Exercise 1 Solved

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Changelog Nothing yet! Description The purpose of this assignment is to get practice with basic statements, expressions, boolean logic and branching. You will not use loops, helper functions or other “advanced” features. Think of this assignment as a refresher of your programming skills and a smooth transition to Java. Instructions Honor Code : This assignment…

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  • Nothing yet!


The purpose of this assignment is to get practice with basic statements, expressions, boolean logic and branching. You will not use loops, helper functions or other “advanced” features. Think of this assignment as a refresher of your programming skills and a smooth transition to Java.


Honor Code : This assignment is individual work of each student, you’re not allowed to collaborate in any form. Copying code from other sources (peers, websites, etc.) is a serious violation of the University’s Honor Code. Your code will be examined for similarities with other sources.

Documentation : Comments are not required in this assignment but it’s a good practice to add comments to any piece of code that is not obvious what it does.

Imports: You may not import any classes or packages

You are not allowed to use loops, arrays, and any language construct that hasn’t been covered in class yet


Submission instructions are as follows:

  1. Name your file E1.java and upload it to Gradescope using the following link https://www.gradescope.com/courses/498183/assignments/2586369

  1. Download the file you just uploaded to Gradescope and compile/run it to verify that the upload was correct

  1. Make a backup of your file on OneDrive using your GMU account

If you skip steps 2 and 3 and your submission is missing the proper file(s), there won’t be a way to verify your work and you will get zero points.


  • Grading will be primarily automated.

  • Manual grading will be used only for checking hard-coding, violations, comments, etc.

  • When you upload your code to Gradescope, the built-in script will run some basic checks for validation purposes only. This is not the actual grading. The actual grading will take place afterwards and you can’t see the tests that will be used.

  • If your code doesn’t execute successfully with the Gradescope’s built-in script, it means that something fundamental is wrong and we won’t be able to grade it unless you fix it. You will get zero points if you don’t fix and reupload your code.


We won’t be using testers in CS211. The goal is to help you put more focus on writing logically correct programs instead of trying to pass certain tests only. As a programmer, you must learn how to test your code on your own and you must also develop the ability to discover the corner cases that can potentially break the logical correctness or crash your code completely.


You will implement a Java program that encodes the Three Card Poker rules and, given three cards, it can tell what rank they are. Three Card Poker is similar to the traditional poker but it’s played with 3 instead of 5 cards, which makes it simpler as it has fewer hands to consider. All you need to know is that the game has the following six hands in descending order. No other knowledge is assumed or needed to do this assignment.

Rank Description Example Output

The number returned from calculate is one of the values provided in the column “output” of Table 1. Think of it as the score of a certain hand.

The three input parameters of calculate represent the three cards of the hand. Each card is encoded with a positive integer. We will use the Table 2 mapping to represent the standard 52-card deck with integers.

Invalid inputs: If calculate is provided with syntactically correct but logically incorrect values (e.g. -1, 55, 1000, etc.), the method must return the value of zero.


  • The three parameters are guaranteed to be distinct. You don’t have to validate this.

  • If a hand satisfies more than one rank (e.g. a Straight flush is also a Flush), we select the higher one (e.g. Straight Flush).

  • To simplify things, the Ace will always rank low (i.e. 1). This means that a hand like “Queen, King, Ace” is not a straight.















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Table 2

Provided code

  • save this class in a file named E1.java class E1


    • The main method will not be graded

    • You must use it for testing your code public static void main(String[] args)


////////////////// testing approach 1 ///////////////////////

// use the following code and run your program // // by providing the three numbers directly in the terminal //

// e.g.

C:\> java E1 34 2 50


int a

= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);




= Integer.parseInt(args[1]);










////////////////// testing approach 2 ///////////////////////


call the calculate method with any arguments you want



and print the returned value


System.out.println(calculate(34, 2, 50));




public static int calculate(int card1, int card2, int card3)


  • You must put all your code here

  • this method must return an integer, for example:

  • return 0;




Exercise 1 Solved
$24.99 $18.99