Computer Architecture Machine Problem 2

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Description The file mipspipe.v contains an incomplete behavioral Verilog description of a MIPS processor. The incomplete hardware description can execute LW, SW, and NOP instructions and does not provide support for hazard detection. Study the Verilog code to determine how it works. Next, modify the hardware description to add support for ADD, OR, and AND…

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  • The file mipspipe.v contains an incomplete behavioral Verilog description of a MIPS processor. The incomplete hardware description can execute LW, SW, and NOP instructions and does not provide support for hazard detection.

  • Study the Verilog code to determine how it works. Next, modify the hardware description to add support for ADD, OR, and AND instructions.

  • Compile the Verilog code for your MIPS processor. Suggestions for free Verilog compilation / simulation tools can be found in the file Verilog_tools.rtf on Canvas.

  • Use the testbench test_mipspipe.v to simulate operation of the MIPS pipeline Verilog module. Test your implementation using the following code.

ADD $5, $2, $1 LW $3, 4($5)

LW $2, 0($2)

OR $3, $5, $3

AND $4, $2, $3

SW $4, 0($5)

Initialize the value of DMemory at 4($5) to “0xFFFFFFFF” and the value at 0($2) to “0xFFFFFFF0”. You may need to insert NOPs into the code (IMemory) to avoid data hazards. Test the code both with and without NOPs inserted.

  • Summarize your observations in a report.

Report Format

  • Provide a brief summary of your code modifications.

  • Provide a brief summary of your experiments.

  • Compare the execution outcomes with and without insertion of NOPs to avoid data hazards.

  • Attach your Verilog code for the MIPS processor and testbench with your submission.

  • Submit a tarball or zip file of your files through Canvas.

Reference Materials (available on Canvas)

  • Appendix-C-Computer-Organization.pdf – The Basics of Hardware Design

  • Appendix-D-Computer-Organization.pdf – Mapping control to Hardware

  • Section-4.12-Computer-Organization.pdf – An introduction to digital design using a hardware language to describe and model a pipeline and more pipelining illustrations

Computer Architecture Machine Problem 2
$24.99 $18.99