Synchronization and Deadlocks Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Objectives Practice multi-threaded programming. Practice synchronization: mutex and condition variables; Pthreads API. Practice deadlock detection and avoidance methods. Practice designing and performing experiments. You can do this project in groups of two students each. You will use C and Linux. Resource Allocation Library In this project you will design and develop a resource allocation library…

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Practice multi-threaded programming.

Practice synchronization: mutex and condition variables; Pthreads API. Practice deadlock detection and avoidance methods.

Practice designing and performing experiments.

You can do this project in groups of two students each. You will use C and Linux.

Resource Allocation Library

In this project you will design and develop a resource allocation library (libralloc.a) that will simulate the behaviour of a kernel in terms of resource allocation and dead-lock handling. Like a kernel, it will allocate resources to multiple processes. It will be able to do deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection as well. Multiple processes requesting resources will be simulated with multiple threads. A multithreaded ap-plication using the library may create multiple threads and each thread will be like a process requesting resources whenever needed and releasing when nished. The library will do resource access control and allocation. If resources are not available or it is not safe to allocate, the requesting thread will be blocked by the library.

You library will implement the following functions.

int ralloc init (int N, int M, int exist[M], int handling method). This function will initialize the necessary structures and variables in the library to do resource allocation and access control. N is the number of processes, and M is the number of resources types (type 0, type 1, …, type M-1). Exist is an array of M integers indicating the existing resource instances in the system for each resource type. For example, Exist[0] is the number of instances in the system for resource type 0. The parameter handling method is the deadlock han-dling method to use. It can be one of DEADLOCK NOTHING (no deadlock handling), DEADLOCK AVOIDANCE (deadlocks will be avoided), DEAD-LOCK DETECTION (deadlocks will be detected). When DEADLOCK AVOIDANCE is indicated, the library will do deadlock avoidance. So your library should im-plement a deadlock avoidance algorithm. When DEADLOCK DETECTION

is indicated, the library will do deadlock detection when requested. Hence your library should implement a deadlock detection algorithm as well. The function will return 0 upon success, otherwise it will return -1. This function


will be called by an application before creating any threads. It will return 0 upon success, -1 otherwise.

int ralloc maxdemand (int pid, int r max[M]). This function will be called by an application thread when started. It will be used to indicate the maximum resource usage of the calling thread. The function will record the maximum demand information for the calling thread inside the library structures. With this call the library will have information about the maximum possible resource usage of the calling thread. The pid parameter is the integer id of the calling thread. It is a number between 0 and N-1. N is number of threads the application has created (i.e., the number of processes that are simulated requesting resources from a kernel). This function will be called by a thread at the beginning before making any resource requests yet. It will return 0 upon success, -1 otherwise.

int ralloc request (int pid, int demand[M]). This function is called by a thread to request resources from the library (like requesting resources from kernel). The function will allocate resources if it is OK to do so. The pid parameter is the id of the calling process (thread). The demand parameter is an integer array of size M and indicates the number of resource instances requested by the process for each resource type. If deadlock avoidance is not applied and if resources are available, then requested resources will be allocated and function will return. If resources are not available, the calling thread will be blocked inside the function and therefore the function will not return immediately. Internally in the library, you will use conditions variables to do this. If deadlock avoidance is used, then the calling thread may be blocked even though there are resources available, if allocation would leave the system in an unsafe state. If deadlock avoidance is indicated, the function will execute the deadlock avoidance algorithm. The function will return 0 upon success, -1 otherwise.

int ralloc release (int pid, int demand[M]). This function is called by a thread to release resources. The id of the thread releasing resources is indicated with the pid parameter. The number of resource instances to release for each resource type is indicated with the demand array. This function will deallocate the indicated resource instances. It will also check if it is now possible to satisfy any pending request. If deadlock avoidance is applied, avoidance algorithm needs to be run while attempting to allocate the released resources to some other process. The function will return 0 upon success, -1 otherwise.

int ralloc detection (int procarray[M]). This function will check if there are any deadlocked processes at the moment. If there are, the respective entries in the procarray will be set to 1. Otherwise the values are -1. The number of deadlocked processes will be returned as the return value. If there is no deadlock, return value will be 0.

int ralloc detection (int procarray[M]). This function will do any clean up if necessary. It will return 0 upon success, -1 otherwise.

Note that the functions above may be called by multiple threads simultaneously.

Be careful about race conditions. Your program should be free of race conditions.

The header le ralloc.h is given below. MAX RESOURCES TYPES is the max-imum number of resources types that can be simulated. MAX PROCESSES is the


maximum number of processes that can be simulated.

