Assignment 3 Stock Watch Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Uses: Internet, RecyclerView, Option-Menus, Multiple AsyncTasks, JSON Data, Swipe-Refresh, Dialogs, SQLite Database App Highlights: This app allows the user to display a sorted list of selected stocks. List entries include the stock symbol (and company name), the current price, the daily price change amount and price percent change. There is no need to use a…

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Uses: Internet, RecyclerView, Option-Menus, Multiple AsyncTasks,

JSON Data, Swipe-Refresh, Dialogs, SQLite Database

App Highlights:

  • This app allows the user to display a sorted list of selected stocks. List entries include the stock symbol (and company name), the current price, the daily price change amount and price percent change.

  • There is no need to use a different layout for landscape orientation in this application – the same layout should work in any orientation.

  • Selected stock symbols and the related names should be stored in the device’s SQLite Database.

  • A Stock class should be created to represent each individual stock in the application. Required data includes: Stock Symbol (String), Company Name (String), Price (double), Price Change (double), and Change Percentage (double).

  • Clicking on a stock opens a browser displaying the Market Watch web page for that stock

  • Swipe-Refresh (pull-down) refreshes stock data.

  • The application is made up of only 1 activity, shown below:

Add Stock Options-Menu

Item (shown as Icon)

RecyclerView list of Stocks (list

entries have their own layout)

List scrolls up & down

Long-Click on a Stock entry to

delete (with delete confirmation)

Click on a Stock entry opens a

web browser to the Market

Watch site for the selected stock

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

A) Internet Data:

Downloading data for a stock symbol requires 2 downloads – one download to acquire the full set or supported stock symbol and company names, and a second download to acquire the financial data for a particular stock.

Download 1: Stock Symbol & Company Data

When started, your app should initiate a download of the full set or supported stock symbol and company names.

This data is saved, and then used whenever the user the user adds a new stock.

Download Source:

Download Results Example:

Results are returned in JSON format, as a JSONArray containing the results data from the query. The data we are interested in is the stock “symbol” and “name”. Below is a sample of the JSON you will download :


“symbol”: “A”,

}, {

“name”: “Agilent Technologies Inc.”,

“symbol”: “ICXUSDT”,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“name”: “ICON USD”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“type”: “cs”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“iexId”: “2”

“type”: “crypto”,

}, {

“iexId”: 10000013

“symbol”: “AA”,

}, {

“name”: “Alcoa Corporation”,

“symbol”: “NEOUSDT”,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“name”: “NEO USD”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“type”: “cs”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“iexId”: “12042”

“type”: “crypto”,

}, {

“iexId”: 10000014

“symbol”: “AAAU”,

}, {

“name”: “Perth Mint Physical Gold”,

“symbol”: “VENUSDT”,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“name”: “VeChain USD”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“type”: “N/A”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“iexId”: “14924”

“type”: “crypto”,

}, {

“iexId”: 10000015

“symbol”: “AABA”,

}, {

“name”: “Altaba Inc.”,

“symbol”: “XLMUSDT”,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“name”: “Stellar Lumens USD”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“type”: “cs”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“iexId”: “7653”

“type”: “crypto”,

}, {

“iexId”: 10000016

“symbol”: “AAC”,

}, {

“name”: “AAC Holdings Inc.”,

“symbol”: “QTUMUSDT”,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“name”: “Qtum USD”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“date”: “2018-09-21”,

“type”: “cs”,

“isEnabled”: true,

“iexId”: “9169”

“type”: “crypto”,

}, {

“iexId”: 10000017

. . .


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile pplications

Development (Android Section)

Download 2: Stock Financial Data

When you have the desired stock symbol (and company name), you use the stock symbol to download financial data for that stock.

Download Source:

Query Format:

For example, if the selected stock symbol was TSLA, your full URL would be:

Download Results:

Results are returned in JSON format, as a JSONObject containing the results data from the query. The data we are interested in is highlighted below (Example using search text “TSLA”):





