Project 2: Socket Programming Solution

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2. Assignment Overview The goal of this assignment is to gain hands-on experience programming with sockets and transport protocols (TCP and UDP). You will implement a simple game of hangman ( using socket programming in Python or C/C++ to send and receive messages between a client program and a server program. Hangman involves guessing letters…

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5/5 – (2 votes)

2. Assignment Overview

The goal of this assignment is to gain hands-on experience programming with sockets and transport protocols

(TCP and UDP). You will implement a simple game of hangman

( using socket programming in Python or C/C++ to send and

receive messages between a client program and a server program. Hangman involves guessing letters of a

hidden word without incorrectly guessing a specified number of times (5 in this case).

3. Project Description

The file is provided to you. It contains:

  • Project2.pdf (This document)



  • README.txt

  • (Don’t modify this)

  • words.txt (Don’t modify this)

Your job is to complete the skeleton code in and to successfully play a simple game of hangman. (The hangman implementation is mostly done for you, so you need to mainly focus on sending messages back and forth using TCP and UDP sockets).

The idea is the client will contact the server by making a connection using TCP. The client will then announce itself to the server. The server responds with the UDP port the client should use for further communication. Finally, send game messages back and forth using UDP. The client repeatedly guesses letters by sending them to the server. The backend (server) handles the game logic by checking the guess and replacing the blanks with correctly guessed letters. It also decrements the number of attempts left in the case of an incorrect or already guessed letter.

Each message has 2 parts: the message type and the message text. Each message will be of the form “<message type> <message text>” (notice the space character in between). The message type will dictate to each program what to do next (this is outlined in Section 6 below). An example exchange of game messages is shown in Figure 1 for your reference.

You should modify the README.txt with your information, the machines you tested your programs on, a list of resources you used, additional comments, and some sample test output from your programs (both client and server).

CSE 422 Spring

Figure 1: Game Messages Visualization

4. Client Specifications

The client should accept two command line arguments:

  1. Name of the server host

  2. TCP Port to be used to contact the server process

Example: python 15678

When the client is first started it should prompt the user for their name. After the user has entered their name, the client should create the TCP connection to the server and send the hello message with the user’s name. Once the client receives the portUDP message from the server, the client should open a UDP socket and then prompt the user and allow them to enter various game playing commands (these are different than the network messages). The client should support the game commands being entered in any case (upper, lower, or mixed case). All additional communication with the server should be performed using UDP messages to the port provided by the portUDP message.

The player (user) interacts with the client program by entering game playing commands through their keyboard. The client should support the following game playing commands:

  • start – Starts a new game.

  • end – Ends the current game. If a game is not already in progress this command has no effect. Sends an end message to the server indicating that the player does not want to make any more guesses. The client can start a new game or exit.

  • guess <letter or word> – Used by the user to enter a guess. The user can guess either a single letter that might be part of the game word or if more than one letter is entered then the user is trying to guess the entire game word

  • exit – Sends a bye message to the server, ends the client process.


CSE 422 Spring

Based on the game playing commands the client program sends the appropriate network message to the server to perform the actual game action. The description of these messages is shown in Section 6. That section also describes the action which should be taken when that message type is received.

5. Server Specifications

The server should accept a single command line argument. This argument should either be the option -r or a word. If the argument is -r then a client starts a new game and the word to be used for that game is randomly chosen from those contained in the supplied file words.txt. If the argument contains a word then that word will be used for all games started by a client. The server will only support one game at a time, but a client can play multiple games one right after another. The client can end a game at any time by sending an end message. The game also ends when the player either accurately guesses the word or uses all their guesses.

When started the server should create a TCP socket to be used for connections from clients. When creating this socket, it should have the system dynamically allocate an available port. The server should then display this port number. This is how clients know which port to use when contacting the server.


python -r

python applejacks

After the client connects to the server, a UDP socket should be created and its port number should be sent to the client using the TCP connection. All further communication should be done using UDP messages. Section 6 describes the action which should be taken when message types are received. The server should have a timeout action on the UDP socket so that if a client disconnects or stops playing, i.e. the server does not receive a message from the client for 2 minutes (120 seconds)., the server can service other clients.

6. Messages and Message Actions

The following table lists the client and server messages that need to be used for this project. All messages consist of a “message type”, a space separator, followed by message arguments. The client and server can assume that the message type is always in the specified case.

Table 1 Message Types and Descriptions


Who sends /





Client to Server

Used by the client to initiate a session and tell the server the

player’s name. Example: hello Joe


Client to Server or

Used by the client to tell the server its exiting. The server

Server to Client

should respond by sending a corresponding bye message.