#ifndef RALLOC_H

#define RALLOC_H

#include <pthread.h>


#define MAX_PROCESSES 20




int ralloc_init(int p_count, int r_count, int r_exist[], int d_handling); int ralloc_maxdemand(int pid, int r_max[]);

int ralloc_request (int pid, int demand[]); int ralloc_release (int pid, int demand[]); int ralloc_detection(int procarray[]); int ralloc_end();

#endif /* RALLOC_H */

You will implement ralloc.c. In that you can de ne the variables and structures you wish. You can use as many mutex and condition variables as you want.

Develop a Multi-threaded Application

Develop an application that will create some number of threads simulating concur-rently running processes requesting resources from the kernel (your library) from time to time. Your application will use your library. The library will do the alloca-tion and release of resources. The library may block (wait) and wakeup the threads when necessary. Your application should demonstrate the occurance of deadlocks, detection of deadlocks, and avoidance of deadlocks. It is upto you what to put into your application.

We will develop our test applications that we will be linked with your library. Our test applications may create many threads. Each thread may issue many request and release calls to the library. Our applications may expect deadlock avoidance from your library. They may also request deadlock detection to be done. =

A multi-threaded application, for example app.c, that will use your library will rst include the header le ralloc.h corresponding to your library. An application will be compiled and linked with your library as follows:

gcc -Wall -o app -L. -lralloc app.c

Below is a sample application showing the use of the library.

#include <pthread.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


#include “pthread.h”

#include “ralloc.h”



// deadlock handling method




// number





exist[3] = {12, 8, 10};

// resources



the system







processes –





ids of

created threads

void *aprocess (void *p)


int req[3];

int k;

int pid;

pid = *((int *)p);

printf (“this is thread %d\n”, pid);

fflush (stdout);

req[0] = 2;

req[1] = 2;

req[2] = 2;

ralloc_maxdemand(pid, req);

for (k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {

req[0] = 1;

req[1] = 1;

req[2] = 1;

ralloc_request (pid, req);

  • do something with the resources ralloc_release (pid, req);

  • call request and release as many times as you wish with

  • different parameters




int main(int argc, char **argv)


int dn; // number of deadlocked processes

int deadlocked[N]; // array indicating deadlocked processes

int k;

int i;


int pids[N];

for (k = 0; k < N; ++k)

deadlocked[k] = -1; // initialize

handling_method = DEADLOCK_DETECTION; ralloc_init (N, M, exist, handling_method);

printf (“library initialized\n”);


for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {

pids[i] = i;

pthread_create (&(tids[i]), NULL, (void *) &aprocess,

(void *)&(pids[i]));


printf (“threads created = %d\n”, N);

fflush (stdout);

while (1) {

sleep (10); // detection period

if (handling_method == DEADLOCK_DETECTION) { dn = ralloc_detection(deadlocked);

if (dn > 0) {

printf (“there are deadlocked processes\n”);



  • write code for:

  • if all treads terminated, call ralloc_end and exit



Experiments and Report

Lets say we are interested in nding the overhead of deadlock avoidance. Design and do experiments to measure and evaluate the overhead of deadlock avoidance com-pared to not using deadlock avoidance. Write a report describing your experiments and giving your results. Try to interpret and discuss your results. What about the cost of deadlock detection? Measure and report that as well.


Put your report.pdf le, your program les, a Make le, and a README.txt le into a directory named with your ID (for a group, a single le will be uploaded using the ID of one of the students). Then tar and gzip the directory. For example a student with ID 21404312 will create a directory named 21404312 and will put the les there. Then he will tar the directory (package the directory) as follows:

tar cvf 21404312.tar 21404312

Then he will gzip the tar le as follows:


gzip 21404312.tar

In this way he will obtain a le called 21404312.tar.gz. Then he will upload this le in Moodle.

Late submission will not be accepted (no exception). A late submission will get 0 automatically (you will not be able to argue it). Make sure you make a submission one day before the deadline. You can then overwrite it.

Tips and Clari cations

You need to learn how to use Pthreads mutex and condition variables. There are links to some resources in the References section of the course webpage. You can nd additional resources from Internet.

A project 3 skeleton of code is posted in github: p3

You can clone it and start with it. At least, it will help you with the compi-lation of the library and programs.

You will include the Make le with your project submission. Make sure it works in your environment (name your les accordingly). We will just type make and your programs should compile.

We may put clari cations to the homepage of the course (near the project assignment).

You are suggested to test your ralloc library rst by test programs including simple cases.

You can not change the interface (ralloc.h)


Synchronization and Deadlocks Solution
$30.00 $24.00