“Tesla Inc.”,

“delayedPriceTime”: 1537560000292,

“primaryExchange”: “Nasdaq Global Select”,

“extendedPrice”: 299.81,

“sector”: “Consumer Cyclical”,

“extendedChange”: 0.71,

“calculationPrice”: “close”,

“extendedChangePercent”: 0.2370000002,

“open”: 297.7,

“extendedPriceTime”: 1537563572798,

“openTime”: 1537536600046,

“previousClose”: 298.33,

“close”: 299.1,



“closeTime”: 1537560000292,



“high”: 300.58,

“iexMarketPercent”: 0,

“low”: 295.37,

“iexVolume”: null,



“avgTotalVolume”: 9530433,

“latestSource”: “Close”,

“iexBidPrice”: null,

“latestTime”: “September 21, 2018”,

“iexBidSize”: null,

“latestUpdate”: 1537560000292,

“iexAskPrice”: null,

“latestVolume”: 5034657,

“iexAskSize”: null,

“iexRealtimePrice”: null,

“marketCap”: 51024409370,

“iexRealtimeSize”: null,

“peRatio”: -18.88,

“iexLastUpdated”: null,

“week52High”: 387.46,

“delayedPrice”: 299.1,

“week52Low”: 244.5901,

“ytdChange”: -6.427801641032025


If the requested stock symbol does not exist, the following is returned: (Example using search text “ZZZZZ”):

Response Code: 404 Not Found

The symbol, companyName, latestPrice, change & changePercentage make up the data for one stock. Your code should parse these 5 data elements.

Using these 5 data elements, you can create a Stock object with all data reflecting the user’s choice.

© Christopher Hield

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  1. Application Behavior Diagrams:

    1. App MainActivity

Each stock entry contains the

Stock Symbol (i.e., AAPL), the

company name (i.e., Apple

Inc.), the Last Trade Price

(135.72), the price change

direction ( for positive

Price Change Amount, for

negative Price Change

Amount), the Price Change

Amount (0.38), and the Price

Change Percentage (0.28%)

in parentheses.

If the stock’s Price Change

Amount is a positive value,

then entire entry should use

a green font. If the Price

Change Amount is a negative

value, then entire entry

should use a red font.

Clicking on a Stock entry opens a

web browser to the Market

Watch website site for the

selected stock

CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section)

Add Stock” action is

an Options-Menu

with a single item

(shown as Icon)

A scrollbar should be

present along the

right-hand side

Long-Click on a Stock

entry to delete (with

delete confirmation)

RecyclerView list

entries have their

own layout

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

  1. Adding a stock – when only one stock matches the search symbol/name search string (NOTE: The Stock Selection dialog should only allow capital letters):


  1. Adding a stock – when multiple stocks matched the search string (Stock Selection dialog should only allow capital letters, stock selection dialog should display the stock symbol and company name):

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

3) Adding a stock with no Network Connection – test using “Airplane Mode” (No buttons on the error dialog):

  1. Adding a stock – specified stock is a duplicate (Stock Selection dialog should only allow capital letters, No buttons on the warning dialog):


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

  1. Adding a stock – specified stock is not found (Stock Selection dialog should only allow capital letters, No buttons on the dialog):


6) Swipe-Refresh (pull-down) reloads (re-downloads) all stock data:


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

7) Swipe-Refresh attempt with no network connection (No buttons on the error dialog):


8) Long-Press on a stock to delete it:

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

9) Tap on a stock to open the website entry for the selected stock:

MarketWatch URL’s are in the form:

For example:

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

  1. Application Behavior Flowcharts:

    1. App Startup



Get all Stocks from

Connected to


the DB, store in a





Temporary List


Startup Process Flow

Show No-Network

Error Dialog

For Each Stock in

the Temporary

Put all stocks in the

Stock List:

display, with price,

change & percent

change as zero.


Next Stock


No more stocks

to process

Sort Stock List

Notify Adapter


of Changed





Notify Adapter

of Changed




Add Stock to

Sort Stock List


Stock List


b) NameDownloader (AsyncTask)

Download stock

Add symbol &

Connect to data

Parse symbol &

names to

symbols & names


provider via API

name data




c) StockDownloader (AsyncTask)

Using provided stock

Create Stock object

symbol, connect to

Download stock

Parse symbol &

& pass it back to


stock data provider

data JSON

name data


via API

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

d) Add New Stock Process


Display Add Stock

Add Stock

Connected to

Menu option


Symbol Entry


from Main




Get matching


Show Error Dialog




Did you

Display a list of the

resulting Stock Symbols

No Stock Found

Get a Stock

Multiple Stocks

& Company Names in a





ONE Stock

Show Error Dialog

Use selected symbol to


Selection Made







StockDownloader Duplicate

AsyncTask Stock?