Server to client

Used by the server to tell the client what UDP port should

be used for all subsequent communications. The server

when creating this port should use a dynamically allocated

port. Example: portUDP 59875


Client to server

Sent by the client when the user starts a new game. This

message only consists of the command word “ready”. It

does not have any additional command arguments


CSE 422



Who sends /





Server to client

Sent by the server to provide game play instructions. Client

should display the text following the message type word.

Example: instr This is how you play the game.


Server to client

This message has two command arguments following the

command word: <blanks> and <attempts>. <blanks> is the

combination of dashes and letters that represent the hidden

word and <attempts> is the number of attempts the user

has left to guess letters before losing.


Client to server

Sent by the client when the player makes a guess. There is

one message argument following the message type. This is

either a single character or a full word which is the guess

entered by the player. Examples:

guess e

guess apples


Server to client or

When sent by the server to the client, this indicates that the

client to server

server has ended the game. The client should display the

message following the message type to the player, then

prompt and wait for the next game command.

When sent by the client to the server, this message only

contains the message type. There are no message

arguments. The server should end the game and respond

with its own end message.


Server to client

Sent back to the client if the server receives an unknown

message type (or possibly known message type like guess,

but no game is currently started).


CSE 422 Spring

The server should do the following when receiving various message types:

  • hello – The server now knows the name of the user. The server should send its UDP port number to the client.

  • ready – Indicates to the server program that the client has a UDP port set up and is ready to start playing the game. Send the instr message followed by a stat message with the initial word blanks and attempts.

  • guess – Includes one or more characters in its message text. Upon receiving a guess message, the server will use the provided checkGuess() function to update the word_blanks, attempts, and win variables. If ending conditions are met (a. guess was more than one character and it wasn’t the correct word, b. there are no more attempts, or c. the player won the game), an end message will be sent with either a win or loss message text. Otherwise, if ending conditions are not met, a stat message will be sent with the updated word_blanks and attempts variables.

  • end – Ends the current game. The server should respond with a corresponding end message containing a message to the player.

  • bye – Ends the current game, sends a bye message back to the client, closes the udp port and TCP connection, waits for a new client TCP connection.

The client should do the following when receiving various message types:

    • portUDP – Extract and store the server program’s provided UDP port number. Then prompt the player for a game command.

    • instr – Simply display the message text and wait to receive the initial stat message.

    • stat Display the message text then prompt for a game command from the player.

    • end – Display the message text, then prompt for a game command from the player.

    • na – Display the message text and then prompt for a new game command.

    • bye – Display the message text and end the program.

  1. Assignment Deliverables

You should turn in a .zip file to handin containing:



  • README.txt

  • (non-modified)

  • words.txt (non-modified)

This file should be named where netid is your MSU network login user name. This is not your last name or your first name or your PID!

8. Assignment Notes and Other Requirements

  • Additional Resources:

  1. Section 2-1 slides from class (from Jan 23rd)

  1. Additional Socket Programming slides (from March 22nd)

  1. Python Socket documentation (


CSE 422 Spring

    • The use of encode() and decode() methods should be used for converting messages between Unicode and byte representation

    • The Python split() method “splits” a string into a list with the space character as the default delimiter o Use try/except for cases where list indices may cause an IndexError

    • Remember to close sockets at the end of each program

    • To test your program, use any of the CSE servers that are accessible via SSH (arctic, black, or any of the Raspberry Pis)

o o

o Open two separate connections (one to run your client program and one to run your server program).

    • Use try/except to catch errors whenever possible. (i.e. timeouts, ctrl-c keyboard interrupt, unexpected IndexError)

  1. Grading Rubric


__ / 10 Proper completion of README.txt

Client Program (70 Points)

__ / 15 TCP Port setup successfully

__ / 15 UDP Port setup successfully

__ / 10 Properly handled portUDP message

__ / 10 Properly handled the instr message

__ / 10 Properly handled stat message

__ / 10 Properly handled the end message

Server Program (70 Points)

__ / 15 TCP Port setup successfully

__ / 15 UDP Port setup successfully

__ / 10 Properly handled ready message

__ / 30 Properly handled the guess message


CSE 422 Spring

  1. Sample Client and server game output.

Exchange 1

Server Output

>python3 -r

Server is running…

Creating TCP socket…

TCP socket has port number: 46491

Waiting for a client…

A new client is connected to the server!

