There are many types of Winter Olympic sports.

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There are many types of Winter Olympic sports. All sports have a name. All sports have a distinct icon. Most sports are outdoor, but a few are indoor. Declare and implement the classes named in the sample program below in such a way that the program compiles, executes, and produces exactly the output shown. (Real…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




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There are many types of Winter Olympic sports. All sports have a name. All sports have a distinct icon. Most sports are outdoor, but a few are indoor.

Declare and implement the classes named in the sample program below in such a way that the program compiles, executes, and produces exactly the output shown. (Real useful software would actually display the icons, but for now we’ll stick to simple text output to the screen.) Do not change the implementations of display or main.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

Your declarations and implementations would go here

void display(const Sport* sp)


cout << sp->name() << ” is “;

if (sp->isOutdoor())

cout << “an outdoor sport “;


cout << “an indoor sport “;

cout << “with an icon showing ” << sp->icon() << “.” << endl;


int main()


Sport* sports[4];

sports[0] = new Snowboarding(“Women’s halfpipe”);

// Biathlon events have a distance in kilometers

sports[1] = new Biathlon(“Men’s pursuit”, 12.5);

sports[2] = new Biathlon(“Women’s sprint”, 7.5);

sports[3] = new FigureSkating(“Pair skating free”);

cout << “Here are the sports.” << endl;

for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)


// Clean up the sports before exiting

cout << “Cleaning up.” << endl;

for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)

delete sports[k];


Output produced:

Here are the sports.

Women’s halfpipe is an outdoor sport with an icon showing a descending snowboarder.

Men’s pursuit is an outdoor sport with an icon showing a skier with a rifle.

Women’s sprint is an outdoor sport with an icon showing a skier with a rifle.

Pair skating free is an indoor sport with an icon showing a skater in the Biellmann position.

Cleaning up.

Destroying the Snowboarding object named Women’s halfpipe.

Destroying the Biathlon object named Men’s pursuit, distance 12.5 km.

Destroying the Biathlon object named Women’s sprint, distance 7.5 km.

Destroying the FigureSkating object named Pair skating free.

Decide which function(s) should be pure virtual, which should be non-pure virtual, and which could be non-virtual. Experiment to see what output is produced if you mistakenly make a function non-virtual when it should be virtual instead.

To force you to explore the issues we want you to, we’ll put some constraints on your solution:

You must not declare any struct or class other than Sport, Snowboarding, Biathlon, and FigureSkating.

The Sport class must not have a default constructor. The only constructor you may declare for Sport must have exactly one parameter. That parameter must be of a builtin type or of type string, and it must be a useful parameter.

Although the expression new Biathlon(“Men’s pursuit”, 12.5) is fine, the expression new Sport(X), no matter what type of object X is, must produce a compilation error. (A client can create a particular kind of sport object, like a Biathlon object, but is not allowed to create an object that is just a plain Sport.)

Other than constructors and destructors (which can’t be const), all member functions must be const member functions.

No two functions with non-empty bodies may have the same implementation, or implementations that have the same effect for a caller. For example, there’s a better way to deal with the name() function than to have each kind of sport declare and identically implement a name function. (For people looking for loopholes, notice that { return “a person with a broom”; } and { return “a person with a stick”; } do not have the same effect, but { return “a person on a luge”; } and { string s(“a per”); return s + “son on a luge”; } have the same effect, which is to return “a person on a luge”. Similarly, for a funtion returning a bool, { return false; } and { return 42-42; } have the same effect, since in the second case, the int 0 that is computed will be converted to the bool false to be returned.)

No implementation of a name() function may explicitly call any other function.

No class may have a data member whose value is identical for every object of a particular class type.

All data members must be declared private. You may declare member functions public or private. Your solution must not declare any protected members (which we’re not covering in this class). Your solution must not contain the word friend.

In a real program, you’d probably have separate Sport.h, Sport.cpp, Biathlon.h, Biathlon.cpp, etc., files. For simplicity for this problem, you’ll just put everything in one file. What you’ll turn in for this problem will be a file named sport.cpp containing the definitions and implementations of the four classes, and nothing more. (In other words, turn in only the program text that replaces Your declarations and implementations would go here.)

The following is a declaration of a function that takes a double and returns true if a particular property of that double is true, and false otherwise. (Such a function is called a predicate.)

bool somePredicate(double x);

Here is an example of an implementation of the predicate x is negative:

bool somePredicate(double x)


return x < 0;


Here is an example of an implementation of the predicate sin ex is greater than cos x:

bool somePredicate(double x)


return sin(exp(x)) > cos(x); // include <cmath> for std::sin, etc.


