The Dodgers is a professional baseball team and plays in the Major Baseball League. The team owns a 56,000-seat stadium and is interested in increasing the attendance of their fans during home games.At the moment the team management would like to know if bobblehead promotions increase the attendance of the team’s fans? This is a case study based on Miller (2014 Chapter 2).
include_graphics(c(“los_angeles-dodgers-stadium.jpg”, “Los-Angeles-Dodgers-Promo.jpg”, “adrian_bobble.jpg”))
The 2012 season data in the events table of SQLite database data/dodgers.sqlite contain for each of 81 home play the
part of the day (day or night),
whether cap or shirt or bobblehead promotions were run, and
whether fireworks were present.
Figure 1: 56,000-seat Dodgers (left), stadium (middle), shirts and caps (right) *bobblehead*
We will use R, RStudio, R Markdown for the next three weeks to fit statistical models to various data and analyze them. Read Wickham and Grolemund (2017) online
Section 1.1 for how to download and install R and RStudio,
Chapter 27 for how to use R Markdown to interact with R and conduct various predictive analyses.
All materials for the next three weeks will be available on Google drive.
Exploratory data analysis
Connect to data/dodgers.sqlite. Read table events into a variable in R.
Read Baumer, Kaplan, and Horton (2017 Chapters 1, 4, 5, 12) for getting data from and writing them to various SQL databases.
Because we do not want to hassle with user permissions, we will use SQLite for practice. I recommend PostgreSQL for real projects.
Open RStudio terminal, connect to database dodgers.sqlite with sqlite3. Explore it (there is only one table, events, at this time) with commands
– .help
– .databases
– .tables
– .schema <table_name>
– .headers on
– .mode column
– .quit
Databases are great to store and retrieve large data, especially, when they are indexed with respect to variables/columns along with we do search and match extensively.
R (likewise, Python) allows one to seeminglessly read from and write to databases. For fast analysis, keep data in a database, index tables for fast retrieval, use R or Python to fit models to data.
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), “../data/dodgers.sqlite”)
# dbListTables(con)
this will let sqlite do all jobs for us events <- tbl(con, “events”)
pipes (%>%) below allow us to run chains of commands without having to
creating temporary variables in between (R does that automatically
for us)
events %>%
select(month, day, day_of_week, opponent, bobblehead, attend) %>%
head() %>%
collect() %>%
pander(caption = “A glimpse (first six rows and columns) of data retrieved from events table of d
Table 1: A glimpse (first six rows and columns) of data retrieved from events table of database
Next command copies the entire data to the memory of local machine. Do not do
this if the table is large
d <- dbReadTable(con, “events”)
2. What are the number of plays on each week day and in each month of a year?
# after class. Check the Rmd file for work done in class. Here I write the streamlined version addr
mutate(day_of_week = factor(day_of_week, levels = c(“Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, count(day_of_week, name = “Number of games”) %>%
rename(`Week day`= day_of_week) %>%
pander(caption = “Number of games on week days”)
Table 2: Number of games on week days
Week day
Number of games
The games were played pretty much uniformly across each week day except Thursday, which has less than half of the games than other days.
mutate(month = factor(month, levels = c(“APR”, “MAY”, “JUN”, “JUL”, “AUG”, “SEP”, “OCT”))) %>% count(month, name = “Number of games”) %>%
rename(`Month`= month) %>%
pander(caption = “Number of games across months”)
Table 3: Number of games across months
Month Number of games
APR 12
MAY 18
JUL 12
AUG 15
SEP 12
May hosted the greatest number of games, while October the least. June has as much as the half of games in May. The remainder months have high and similar game numbers.
# in class
d %>% dim() %>% `[` (1)
d %>% dim()
d %>% count(day_of_week, sort=TRUE)
d %>% count(day_of_week, day_night, name = “cnt”, sort=TRUE) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = day_night, values_from = cnt)
d %>% count(day_of_week, bobblehead, name = “cnt”, sort=TRUE) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = bobblehead, values_from = cnt)
group_by(day_of_week) %>% summarize(mean = mean(attend)) %>% arrange(mean) %>% ggplot(aes(day_of_week, mean)) + geom_point()
count(month, sort=TRUE)
Check the orders of the levels of the day_of_week and month factors. If necessary, put them in the logical order.
d2 <- d %>%
mutate(day_of_week = factor(day_of_week, levels = c(“Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, month = factor(month, levels = c(“APR”, “MAY”, “JUN”, “JUL”, “AUG”, “SEP”, “OCT”)))
d2 %>%
select(day_of_week, month) %>%
summary() %>%
pander(caption = “Month and week day names now follow time order.”)
