Assignment 5: Type Classes (255 points)

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Overview The overall objective of this assignment is to get some experience with different *type-classes*, in particular to learn about: * Property-based testing, and * Monads. by modifying and extending your nano-interpreter. The assignment is in the files: – [BST.hs](/src/Data/BST.hs) – [Eval.hs](/src/Language/Nano/Eval.hs) – [Repl.hs](/src/Language/Nano/Repl.hs) – [Main.hs](/src/Main.hs) – [tests/Test.hs](/tests/Test.hs) As before `Test.hs` has some sample tests,…

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The overall objective of this assignment is to get some experience

with different *type-classes*, in particular to learn about:

* Property-based testing, and

* Monads.

by modifying and extending your nano-interpreter.

The assignment is in the files:

– [BST.hs](/src/Data/BST.hs)

– [Eval.hs](/src/Language/Nano/Eval.hs)

– [Repl.hs](/src/Language/Nano/Repl.hs)

– [Main.hs](/src/Main.hs)

– [tests/Test.hs](/tests/Test.hs)

As before `Test.hs` has some sample tests, and testing code that

you will use to check your assignments before submitting.

You should only need to modify the parts of the files which say:


error “TBD: …”


with suitable Haskell implementations.

Assignment Testing and Evaluation

All of the points, will be awarded automatically, by

**evaluating your functions against a given test suite**.

[Tests.hs](/tests/Test.hs) contains a very small suite

of tests which gives you a flavor of of these tests.

When you run


$ make test


Your last lines should have


All N tests passed (…)





K out of N tests failed



**If your output does not have one of the above your code will receive a zero**

If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile,

leave it as is with the `error …` with your partial

solution enclosed below as a comment.

The other lines will give you a readout for each test.

You are encouraged to try to understand the testing code,

but you will not be graded on this.

Submission Instructions

Submit your code via the HW-5 assignment on Gradescope.

You must submit a single zip file containing a single directory with your repository inside.

A simple way to create this zip file is:

– Run `git push` to push your local changes to your private fork of the assignment repository

– Navigate to your private fork on github and download source code as a zip

Please *do not* include the `.stack-work` or the `_MACOSX` folder into the submission.

Problem 1: Sets via Binary Search Trees

For this problem, you will use Haskell’s data types to

implement an _Abstract Set_ datatype that implements

the following API:


— | The Set data type

data Set a

— | `contains x ys` returns `True` if and only if `x` is a member of the set `ys`

contains :: (Ord a) => a -> Set a -> Bool

— | `add x xs` returns the (new) set obtained by inserting `x` into the set `xs`

add :: (Ord a) => a -> Set a -> Set a

— | `remove x xs` returns the (new) set obtained by deleting `x` from the set `xs`

remove :: (Ord a) => a -> Set a -> Set a


Data Type

The sets will be represented as *Binary Search Trees* that support

efficient addition and removal of elements. We represent the

datatype as:


data BST a

= Leaf — ^ empty tree

| Node a (BST a) (BST a) — ^ node with left and right subtrees

deriving (Show)


Thus, values of type `BST a` are of the form

– `Leaf` or

– `Node e l r` where e is an element of type `a` and `l` and `r` are left and right subtrees of type `BST a`.

The `isOrdered` Invariant

We will only use trees that are **Binary-Search Ordered**,

which is to say, where the element in each node is greater than any element in the left subtree

and smaller than any element in the right subtree.

We have provided a Boolean function `isOrdered t`

that evaluates to `True` iff `t` is binary-search ordered.

Make sure you understand what the `isOrdered` function is doing!

(10 points): Build

Fill in the definition of `build` that converts the input `[a]`

into a `BST a` by recursively splitting the list into sub-lists,

similarly to [QuickSort](

converting the sub-lists to trees. Make sure that the resulting

`BST a` is binary-search-ordered. When you are done you should

get the following behavior:


λ> build [5,10,20,30]

Node 5 Leaf (Node 10 Leaf (Node 20 Leaf (Node 30 Leaf Leaf)))

λ> build [20,10,30,5]

Node 20 (Node 10 (Node 5 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf)


Property-based testing

Writing tests by hand is tedious!