Here are five functions, with descriptions of what they are supposed to do. They are incorrectly implemented. The first four take an array of doubles and the number of doubles to examine in the array; the last takes two arrays of doubles and the number of doubles to examine in each:

// Return true if the somePredicate function returns false for at

// least one of the array elements, false otherwise.

bool anyFalse(const double a[], int n)


return false; // This is not always correct.


// Return the number of elements in the array for which the

// somePredicate function returns false.

int countFalse(const double a[], int n)


return -999; // This is incorrect.


// Return the subscript of the first element in the array for which

// the somePredicate function returns true. If there is no such

// element, return -1.

int firstTrue(const double a[], int n)


return -999; // This is incorrect.


// Return the subscript of the largest element in the array (i.e.,

// return the smallest subscript m such that a[m] >= a[k] for all

// k such that k >= 0 and k < n). If there is no such subscript,

// return -1.

int locateMax(const double a[], int n)


return -999; // This is incorrect.


// If all n2 elements of a2 appear in the n1 element array a1, in

// the same order (though not necessarily consecutively), then

// return true; otherwise (i.e., if the array a1 does not contain

// a2 as a not-necessarily-contiguous subsequence), return false.

// (Of course, if a2 is empty (i.e., n2 is 0), return true.)

// For example, if a1 is the 7 element array

// 10 50 40 20 50 40 30

// then the function should return true if a2 is

// 50 20 30

// or

// 50 40 40

// and it should return false if a2 is

// 50 30 20

// or

// 10 20 20

bool contains(const double a1[], int n1, const double a2[], int n2)


return false; // This is not always correct.


Your implementations of those first three functions must call the function named somePredicate where appropriate instead of hardcoding a particular expression like x < 0 or sin(exp(x)) > cos(x). (When you test your code, we don’t care what predicate you have the function named somePredicate implement: x < 0 or x == 42 or sqrt(log(x*x+1)) > 5 or whatever, is fine.)

Replace the incorrect implementations of these functions with correct ones that use recursion in a useful way; your solution must not use the keywords while, for, or goto. You must not use global variables or variables declared with the keyword static, and you must not modify the function parameter lists. You must not use any references or pointers as parameters except for the parameters representing arrays. (Remember that a function parameter x declared T x[] for any type T means exactly the same thing as if it had been declared T* x.) If any of the parameters n, n1, or n2 is negative, act as if it were zero.

Here is an example of an implementation of anyFalse that does not satisfy these requirements because it doesn’t use recursion and it uses the keyword for:

bool anyFalse(const double a[], int n)


for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)


if (!somePredicate(a[k]))

return true;


return false;


You will not receive full credit if the anyFalse, countFalse, or firstTrue functions causes the value that each call of somePredicate returns to be examined more than once. Consider all operations comparing two doubles (e.g. <=, ==, etc.) that a function performs. You will not receive full credit if for nonnegative n or n1, the locateMax function causes operations on doubles like these to be performed more than n times, or the contains function causes them to be performed more than n1 times. (Notice that this limitation is for comparisons of doubles; there’s no limit on comparisons of ints.) For example, this non-recursive (and thus unacceptable for this problem) implementation of locateMax can perform a >= comparison of two doubles many, many more than n times, which is also unacceptable:

int locateMax(const double a[], int n)


for (int k1 = 0; k1 < n; k1++)


int k2;

for (k2 = 0; k2 < n && a[k1] >= a[k2]; k2++)


if (k2 == n)

return k1;


return -1;


Each of these functions can be implemented in a way that meets the spec without calling any of the other four functions. (If you implement a function so that it does call one of the other functions, then it will probably not meet the limit stated in the previous paragraph.)

For this part of the homework, you will turn in one file named linear.cpp that contains the five functions and nothing more: no #include directives, no using namespace std;, no implementation of somePredicate and no main routine. (Our test framework will precede the functions with appropriate #include directives, using statement, and our own implementation of a function named somePredicate that takes a double and returns a bool.)

Replace the implementation of pathExists from Homework 2 with one that does not use an auxiliary data structure like a stack or queue, but instead uses recursion in a useful way. Here is pseudocode for a solution:

If the start location is equal to the ending location, then we’ve

solved the maze, so return true.

Mark the start location as visted.

For each of the four directions,

If the location one step in that direction (from the start

location) is unvisited, and there is a path starting from that

location (and ending at the same ending location as in the

current call),

then return true.

