Compsys Assignment 1 Solution

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Assignment outline: Implement in C/C++/Java only, the file transfer protocol described in RFC 913 ( Both; the server and the client should be implemented. You are allowed to change the port number 115 to another port number for testing/marking purposes. You can use the localhost as the host-name for the server/client. Marking outline: The USER,…

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  • Assignment outline:

    1. Both; the server and the client should be implemented.

    1. You are allowed to change the port number 115 to another port number for testing/marking purposes.

    1. You can use the localhost as the host-name for the server/client.

  • Marking outline:

    1. The USER, ACCT, and PASS commands are together worth 20 marks.

      1. It is mandatory that these commands work in your implementation.

    1. Each of the remaining commands: TYPE, LIST, CDIR, KILL, NAME, DONE, RETR, and STOR are worth 10 marks each.

    1. You can keep the username, account, and passwords, in plain text file on the server side or in any other format (e.g., berkeley database) as required.

  • Submission outline:

    1. Please submit a single file called: <you-upi>.tgz containing the following:

      1. The well commented source code(s) for the implementation.

      1. A well written README, which describes the test cases for compil-ing, and executing your code.

    1. Note that your README should describe test cases, and associ-ated marking procedure for each of the commands that you have implemented.

  1. Any other files that are needed for testing/marking.


Compsys Assignment 1 Solution
$24.99 $18.99