Instead we will write a *property* called `prop_build`

that checks that a tree generated with `build` is ordered.

A property is just a Boolean function:


prop_build :: [Int] -> Bool

prop_build xs = isOrdered (build xs)


Now we will use a *property-based testing* tool called


to test our property on a bunch of random inputs:


λ> quickCheck prop_build

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Make sure that you get this result.

Otherwise, debug your `build` function.

(10 points): Contains

Next, fill in the definition of the function


contains :: (Ord a) => a -> BST a -> Bool


so that `contains x t` evaluates to `True` iff the element `x`

is in the tree `t`. When you are done, you should see the

following behavior:


λ> t2

Node 5 Leaf (Node 20 (Node 10 Leaf Leaf) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf))

λ> [ contains x t2 | x <- [5,6,10,11,20,21,30,31] ]



The property `prop_contains_elt`

states that a tree built from a list `xs`

`contain`s any `x` that is in `xs`:


λ> quickCheck prop_contains_elt

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


(15 points): Fold

Now, write a `fold` function that performs an *in-order traversal* of the tree.


fold :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> BST a -> b


Why is there no `Ord` in the type for `fold`?

By *in-order* we mean that `fold (+) 0 t` would execute in the folloiwng order:


— Tree `t` looks like this:

— 5

— / \

— 1 20

— / \

— 10 30

— `fold (+) 0 t` executes like this:

((((0 + 1) + 5) + 10) + 20) + 30


When you are done,

various bonus properties get unlocked thanks

to the `toList` function that we have supplied that uses `fold`.

In particular, you should get the following behavior:


λ> toList t2


λ> toString t2

“build [5,10,20,30]”


You should also check the property that the trees you `build`

actually contain *all* the elements from the source list.


λ> quickCheck prop_contains_elts

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


(15 points): Add

Next, fill in the definition for


add :: (Ord a) => a -> BST a -> BST a


such that `add x t` returns a (new) BST which

has the same elements as `t` *plus* the new

element `x`. Of course, the new tree should

satisfy the binary-search-ordering invariant.

When you are done, you should see the following behavior


λ> t2

Node 5 Leaf (Node 20 (Node 10 Leaf Leaf) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf))

λ> add 12 t2

Node 5 Leaf (Node 20 (Node 10 Leaf (Node 12 Leaf Leaf)) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf))

λ> let tnew = add 12 t2

λ> isOrdered tnew


λ> contains 12 tnew



Lets also check the *property*

that the new set if ordered and the added elements are indeed in the new set.

(Make sure you understand the properties!)


λ> quickCheck prop_add_elt

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

λ> quickCheck prop_add_elts_old

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

λ> quickCheck prop_add_isOrd

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


(5 points): Debug the Property

We’ve seen a bunch of properties go sailing through. But consider this:


λ> quickCheck prop_multiset

*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 6 tests):



Uh oh. Lets try to debug the code and property to see why the test fails.

Of course, your failing input may be slightly different,

because QuickCheck finds them by _random sampling_.

Well, lets see why the property failed,

by running the test on the failing input that QuickCheck

has automatically found for us!

Lets run the property on the _failing input_. How? Well the property is

just a function


prop_multiset :: [Int] -> Bool

prop_multiset xs = toList (build xs) == L.sort xs


so you can run it, by calling that function with the failing input:


λ> prop_multiset [1,1]



The property says for any list `xs` the result of building

a `BST` from xs and converting it to a list, should be

identical to just `sort`ing the list `xs`.

Lets see if that equality really is true, for the particular

`xs` that we have above. The left hand side is:


λ> toList (build [1,1])



and the right hand side is:


λ> :m +Data.List

λ> sort [1,1]



whoops! The `BST` does not keep duplicates (no duplicates on the LHS),

but vanilla sorting does keep duplicates! So the property is broken,

we want to check only that the `BST` has all the elements from `xs`

but _excluding any duplicates_.

Fix the property so that it passes. Do this in a meaningful way —

don’t just replace it with `True`.

