence interval formula

x 1:96 psn

where s is the standard deviation with ddof = 1.

  1. Which movies were the top-10 based on of number of times reviewed? (Provide the movie title and the number of times reviewed for each. If there is a tie for 10th place, include all that tied.)

  1. Which genre occurred most often, based on the number of reviews. Which was least often? (Don’t include \unknown” as a genre.)

  1. What percentage of reviews are for movies classi ed in at least two genres?

  1. Give a 95% con dence interval for the average rating for male reviewers, and do the same for female reviewers.

  1. Which locations (state, territory, or Canada) formed the top-10 for number of reviews? (Provide a table of location and number of reviews. The location ’unknown’ should not be included.)

  1. Find the occupations that gave the highest average reviews, and the lowest average reviews. (Here \other” and \none” are not occupations, but \student” is.)

  1. What percentage of movies have exactly 1 review? 2 reviews? 3 reviews? Continue to 20 reviews.

  1. Which genre had the highest average review, and which had the lowest average review?

  1. Suppose that a \positive review” is one with a rating of 4 or 5.

(a) Find a 95% con dence interval for pf pm, where pf is the proportion of positive reviews from females and pm is the proportion of positive reviews from males. Is there evidence that the proportions di er?

(b) It is thought that Canadians are nicer than Americans. Find a 95% con dence interval for pC pA, where pC is the proportion of positive reviews from Canadians, and pA is the proportion of positive reviews from Americans. (Exclude those whose location is unknown.) Is there evidence that Canadians give more positive reviews?

STAT 3250 Assignment 9 Solved
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