Table 5: Number of times booblehead was given away on games played different weekdays
Weekday NO YES
Monday 12 .
Tuesday 7 6
Wednesday 12 .
Thursday 3 2
Friday 13 .
Saturday 11 2
Sunday 12 1
Table 4: Month and week day names now follow time order.
Monday :12
Tuesday :13
JUN: 9
Thursday : 5
Friday :13
Saturday :13
Sunday :13
OCT: 3
How many times were bobblehead promotions run on each week day?
d2 %>%
count(day_of_week, bobblehead, name = “cnt”) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = bobblehead, values_from = cnt) %>% rename(`Weekday` = day_of_week) %>%
kable(format = kable_format, caption = “Number of times booblehead was given away on games played kable_styling(full_width = FALSE) %>%
add_header_above(c(” “=1, “Bobblehead”=2))
Bobbleheads were given away in total 11 out of 81 games. Eight of bobbleheads were given during the weekdays, Tuesday and Thursdays Thuesday takes the leads with more than half of all bobbleheads given during season.
How did the attendance vary across week days? Draw boxplots. On which day of week was the attendance the highest on average?
d2 %>%
ggplot(aes(day_of_week, attend, group=1)) +
geom_point() +
scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::comma) +
geom_smooth(se=FALSE, method=“loess”)
Regress attendance on month, day of the week, and bobblehead promotion.
attendancei = β0 + βMAY δMA,i + . . . + βOCT δOCT,i + βT ueδT ue,i + . . . + βSunδSun,i + βY ESδY ES,i + εi.
for i = 1, . . . , 81, where εi ∼ Normal(0, σ2), and the δ are dummy variables, one if the associated event occurs for the ith game, and zero otherwise.
β0 : average attendance for a typical game played on some Monday in APR when no bobblehead was NOT given away,
βMAY : average difference in attendance for a typical game played in MAY rather than APR,
βT ue : average difference in attendance for a typical game played on Tuesday rather than Monday,
βY ES : average difference in attendance for a typical game when a bobblehead is given away.
and other betas are defined similarly.
We find the β with maximum likelihood:
lmod <- lm(attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead, d2)
lm(formula = attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead, data = d2)
Coefficients: |
(Intercept) |
monthMAY |
monthJUN |
33909.16 |
-2385.62 |
7163.23 |
monthJUL |
monthAUG |
monthSEP |
2849.83 |
2377.92 |
29.03 |
monthOCT |
day_of_weekTuesday day_of_weekWednesday |
-662.67 |
7911.49 |
2460.02 |
day_of_weekThursday |
day_of_weekFriday |
day_of_weekSaturday |
775.36 |
4883.82 |
6372.06 |
day_of_weekSunday |
bobbleheadYES |
6724.00 |
10714.90 |
lmod %>% pander(caption = “Linear regression model”)
We expect 33,909 attendance on a game played on some Monday in APR and no bobblehead was given.
If, instead, game is played on MAY, the attendance is expected to drop by 2,386.
If a bobblehead is given away, then we expect attendance to increase by 10,715.
The bobblehead seems to increase the attendance number by a larger quantity than any other factor. However, is the difference statistically significant? We will test it below.
8. Is there any evidence for a relationship between attendance and other variables? Why or why not?
small <- update(lmod, . ~ 1 )
anova(small, lmod)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: attend ~ 1
Model 2: attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
80 5507932888
67 2509574563 13 2998358324 6.1576 0.0000002083 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ‘ 1
Test H0 : βMAY = . . . = βOCT = βT ue = . . . = βSun = βY ES = 0
We reject small/null model because F stat is large (or p-value is small <= 0.05). We conclude that at least one of variables on thr right has some reltion to attendance.
