Static Libraries, Simple Classes, Command line arguments, Pointers, String Parsing —- Project 04 Solution

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Teams: None, please work individually on this project Name: Static Libraries, Simple Classes, Command line arguments, Pointers, String Parsing References: Building and linking to a Static Library lectures and projects Pointers Memory lectures and projects Classes, Objects lectures and projects Sample Code: See 3 starter projects on course website projects folder Topics covered by this…

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Teams: None, please work individually on this project

Name: Static Libraries, Simple Classes, Command line arguments, Pointers, String Parsing


  1. Building and linking to a Static Library lectures and projects

  2. Pointers Memory lectures and projects

  1. Classes, Objects lectures and projects

Sample Code:

See 3 starter projects on course website projects folder Topics covered by this project;

Creating and using a static library

Using pointers to manipulate char data Namespaces

Classes (intro)

Command Line Arguments vectors

String Parser

A string parser is an application that takes a block of text and extracts the string residing between 2 user defined tags. If these tags occur multiple times in the text, then the parser extracts multiple strings.

For instance assume TestData.txt contains the following data; <note>

<to> Tove</to>

<to> bonney</to>



<body>Don’t forget me this weekend!</body> </note>

And my Start and End Tags are <to> and </to>. The StringParser library should find Tove


A string parser design should be flexible in that it should be able to use any Start and End Tag.


The string parser is so versatile that it should be packaged in a library so that it can be easily integrated into other applications. This approach has the following advantages;

  1. Easy to integrate into multiple projects.

  2. Easy to maintain. Any changes made to the parser library are made in a single codebase regardless of the number of applications using it. (There are not multiple copies of the parser source code embedded in client applications, each requiring individual attention when integrating parser changes.)

  1. It makes it easier to divvy up projects in a team. The library is defined by its interface, in this case a header file that describes the functionality it provides. The header file is a contract describing library functions, how they are accessed, what is returned, and what is expected. It completely defines all communication possibilities between the library and its clients.

For these 3 reasons alone (there are more) much of the code produced in the world is provided as a library.

What I gave you

On the course website, projects section, you will find 3 incomplete projects. The following shows the solution as it appears in Eclipse. The includes directory should be in a top level stand alone folder, but we are running up against a limitation of eclipses’ ‘Workspace’ concept. So it’s located in the 327_proj3_test folder. Note that FileIO.h and StringParserClass.h as well as constants.h are located there.


This project links 327_proj3_fileIO Library correctly to the 327_proj3_Test application. Please implement the 327_proj3_StringParser library and link it to the 327_proj3_Test application.

Please fill in all required content in;


StringParserClass.cpp 327_proj3_test.cpp

Note that 327_proj3_test.cpp requires command line parameters to be passed in when the program is invoked, there should be 4 of them;

the first is the filename to read data from the second is the first tag to search for

the third is the second tag to search for

and the fourth is the output file to write all the found data to see below for sample run

When finished StringParser_TEST will link 2 libraries StringParser.lib and FileReader.lib


Please submit just the following files: FileIO.cpp StringParserClass.cpp 327_proj3_test.cpp

Please ensure that you parse the text using char pointers, no algorithms or built in string parsing are allowed. Raw pointers only. You may save the parsed strings in a vector however.

Stuff to consider

Follow my project outline

Read ref 1

I have provided the header files that serve as library contracts. You cannot change the header file at all! I will use my copy of this header file when linking to your library. Please implement all functions defined in the header file. You are of course able to implement other functions in the cpp file.

Tags cannot be embedded within tags

Read all the data from the file before you operate on it Tags are case sensitive <To> != <TO>

What happens if no start or end tags are found?

What if tags are malformed and right at the end of the file? Will your app read beyond the EOF and crash?

If you change the header file that will break the contract between my testapp and your library, I may not be able to test it. Since I am using my copy of the library header files your application may also not compile either.

See FileIO.h and StringParserClass.h (the contracts I’ve been going on about) See 327_proj3_Test project and examine its linkage to 327_proj3_fileIO

How I will Test your Solution

I will compile and link your solution. I will probably use my own datasets to test regular and edge conditions. This is exactly the way that your code will be tested in industry BTW, with a primary eye to robust, stable operation under adverse conditions. I will not use your test application.

Static Libraries, Simple Classes, Command line arguments, Pointers, String Parsing ---- Project 04 Solution
$35.00 $29.00