**Note:** Use the above strategy to fix your code when there are _other_

failing tests too.

(10 points): Remove Minimum

We also want to remove elements from the set. As a first step,

write a function


removeMin :: (Ord a) => BST a -> (a, BST a)


that returns a tuple of the _minimum element_ in the tree,

and the tree containing all elements _except_ the minimum.

When you are done you should see this behavior


λ> removeMin t2

(5,Node 20 (Node 10 Leaf Leaf) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf))

λ> quickCheck prop_remove_min

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


`removeMin` should throw an error if given an empty tree.

(20 points): Remove

Finally, use `removeMin` to fill in the definition of


remove :: (Ord a) => a -> BST a -> BST a


such that `remove x t` returns the tree containing all

elements _except_ x. Of course, the new set should

satisfy the binary-search-ordering property.

`remove x t` should return `t` unchanged if `x` is not

in `t`.

When you are done, you should see the following behavior.


λ> remove 12 t2

Node 5 Leaf (Node 20 (Node 10 Leaf Leaf) (Node 30 Leaf Leaf))

λ> remove 20 t2

Node 5 Leaf (Node 30 (Node 10 Leaf Leaf) Leaf)

λ> quickCheck prop_remove

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

λ> quickCheck prop_remove_old

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

λ> quickCheck prop_remove_isOrd

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Problem 2: Exceptions

Next, we will add _exceptions_ to the `nano` language, in several steps.

Exceptional Expressions

We have extended the representation of _Expressions_ by adding two new constructs:


data Expr

= …

| EThr Expr — ^ throw e

| ETry Expr Id Expr — ^ try e1 catch z => e2


Exceptional Values

We will represent the _result_ of evaluation via the type:


data Either a b = Left a | Right b


The key idea is that when we evaluate an expression `e` we get:

1. `Left exn` when `e` “throws” an (uncaught) exception;

2. `Right val` when `e` “finishes” normally, without an exception.

To do so, note that the _top-level_ `eval` function is defined as:


eval :: Env -> Expr -> Value

eval env e = case evalE env e of

Left exn -> exn

Right val -> val


The helper function `evalE` has the type:


evalE :: Env -> Expr -> Either Value Value


(55 points): Copy and Update

First, copy and update your old code from

– `Lexer.x`

– `Parser.y`

– `Eval.hs`

`Lexer.x` can be copied entirely. For `Parser.y`, only copy the

parts you wrote – some of the other starter code has changed.

For `Eval.hs`, copy `evalOp`, `lookupId`, and `prelude`, and

adapt your `eval` implementation to become the _first 9_ cases

of `evalE`.


evalE :: Env -> Expr -> Either Value Value

evalE env (EInt i) = error “TBD”

evalE env (EBool b) = error “TBD”

evalE env (EVar x) = error “TBD”

evalE env (EBin o e1 e2) = error “TBD”

evalE env (EIf c t e) = error “TBD”

evalE env (ELet x e1 e2) = error “TBD”

evalE env (EApp e1 e2) = error “TBD”

evalE env (ELam x e) = error “TBD”

evalE env ENil = error “TBD”


When you are done, your old tests should pass, that is the command


$ stack test –test-arguments “-p Eval” –allow-different-user



(30 points): Throw

Next, complete the implementation of


evalE env (EThr e) = error “TBD”


When you are done, you should see the following behavior:


λ> eval [] (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EInt 2))


λ> eval [] (EBin Plus (EThr (EInt 1)) (EInt 2))


λ> eval [] (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EThr (EInt 2)))


λ> eval [] (EBin Plus (EThr (EInt 1)) (EThr (EInt 2)))


λ> eval [] (EThr (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EInt 2)))


λ> eval [] (EThr (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EThr (EInt 2))))



Implementing the `EThr` case itself is not difficult,

the challenge is to update the old cases so that an exception

is always propagated through the evaluator

(e.g. so that the second test case above returns `1` and not `3`).

Remember that `Either` is a monad, and **use monad operations** (not `case` expressions!) to implement this.

