Homework 2 CS 494: Network Security

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Getting Started The homework assignment is due at March 3, 2020 at 11:59pm local time. For this assignment, you are required to write your solution in Python programming language, version 3.5 or later. Files required for this assignment are provided along in hw2 files.zip. The goal of this assignment is to learn how to break…

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Getting Started

The homework assignment is due at March 3, 2020 at 11:59pm local time. For this assignment, you are required to write your solution in Python programming language, version 3.5 or later. Files required for this assignment are provided along in hw2 files.zip. The goal of this assignment is to learn how to break ciphers and authentication systems. There are a total of two tasks in this homework assignment. The rst task focuses on dictionary attacks and password cracking. Task 2, which is a continuation of task 1 focuses on breaking substitution ciphers. Make sure you read the complete handout before starting.

Task 1: Password Cracking With Dictionary Attacks (15 points)

A dictionary attack is a method to break authentication systems based on the assumption that users are likely to use common words (present in a dictionary) as passwords for accounts. One way to perform such an at-tack is actively trying to login with multiple password attempts until one guesses the correct password. This however, is infeasible as only a few incorrect attempts will trigger a rewall or an intrusion detection system and block the malicious IP address from making further login attempts. Alternatively, if the attacker some-how gets access to hashes of the users’ passwords, they can perform an o ine dictionary attack by computing hashes for a large range of dictionary words and then compare them to the actual password hashes. In this case, if two hashes match, the attacker will know the password and can directly authenticate in a single attempt.

Your task in this assignment is to perform an o ine dictionary attack to crack passwords of user accounts on a linux server. Linux systems store the details of user accounts and their password hashes in the le: /etc/shadow. A simpli ed version of the shadow le from a linux server has been provided in hw2 files.zip. While there are many online tools that you can use, in this task you are required to write your own password cracker. To assist you, we have also provided dictionary.txt which you can use as a starting point.

The shadow le contains a total of 7 users. For this rst task, you will crack passwords for user1 through user6 (we will come back to user7 in task 2). Note that password hashes contained in the shadow le are of varying levels of di culty and this will require you to diversify your cracking approach.

Di erent passwords have been hashed using di erent hashing algorithms, md5, sha1, sha256 etc. One password has been hashed along with a SALT.

user3 has enabled a built in additional security feature, in which their password was encoded with a caesar cipher before it was hashed.

One user has their password in leet speak.

Note that while the simpler passwords will be in the dictionary, the ones which are encoded as ciphertext, or are in leet speak will require you to apply a transformation to words in your dictionary. Eg:

The password helloworld encoded with a caesar cipher of shift 5 will be rst converted into ciphertext mjqqtbtwqi, and then hashed.

In leet speak, a user may have their password asl37m31nn0w, which is standard english is letmeinnow.

For this task, you can assume that all passwords are alphanumeric ranging from 5-12 characters in length (this also includes any leet speak transformations). You may assume a SALT to be of only numeric value, in the range (0-9) and 5 digits in length. The SALT is appended at the end of a password before it is hashed eg: hash(passwordSALT).

What to Submit?

You are required to submit the following les:

  1. password cracker.py: This is main solution code. Make sure your code compiles and is well commented.

  1. passwords.txt: Contains all usernames (user[1-7]) and their corresponding passwords that you cracked.

Autograder format: The passwords will be graded with the autograder and you must submit it with the correct format to receive full credit. Each line must have both username and password separated with a colon:



  1. explanation 1.txt: Describe in a paragraph or two your approach for this task. Why you took this certain approach? Also mention any hurdles/di culties you faced.

Task 2: Breaking Substitution Ciphers (10 points)

For this task you will be cracking the password for user7. User7 is smart and decides to create a custom security feature in which the password is encoded using a substitution cipher before it is hashed. User7 also encrypts all his les and documents in his directory using the same substitution cipher and mapping. The le encrypted.txt in hw2 files.zip is a piece of encrypted text belonging to user7 which we have managed to obtain.

Your goal in this task is to use the encrypted text to nd the mapping of the substitution cipher used by user7, and then apply that same mapping to the passwords in dictionary.txt to gure out their password by performing a standard dictionary attack.

What to Submit?

For this task you are required to submit the following les:

  1. analysis.py: This is the code the performs an analysis on the encrypted text and prints out the mapping, and is well commented.

  1. plaintext.txt: The plaintext corresponding to the ciphertext in encrypted.txt.

Autograder format: The plaintext will be graded with the autograder and you must submit it with the correct format to receive full credit. The string comparison is case insensitive, however, the punctuation must be correct.

  1. explanation 2.txt: Describe in a paragraph or two about your approach to break the encryption. Also list any online resources you may have used.


To submit, create a zip archive of the 6 les, named hw2.zip and upload it to Gradescope.

Good Luck!


Homework 2 CS 494: Network Security
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