User’s name: Dennis

Creating UDP socket…

UDP socket has port number: 39256

Sending UDP port number to client using TCP connection…

Hidden Word: also

Starting game…

Sending message: stat Word: —- Attempts left: 5

Guess is: e

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —- Attempts left: 4

Guess is: a

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: a— Attempts left: 4

Guess is: o

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: a–o Attempts left: 4

Guess is: l

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: al-o Attempts left: 4

Guess is: s

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Correctly guessed word

Win status: True

Sending message: end You win! Word was also

Hidden Word: wife

Starting game…

Sending message: stat Word: —- Attempts left: 5

Guess is: e

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 5

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —e Attempts left: 5

Guess is: o

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —e Attempts left: 4

Guess is: o

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —e Attempts left: 3

Guess is: i


CSE 422


Server Output

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: -i-e Attempts left: 3

Guess is: f

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: -ife Attempts left: 3

Guess is: w

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Correctly guessed word

Win status: True

Sending message: end You win! Word was wife

Client exiting

Waiting for a client…

^CClosing TCP and UDP sockets…

Client Output

>python3 localhost 46491

Client is running…

Remote host: localhost, remote TCP port: 46491

Please enter your name: Dennis

Server IP:

Connected to server!

Reading TCP socket for UDP Port info…

UDP Port on Server: 39256

> start

This is hangman. You will guess one letter at a time. If the letter is in the hidden word, the “-

  • will be replaced by the correct letter. Guessing multiple letters at a time will be considered as guessing the entire word (which will result in either a win or loss automatically – win if correct, loss if incorrect). You win if you either guess all of the correct letters or guess the word correctly. You lose if you run out of attempts. Attempts will be decremented in the case of an incorrect or repeated letter guess.

Word: —- Attempts left: 5 > guess e

Word: —- Attempts left: 4 > guess a

Word: a— Attempts left: 4 > guess o

Word: a–o Attempts left: 4 > guess l

Word: al-o Attempts left: 4 > guess s

You win! Word was also > start

This is hangman. You will guess one letter at a time. If the letter is in the hidden word, the “-

  • will be replaced by the correct letter. Guessing multiple letters at a time will be considered as guessing the entire word (which will result in either a win or loss automatically – win if correct, loss if incorrect). You win if you either guess all of the correct letters or guess the word correctly. You lose if you run out of attempts. Attempts will be decremented in the case of an incorrect or repeated letter guess.

Word: —- Attempts left: 5 > guess e

Word: —e Attempts left: 5 > guess o

Word: —e Attempts left: 4


CSE 422


Client Output

> guess o

Word: —e Attempts left: 3

> guess i

Word: -i-e Attempts left: 3

> guess f

Word: -ife Attempts left: 3

> guess w

You win! Word was wife

> exit

Closing TCP and UDP sockets…

Exchange 2

Server Output

>python3 -r

Server is running…

Creating TCP socket…

TCP socket has port number: 54281

Waiting for a client…

A new client is connected to the server!

User’s name: Dennis

Creating UDP socket…

UDP socket has port number: 56163

Sending UDP port number to client using TCP connection…

Hidden Word: spoke

Starting game…

Sending message: stat Word: —– Attempts left: 5

Guess is: e

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 5

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —-e Attempts left: 5

Guess is: i

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: —-e Attempts left: 4

Guess is: o

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 4

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: –o-e Attempts left: 4

Guess is: t

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: –o-e Attempts left: 3

Guess is: s

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 3

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: s-o-e Attempts left: 3

Guess is: l

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 2

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: s-o-e Attempts left: 2

Guess is: p

Correctly guessed char

Attempts left: 2

Win status: False


CSE 422


Server Output

Sending message: stat Word: spo-e Attempts left: 2

Guess is: f

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 1

Win status: False

Sending message: stat Word: spo-e Attempts left: 1

Guess is: w

Incorrectly or already guessed char

Attempts left: 0

Win status: False

Sending message: end You lose! Word was spoke

Client exiting

Waiting for a client…

^CClosing TCP and UDP sockets…

Client Output

>python3 localhost 54281

Client is running…

Remote host: localhost, remote TCP port: 54281

Please enter your name: Dennis

Server IP:

Connected to server!

Reading TCP socket for UDP Port info…

UDP Port on Server: 56163

> start

This is hangman. You will guess one letter at a time. If the letter is in the hidden word, the “-

  • will be replaced by the correct letter. Guessing multiple letters at a time will be considered as guessing the entire word (which will result in either a win or loss automatically – win if correct, loss if incorrect). You win if you either guess all of the correct letters or guess the word correctly. You lose if you run out of attempts. Attempts will be decremented in the case of an incorrect or repeated letter guess.

Word: —– Attempts left: 5 > guess e

Word: —-e Attempts left: 5 > guess i

Word: —-e Attempts left: 4 > guess o

Word: –o-e Attempts left: 4 > guess t

Word: –o-e Attempts left: 3 > guess s

Word: s-o-e Attempts left: 3 > guess l

Word: s-o-e Attempts left: 2 > guess p

Word: spo-e Attempts left: 2 > guess f

Word: spo-e Attempts left: 1 > guess w

You lose! Word was spoke > bye

Invalid command. Try again. > exit

Closing TCP and UDP sockets…


Project 2: Socket Programming Solution
$40.00 $34.00