Return false.

(If you wish, you may implement the pseudocode for loop with a series of four if statements instead of a loop.)

You may make the same simplifying assumptions that we allowed you to make for Homework 2 (e.g., that the maze contains only Xs and dots, the edges are all walls, etc.).

For this part of the homework, you will turn in one file named maze.cpp that contains the Coord class (only if you use it) and the pathExists function and nothing more.

Replace the incorrect implementations of the countContains and the order functions below with correct ones that use recursion in a useful way. Except in the code for the separate function that we give you below, your solution must not use the keywords while, for, or goto. You must not use global variables or variables declared with the keyword static, and you must not modify the function parameter lists. You must not use any references or pointers as parameters except for the parameters representing arrays and the parameters of the exchange and separate functions we provided. If any of the parameters n1, n2, or n is negative, act as if it were zero.

// Return the number of ways that all n2 elements of a2 appear in

// the n1 element array a1 in the same order (though not necessarily

// consecutively). The empty sequence (i.e. one where n2 is 0)

// appears in a sequence of length n1 in 1 way, even if n1 is 0.

// For example, if a1 is the 7 element array

// 10 50 40 20 50 40 30

// then for this value of a2 the function must return

// 10 20 40 1

// 10 40 30 2

// 20 10 40 0

// 50 40 30 3

int countContains(const double a1[], int n1, const double a2[], int n2)


return -999; // This is incorrect.


// Exchange two doubles

void exchange(double& x, double& y)


double t = x;

x = y;

y = t;


// Rearrange the elements of the array so that all the elements

// whose value is > separator come before all the other elements,

// and all the elements whose value is < separator come after all

// the other elements. Upon return, firstNotGreater is set to the

// index of the first element in the rearranged array that is

// <= separator, or n if there is no such element, and firstLess is

// set to the index of the first element that is < separator, or n

// if there is no such element.

// In other words, upon return from the function, the array is a

// permutation of its original value such that

// * for 0 <= i < firstNotGreater, a[i] > separator

// * for firstNotGreater <= i < firstLess, a[i] == separator

// * for firstLess <= i < n, a[i] < separator

// All the elements > separator end up in no particular order.

// All the elements < separator end up in no particular order.

void separate(double a[], int n, double separator,

int& firstNotGreater, int& firstLess)


if (n < 0)

n = 0;

// It will always be the case that just before evaluating the loop

// condition:

// firstNotGreater <= firstUnknown and firstUnknown <= firstLess

// Every element earlier than position firstNotGreater is > separator

// Every element from position firstNotGreater to firstUnknown-1 is

// == separator

// Every element from firstUnknown to firstLess-1 is not known yet

// Every element at position firstLess or later is < separator

firstNotGreater = 0;

firstLess = n;

int firstUnknown = 0;

while (firstUnknown < firstLess)


if (a[firstUnknown] < separator)



exchange(a[firstUnknown], a[firstLess]);




if (a[firstUnknown] > separator)


exchange(a[firstNotGreater], a[firstUnknown]);







// Rearrange the elements of the array so that

// a[0] >= a[1] >= a[2] >= … >= a[n-2] >= a[n-1]

// If n <= 1, do nothing.

void order(double a[], int n)


return; // This is not always correct.


(Hint: Using the separate function, the order function can be written in fewer than eight short lines of code.)

Consider all operations comparing two doubles (e.g. <=, ==, etc.) that a function performs. You will not receive full credit if for nonnegative n2 and n1 >= n2, the countContains function causes operations like these to be called more than factorial(n1+1) / (factorial(n2)*factorial(n1+1-n2)) times. The countContains function can be implemented in a way that meets the spec without calling any of the functions in problem 2. (If you implement it so that it does call one of those functions, then it will probably not meet the limit stated in this paragraph.)

For this part of the homework, you will turn in one file named tree.cpp that contains the four functions above and nothing more.

Turn it in

By Tuesday, February 8, there will be a link on the class webpage that will enable you to turn in this homework. Turn in one zip file that contains your solutions to the homework problems. The zip file must contain one to four of the four files sport.cpp, linear.cpp, maze.cpp, and tree.cpp, depending on how many of the problems you solved. Your code must be such that if we insert it into a suitable test framework with a main routine and appropriate #include directives and using statements, it compiles. (In other words, it must have no missing semicolons, unbalanced parentheses, undeclared variables, etc.)

There are many types of Winter Olympic sports.
$24.99 $18.99