Operating Systems Project 4 Memory Management∗

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Introduction The outcome of this project is to implement a series of Linux kernel modules to report memory management statistics. The objective of this project is to get familiar with the following memory management components: Process virtual address space. Page tables. The free book The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide will always be your friend.…

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The outcome of this project is to implement a series of Linux kernel modules to report memory management statistics. The objective of this project is to get familiar with the following memory management components:

  1. Process virtual address space.

  1. Page tables.

The free book The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide will always be your friend.

Project submission

For each project, please create a zipped file containing the following items, and submit it to Canvas.

    1. A report that includes (1) the (printed) full names of the project members, and the statement: We have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work; (2) the location and name of your virtual machine (VM), and the password for the root user1 (root is required to test kernel modules); and (3) a brief description about how you solved the problems and what you learned. The report can be in txt, doc, or pdf format. A Word template will be provided.

    1. Your code and Makefile; please do not include compiled output. Even though you have your code in your VM, submitting code in Canvas will provide a backup if we have issues accessing your VM.

Disclaimer: This assignment is adapted from projects developed by Dr. Jason Nieh at Columbia Uni-versity and Dr. Kai Shen at Rochester University.

1If at any time you forget your root password, there’s a solution (that I don’t recommend for security reasons).


This project reviews the key memory management concepts we studied in class: virtual memory and page tables. Virtual memory often refers to the process address space assigned to user-space processes. Such virtual addresses need to be translated into physical addresses with the help of page tables. You may read Section 10.4 in our textbook to get an overview of Linux’s memory management.

Part 0.0: Use the provided template for report (5 points)

Part 0.1: Preparation

Like in Project 2, please boot the newer version of the kernel by choosing it at boot time.2

Part 1: Calculating virtual address space size (45 points)

Write a module called va space to report statistics of a process’s virtual address space size. The module should take a process ID as the input, calculate and output the total size of the process’s virtual address space in use.

HINT: First, to get the ID of a process that is alive, you can use command pgrep bash to get the PID of bash, as an example.

get a sense of how the mmap field is linked via the vm next field, by looking at the second diagram in this blog post (also shown as Figure 1 which is taken from this blog post).

An instance of vm area struct fully describes a memory area, including its start and end addresses (vm end and vm start in Figure 1). To calculate the size of a virtual address space, you need to sum the sizes of individual VMAs. You can verify your result using command pmap PID. At the end of the output, pmap PID shows the total size of the virtual address space in kbytes (note your module will produce a result in bytes).

A few mysterious things MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS

First, dmesg messages can be out of order. Since we are using a 64-bit VM, whose full virtual space is 64-bit, it takes a while to iterate over all vm area struct’s. Also the kernel ring buffer prints kernel messages from all running processes, therefore things can be delayed or buffered. See the example output below from dmesg -T when I loaded and removed the module twice back to back:

[Tue Aug


12:10:35 2022] From



insmod [1750],

found process bash [32349]

[Tue Aug


12:11:07 2022] From



rmmod [1762], cleaning up va_space.

[Tue Aug


12:12:50 2022]

From current process insmod [1776],

found process bash [32349]

[Tue Aug

9 12:10:35 2022] From current process insmod [1750], total virtual memory size of bash

[32349]: 119263232 bytes (116468 KB)

[Tue Aug


12:12:50 2022]

From current process insmod [1776],

total virtual memory size of bash [32349]:


bytes (116468 KB)

[Tue Aug


12:13:09 2022]

From current process rmmod [1788], cleaning up va_space.

In the output above, I first used current in my module to print the running process’s name and PID (current has nothing to do with your input argument PID in this case). The input PID to my module va space is 32349, which is bash. When I load and remove my module using insmod and rmmod, current will point to the task struct of insmod and rmmod respectively. But notice how the message that was supposed to be printed at time 12:10:35 was delayed till I loaded the same module for the second time using insmod after 12:12:50. The output from dmesg can be out of order. So if you don’t see output from your module, removing and reloading it will force it to print.

Second mysterious thing: Do you notice the output of pmap PID is always a few kbytes larger than the output of your module? If you like to dig further, please keep reading. Grab your PID and cat the following by replacing $(PID) with its actual value:

  • cat /proc/$(PID)/maps

The output looks similar to pmap but with a bit more information. Notice no matter what PID, you always end up having this at the end:

ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vsyscall]

This address range (ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000) is responsible for the dif-ference in size. What is it? Please take a look at this page if you like to know. The reason is a bit complicated but well worth your time.

Part 2: The page table walk (50 points)

Write a module called va status to report the current status of a specific virtual address. The module takes a virtual address of a process (whose process ID is pid) and the pid as

its input, then outputs whether this address is in memory or on disk. The virtual address will be passed in as a string, and pid as an integer.

HINT: The command pmap report virtual memory map of a process. So to get a virtual address of a process, you can take the PID of bash in Part 1, and pass the PID to command pmap to get a listing of the virtual addresses. Pass one of the virtual addresses from pmap as a string input to your module. While the free book The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is great, it has incorrect information how to pass a string to a module. Please refer to yet another blog post how to correctly pass a string to a kernel module:

When a string variable is passed to the kernel module – the string should be enclosed with double quotes and externally with single quotes. The single quotes are used by the shell in which the insmod command is invoked and the double quotes string literal is passed on to the kernel module.”

NOW THE ACTUAL HINT: The page descriptor page defined in linux/mm types.h contains information about a page. You need to figure out how to obtain a reference to the page descriptor given a virtual address and read information from the page descriptor. Note that Linux uses multi-level page tables, so you might need multiple steps to reach the page table entry (PTE) of a given virtual address.

On slide 30 of Lecture 10, we introduced how to navigate the page directories. Each process has its own pointer to what is called a page global directory (PGD). To navigate the page directories, several macros are provided by the kernel to break up a virtual address into its component parts. For example, pgd offset() takes a virtual address and the

  1. struct for the process (the mm field of task struct) and returns the PGD entry that covers the requested address. pud offset() takes a PGD entry and an address and returns the relevant PUD entry. And pmd offset() takes a PUD entry and an address and returns the relevant PMD entry. More information can be found on this page (make sure read it).

Note: The output of pmap are hexadecimal strings. To use pgd offset(mm, address), pmd offset(mm,address), and pte offset kernel(mm,address), the argument address has to be converted from a hexadecimal string to unsigned long. Unlike user-space programs that can use sscanf or strtoul, kernel modules use kstrtoul. Please look up how to use this function.

Finally, we need to get the PTE from the PMD entry. This step can be a little tricky. pte offset kernel(pmd, address) could work, but you may get a kernel oops. The reason is that pte offset kernel() returns the address of a page table entry, but the entry itself could be changed by the process at runtime. Therefore, you should try the following:

  • #i n c l u d e <l i n u x /mm. h>

  • #i n c l u d e <l i n u x /highmem . h>



s p i n l o c k t l o c k ;


ptep = p t e o f f s e t m a p l o c k (mm, pmd , a d d r e s s , &l o c k ) ;

  • . . .

  • pte unmap unlock ( ptep , l o c k ) ;

To test if an address is in memory, you need to use the macro pte present() to test if the corresponding PTE have the PRESENT bit set. Note that pte present()’s argument is a PTE, not the address of a PTE (pte offset map lock() above returns a PTE pointer).

Unlike Part 1, we have no way of validating the result in Part 2. The result can be changed at any moment (therefore the need for lock/unlock above).


Operating Systems Project 4 Memory Management∗
$24.99 $18.99