9. Does the bobblehead promotion have a statistically significant effect on the attendance?
Test H0 : βY ES = 0.
small <- update(lmod, . ~ . – bobblehead)
anova(small, lmod)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: attend ~ month + day_of_week
Model 2: attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
68 3244161740
67 2509574563 1 734587177 19.612 0.0000359 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ‘ 1
Since p-value is practically zero, we reject the small model, which means that bobblehead is important i
10. Do month and day of week variables help to explain the number of attendants?
Similarly, we will conduct F tests.
drop1(lmod, test=“F”)
Single term deletions |
Model: |
attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead |
Df |
Sum of Sq |
F value |
Pr(>F) |
<none> |
2509574563 |
1425.2 |
month |
6 |
620147363 3129721926 |
1431.0 |
2.7594 |
0.01858 |
* |
day_of_week |
6 |
575839199 3085413762 |
1429.9 |
2.5623 |
0.02704 |
* |
bobblehead |
1 |
734587177 3244161740 |
1444.0 |
19.6118 |
0.0000359 |
*** |
— |
Signif. codes: |
0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ |
0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ‘ |
1 |
All explanatory variables are needed in the model to get a good accuracy on future predictions (AIC) and to explain variation in the existing attendance data (F-test). So we stick to full model.
AIC = −2 × log-likelihood + 2 × number of parameters in the model
How many fans are expected to be drawn alone by a bobblehead promotion to a home game? Give a 90% confidence interval.
The expected additional number of attendance is βY ES, which is estimated as 10,715.
confint(lmod, level = 0.90)[“bobbleheadYES”,]
5% 95%
6679.347 14750.460
How good does the model fit to the data? Why? Comment on residual standard error and R2. Plot observed attendance against predicted attendance.
R2 is the fraction of variation in attendance (in the past 81 games) explained by the current (month, day_of_week, bobblehead). Here, R2 becomes 54% of variation explained. Our model is not too bad, but not too good either.
The standard deviation of error is 6,120, which is 15% of average attendance we expect. Compared to 40% typical error percentage, this is not bad.
Predict the number of attendees to a typical home game on a Wednesday in June if a bobblehead promotion is extended. Give a 90% prediction interval.
d2$month %>% levels()
“APR” “MAY” “JUN” “JUL” “AUG” “SEP” “OCT” d2$day_of_week %>% levels()
“Monday””Tuesday” “Wednesday” “Thursday” “Friday””Saturday”
d2$bobblehead %>% unique()
[1] “NO” “YES”
newdata <- data.frame(month = “JUN”, day_of_week = “Wednesday”,
bobblehead = “YES”)
predict(lmod, newdata=newdata, level=0.90,
interval = “prediction”)
fit |
lwr |
upr |
1 |
54247.32 |
42491.1 |
66003.55 |
# |
?predict.lm |
More ideas about improving our model
5.1 Introduce new variables.
Let us check if opponent variable should be added to the model.
broom::augment(lmod, data=d2) %>%
mutate(opponent = factor(opponent)) %>%
ggplot(aes(reorder(opponent, .std.resid), .std.resid)) + geom_hline(yintercept=0, col=“white”, size=2) +
geom_boxplot() +
55000 |
day_of_week = Sunday |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
25000 |
day_of_week = Saturday |
55000 |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
day_of_week = Friday |
25000 |
55000 |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
25000 |
day_of_week = Thursday |
55000 |
50000 |
attend |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
day_of_week = Wednesday |
25000 |
55000 |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
25000 |
day_of_week = Tuesday |
55000 |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
day_of_week = Monday |
25000 |
55000 |
50000 |
45000 |
40000 |
35000 |
30000 |
25000 |
month |
13 |
Model seems to overestimate effects of Wednesday and Thursday in APR and MAY and underestimate Tursday effects in AUG and SEP. Let us augment model with interaction term and run an F-test to check if it is statistically significant.
5.2.1 Model selection with F-test
lm(formula = attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead, data = d3)
Coefficients: |
(Intercept) |
monthMAY |
monthJUN |
33909.16 |
-2385.62 |
7163.23 |
monthJUL |
monthAUG |
monthSEP |
2849.83 |
2377.92 |
29.03 |
monthOCT |
day_of_weekTuesday day_of_weekWednesday |
-662.67 |
7911.49 |
2460.02 |
day_of_weekThursday |
day_of_weekFriday |
day_of_weekSaturday |
775.36 |
4883.82 |
6372.06 |
day_of_weekSunday |
bobbleheadYES |
6724.00 |
10714.90 |
large <- update(lmod, . ~ . + month:day_of_week)
anova(lmod, large)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: |
attend |
~ month |
+ day_of_week + bobblehead |
Model 2: |
attend ~ month |
+ day_of_week + bobblehead + month:day_of_week |
Res.Df |
RSS Df |
Sum of Sq |
F Pr(>F) |
67 2509574563
36 1082895916 31 1426678647 1.53 0.1096
P-value is large, so we cannot reject small model. Therefore, F-test concluded that interaction between month and day_of_week is unimportant.