(30 points): Catch

Finally, complete the implementation of


evalE env (ETry e1 x e2) = error “TBD”


when you are done, you should see the following behavior:


λ> let tryZ e = ETry e “z” (EBin Plus (EVar “z”) (EInt 10))

λ> eval [] (tryZ (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EInt 2)))


λ> eval [] (tryZ (EBin Plus (EThr (EInt 1)) (EInt 2)))


λ> eval [] (tryZ (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EThr (EInt 2))))


λ> eval [] (tryZ (EBin Plus (EThr (EInt 1)) (EThr (EInt 2))))


λ> eval [] (tryZ (EThr (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EInt 2))))


λ> eval [] (tryZ (EThr (EBin Plus (EInt 1) (EThr (EInt 2)))))



Problem 3: Nano REPL

For this problem, you will get some experience building

a _standalone “app”_ in Haskell, by implementing a “shell”

for `nano`, that will let you:

– `quit` 🙂

– `run` a file,

– `eval` an expression passed in as a `String`

– `load` a file and then evaluate expressions

that can refer to the top-level definitions of the file.

**This time, we’re giving you almost _no_ scaffolding.**

Your task is simply to implement the code in `src/Main.hs`,

specifically, to fill in the implementation of the function


main :: IO ()

main = error “TBD:main”


which is the top-level `IO` _recipe_ that Haskell runs as an “app”.

However, there are lots of _very useful_ functions in

– [Repl.hs](/src/Language/Nano/Repl.hs)

that we suggest you understand (and complete the implementation of where necessary.)

(5 points): Quit

First, hook up your shell so that it starts up thus:


$ make repl


——– The NANO Interpreter v. ——————–


λ [0]


The `[0]` is a “prompt” at which the user can type a command.

Specifically, if the user types `:quit` then the shell should exit!



——– The NANO Interpreter v. ——————–


λ [0] :quit



**HINT:** The function `doQuit` may be useful.

(15 points): Evaluating Expressions

Next, extend your REPL so that the user can (repeatedly)

enter expressions that then get parsed and evaluated, with

the results printed back.

**Don’t worry about parsing `throw` and `try-catch` — just the older constructs.**

When you are done you should see the following behavior:


polikarn@lena ~/t/1/a/05-classes (master)> make repl


——– The NANO Interpreter v. ——————–


λ [0] 2 + 3


λ [1] let x = 2 in x + 3


λ [2] let add x y = x + y in ((add 10) 20)


λ [3] quit

unbound variable: quit

λ [4] :quit



**HINT:** The function `doEval` may be useful.

(10 points): Running Files

Next, extend your REPL so that you can `run` a particular file, that is,

– read the file,

– parse its contents into an `Expr`

– evaluate the expr to get a `Value`.

When you are done, you should see the following behavior


$ make repl


——– The NANO Interpreter v. ——————–


λ [0] :run tests/input/t1.hs


λ [1] :run tests/input/t2.hs


λ [2] :run tests/input/t3.hs


λ [3] :quit



**HINT:** The function `doRun` may be useful.

(25 points): Loading Files

Finally, extend the REPL so that you can `load` a file’s definitions

into the environment, and then write expressions that refer to those

expressions. For example, consider the file: `tests/input/tAdd.hs`

which has two definitions:


add =

let add1 x y = x + y in



sub =

let sub1 x y = add x (0 – y) in



You should be able to do:


$ make repl


——– The NANO Interpreter v. ——————–


λ [0] :load tests/input/tAdd.hs

definitions: tail head add sub

λ [1] ((sub ((add 10) 20)) 5)


λ [2] :quit



That is, typing `:load tests/input/tAdd.hs` adds the definitions

for `add` and `sub` into the top-level environment (which already

had `tail` and `head`).

As with “evaluating expressions” you can then enter the expression


((sub ((add 10) 20)) 5)


which should get evaluated and the result `25` is printed out.

You can assume that each `load` wipes out all previous definitions,

except those in `prelude`.

**HINT:** The function `doLoad` may be useful, but to use it you will

have to **complete the implementation of `defsEnv`.

Assignment 5: Type Classes (255 points)
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