Class Project (Group Project) Solution

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Overview The purpose of this project is to write code that pertains to each of the three main tasks of the forensic process: acquisition, authentication, and analysis. Since the project will require many address conversions, you are also required to write a utility that can convert between multiple hard drive address types, the details of…

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The purpose of this project is to write code that pertains to each of the three main tasks of the forensic process: acquisition, authentication, and analysis. Since the project will require many address conversions, you are also required to write a utility that can convert between multiple hard drive address types, the details of which are below. The code you write for this project should be in a Linux-compatible language (e.g. C/C++, Java, Python, Perl, etc.).

Task 1. Conversion Utility (40pts)

This task is to build two conversion utilities: address conversion and MAC conversion. Tool a) Address Conversion

In order to both simplify addressing mechanisms and to reduce the number of bits necessary to locate all areas within a logical space (like a partition) that hold data, multiple addressing techniques are used on IBM PC-compatible hard drives and in FAT file systems. You are to write a Unix-like command line utility that will convert between three different address types when an address of a different type is given. Use the following usage specifications for your utility:

address4forensics -L|-P|-C [–b offset] [-B [-s bytes]] [-l address] [-p address] [-c address -k sectors -r sectors -t tables -f sectors] -L, –logical

Calculate the logical address from either the cluster address or the physical address. Either –c or –p must be given.

-P, –physical

Calculate the physical address from either the cluster address or the logical address. Either –c or –l must be given.

-C, –cluster

Calculate the cluster address from either the logical address or the physical address. Either –l or –p must be given.

-b offset, –partition-start=offset

This specifies the physical address (sector number) of the start of the partition, and defaults to 0 for ease in working with images of a single partition. The offset value will always translate into logical address 0.

-B, –byte-address

Instead of returning sector values for the conversion, this returns the byte address of the calculated value, which is the number of sectors multiplied by the number of bytes per sector.

-s bytes, –sector-size=bytes

When the –B option is used, this allows for a specification of bytes per sector other than the default 512. Has no affect on output without –B.

-l address, –logical-known=address

This specifies the known logical address for calculating either a cluster address or a physical address. When used with the –L option, this simply returns the value given for address.

-p address, –physical-known=address

This specifies the known physical address for calculating either a cluster address or a logical address. When used with the –P option, this simply returns the value given for address.

-c address, –cluster-known=address

This specifies the known cluster address for calculating either a logical address or a physical address. When used with the –C option, this simply returns the value given for address. Note that options –k, -r, -t, and –f must be provided with this option.

-k sectors, –cluster-size=sectors

This specifies the number of sectors per cluster.

-r sectors, –reserved=sectors

This specifies the number of reserved sectors in the partition. -t tables, –fat-tables=tables

This specifies the number of FAT tables, which is usually 2. -f sectors, –fat-length=sectors

This specifies the length of each FAT table in sectors.

An example of this in use would be the following, where the desired number is the logical address of physical sector 12345678 in a partition that begins at physical sector 128:

$ address4forensics –L –b 128 –physical-known=12345678 12345550

Another example shows the utility getting the physical address of cluster 58, in a partition that begins at physical sector 128, has 2 FAT tables that are each 16 sectors long, 6 reserved sectors, and 4 sectors per cluster:

$ address4forensics –P –-partition-start=128 –c 58 –k 4 –r 6 –t 2 –f



Tool b) MAC Conversion

The purpose of this task is to write code that performs the MAC conversion based on the following usage specification and input/output scheme. This conversion MUST follow the procedure that we discussed in the lecture. We assume a little endian ordering is applied.

mac_conversion -T|-D [–f filename | -h hex value ]

-T Use time conversion module. Either –f or –h must be given. -D Use date conversion module. Either –f or –h must be given. -f filename

This specifies the path to a filename that includes a hex value of time or date. Note that the hex value should follow this notation: 0x1234. For the multiple hex values in either a file or a command line input, we consider only one hex value so the recursive mode for MAC conversion is optional.

-h hex value

This specifies the hex value for converting to either date or time value. Note that the hex value should follow this notation: Ox1234. For the multiple hex values in either a file or a command line input, we consider only one hex value so the recursive mode for MAC conversion is optional.

The converted time or date value should be based on the following scheme:

Time: hr:min:sec AM|PM

Date: Month day, Year

An example of this in use would be the following, where the time conversion is requested with a file:

$ mac_conversion –T –f test.txt

Time: 10:31:44 AM

Another example shows the date conversion with the hex value as an input:

$ mac_conversion –D –h 0x4f42

Date: Feb 15, 2013

Task 2. Acquisition, Authentication, and Analysis (60 pts)

For this project, it is assumed that the work of acquiring a digital copy of a hard drive has already been performed. The following requirements should be accomplished in your code: a single package is preferred. A sample raw image and corresponding information are available at Blackboard.

Requirement a) First, you are to write a program that can take as input the path to a RAW image and open it as read-only for the requirements (b) and (c).

Requirement b) Before opening the RAW image, your program should first calculate MD5 and SHA1 checksums for the image. Both checksums should be stored as MD5-image-name.txt and SHA1-image-name.txt. For example, the name of RAW image is Sparky then your authentication module needs to generate MD5-Sparky.txt and SHA1-Sparky.txt before opening the RAW image.

Requirement c) The next tasks your program must be able to accomplish are:

  1. Locate and extract the partition tables from the master boot record (MBR)

    1. Your program MUST generate the partition type including hex value and corresponding type, start sector address, and size of each partition in decimal as follows:

      1. NTFS, 0002056320, 0000208845

  1. For FAT16/32 partition, read each partition’s volume boot record (VBR) and retrieve the geometric data of the file system. Your code MUST generate the following layout information:

    1. The layout should include:

Reserved area: Start sector: 0 Ending sector: 6 Size: 7 sectors

Sectors per cluster: 32 sectors

FAT area: Start sector: 7 Ending sector: 598

# of FATs: 2

The size of each FAT: 249 sectors

The first sector of cluster 2: 12234 sectors

Note. For the partition types, please refer to the lecture note


  1. A description file should include the following items and be submitted via Blackboard:

    1. The contribution of each member

    1. Compilation/usage instructions should include makefile, configuration details and screenshots

    1. The source code

Class Project (Group Project) Solution
$24.99 $18.99