5.2.2 Model selection with AIC
final <- update(lmod, . ~ .^2) %>% step()
Start: AIC=1422.53
attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead + month:day_of_week + month:bobblehead + day_of_week:bobblehead
Df |
Sum of Sq |
– day_of_week:bobblehead |
1 |
12082574 |
1061414706 |
1421.5 |
– month:bobblehead |
1 |
17121963 |
1066454095 |
1421.8 |
<none> |
1049332132 |
1422.5 |
– month:day_of_week |
27 |
1335988226 |
2385320358 |
1435.0 |
Step: AIC=1421.46
attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead + month:day_of_week + month:bobblehead
Df |
Sum of Sq |
– month:bobblehead 2 |
21481210 |
1082895916 |
1419.1 |
<none> |
1061414706 |
1421.5 |
– month:day_of_week 29 |
1363309764 |
2424724470 |
1430.4 |
Step: AIC=1419.08
attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead + month:day_of_week
Df |
Sum of Sq |
<none> |
1082895916 |
1419.1 |
– month:day_of_week 31 |
1426678647 |
2509574563 |
1425.2 |
– bobblehead |
1 |
351400539 |
1434296455 |
1439.8 |
Step() applies repeatedly drop1 to find the model with the least AIC until no new term is found to drop out of last model. So interaction terms other than month:day_of_week turn out be unimportant from prediction accuracy on unseen data as estimated by AIC.
5.2.3 Model selection with cross-validation and t-test Check if the interaction term is necessary with cross-validation
nfolds <- 5
folds <- rep(seq(5), nrow(d2), len=nrow(d2)) %>% sample()
rmse_lmod <- rep(NA, nfolds)
rmse_lmod_interaction <- rep(NA, nfolds)
lmod_interaction <- update(lmod, . ~ . + month:day_of_week)
for (i in seq(nfolds)){
train <- d2[folds!=i,]
test <- d2[folds==i,]
train lm without interaction model lmod_train <- update(lmod, data = train) lmod_test <- predict(lmod_train, newdata = test)
rmse_lmod[i] <- (test$attend – lmod_test)^2 %>% mean() %>% sqrt()
train lm with interaction model
lmod_interaction_train <- update(lmod_interaction, data = train)
lmod_interaction_test <- suppressWarnings(predict(lmod_interaction_train, newdata = test))
rmse_lmod_interaction[i] <- (test$attend – lmod_interaction_test)^2 %>% mean() %>% sqrt()
cv <- tibble(lmod = rmse_lmod, lmod_interaction = rmse_lmod_interaction) %>% mutate(dif_rmse = lmod – lmod_interaction)
cv %>%
lmod lmod_interaction dif_rmse
6582.020 9640.356 -3058.336
p1 <- cv %>%
pivot_longer(cols=c(lmod, lmod_interaction), names_to = “model”, values_to = “rmse”) %>%
mean of x
Because p-value is small, we conclude that the models have different mean rmse values. Because the t statistic is negative, model without interaction term seems to have a lower rmse than the model with interaction term.
Next: Nonlinear and nonparametric regression: recursive par-titioning and random forests
Thursday lecture was cancelled as part of Covid 19 counter-measures.
Project (will be graded)
Include all variables and conduct a full regression analysis of the problem. Submit your R markdown and html files to course homepage on moodle in a single zip file. Zip file must be named as “StuID”.zip; for example, Below are the recap of the major steps to guide you through your project:
Explore the relation between attendance and explanatory variables with scatter, bar, box plots
Use Chi-squared test to check if there is attendance and explanatory variables are mutually independent.
Fit regression model with all explanatory variables.
How good does your model fit to data?
Which variables are significant? Use F-test, AIC, and cross-validation.
Is bobblehead still significant? What is expected additional attendance due bobblehead? What is 80% confidence interval?
Check model diagnostics.
Does any quantitative explanatory variable need a nonlinear transformation?
Does your model benefit from adding two-way interaction terms between any two explanatory variables? Use cross-validation to support your decision.
Baumer, B.S., D.T. Kaplan, and N.J. Horton. 2017. Modern Data Science with R. Chapman & Hall/Crc Texts in Statistical Science. CRC Press.
Miller, T.W. 2014. Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics with Python and R: A Guide to Data Science.
FT Press Analytics. Pearson Education.
Wickham, H., and G. Grolemund. 2017. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media. books?id=aZRYrgEACAAJ.