Add Stock Process Flow


Add Stock to

Stock List

Sort Stock List

Notify Adapter

of Changed


Add Stock to


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

e) Swipe-Refresh (pull-down) List:


Get all Stocks from

Connected to

the DB, store in a




Temporary List


SwipeRefresh Process Flow

Show No-Network

Error Dialog

For Each Stock in

the Temporary

Stock List:


Next Stock


No more stocks

to process

Notify Adapter


of Changed







Add Stock to

Sort Stock List


Stock List


  1. Long-Press Delete Stock:

Delete Stock Process Flow

Long-Click on a

Display Delete Stock

Stock from the


List in Main



Cancelled Done


Delete Stock

Remove Stock

Notify Adapter

of Changed

from DB

from Stock List


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© Christopher Hield

CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

D) Database

Your application must store the Stock Symbol and Company Name in the android device’s SQLite database. You will need a Database handler class as we have done in class (you have a posted example of a Database handler that you can use as a model).





Apple, Inc

AMZN, Inc.

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = “StockAppDB”; private static final String TABLE_NAME = “StockWatchTable”; private static final String SYMBOL = “StockSymbol”; private static final String COMPANY = “CompanyName”;

  • DB creation (done in onCreate):


SYMBOL TEXT not null unique,

COMPANY TEXT not null)

  • DB Add (Sample method to add a stock to the DB):

public void addStock(Stock stock) {

Log.d(TAG, “addStock: Adding “ + stock.getSymbol());

ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

values.put(SYMBOL, stock.getSymbol());

values.put(COMPANY, stock.getCompany());

database.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);

Log.d(TAG, “addStock: Add Complete”);


  • DB Delete (Sample method to delete a stock from the DB):

public void deleteStock(String symbol) {

Log.d(TAG, “deleteStock: Deleting Stock ” + symbol);

int cnt = database.delete(

TABLE_NAME, “SYMBOL = ?”, new String[] { symbol });

Log.d(TAG, “deleteStock: “ + cnt);


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

  • DB Load All (Sample method to get all stock-company entries from the DB):

public ArrayList<String[]> loadStocks() {

ArrayList<String[]> stocks = new ArrayList<>();

Cursor cursor = database.query(

TABLE_NAME, // The table to query

new String[]{SYMBOL, COMPANY}, // The columns to return null, // The columns for the WHERE clause null, // The values for the WHERE clause

null, // don’t group the rows

null, // don’t filter by row groups

null); // The sort order

if (cursor != null) {


for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { String symbol = cursor.getString(0); String company = cursor.getString(1); stocks.add(new String[]{symbol, company}); cursor.moveToNext();




return stocks;


© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

  1. Development Plan

    1. Create the base app:

      1. MainActivity with RecyclerView & SwipeRefreshLayout

      1. Stock Class

      1. RecyclerView Adapter

      1. RecyclerView ViewHolder

      1. Create fake “dummy” stocks to populate the list in the MainActivity onCreate.

      1. Add the onClick and onLongClick methods. The onLongClick should delete an entry. The onClick can open a Toast message for now.

      1. Add Stock options-menu opens dialog, on confirmation you can open a Toast message for now.

      1. SwipeRefresh callback method can open a Toast message for now.

    1. Add the database elements:

      1. Create the database handler.

      1. Add database handler calls to MainActivity (load, add, delete)

      1. Code the onClick method to open the browser to the stock’s Market Watch site.

    1. Add the internet elements and final integration:

      1. Create the Stock Symbol – Company Name downloader/parser AsyncTask (

      1. Create the Stock Financial Data downloader/parser AsyncTask (

      1. Add a method to MainActivity that allows the Stock Symbol – Company Name downloader/parser AsyncTask to send the newly downloaded Stock Symbol & Company Name data back to MainActivity. This method should create and execute the Stock Financial Data downloader/parser AsyncTask.

      1. Add a method to MainActivity that allows the Stock Financial Data downloader/parser AsyncTask to send the newly created Stock back to MainActivity.

      1. Implement the Add Stock feature (this uses the results of the above tasks)

      1. Implement the SwipeRefresh callback to re-download the Stock Financial Data for the loaded stocks

      1. Add alerts when startup, add, & refresh are attempted when no internet connection is available.

© Christopher Hield

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CS 442 Mobile Applications

Development (Android Section)

Assignment Assistance

The TAs for our course is available to assist you with your assignment if needed. Questions on assignment requirements and course concepts can be sent to the instructor.

Submissions & Grading

  1. Submissions must consist of your zipped project folder (please execute Build =>Clean Project before generating the zip file).

  1. Submissions should reflect the concepts and practices we cover in class, and the requirements specified in this document.

  1. Late submissions will be penalized by 10% per class late. (i.e., from one second late to 1 class late: 10% penalty, from one class plus one second late to 2 classes late: 20% penalty, etc.).

  1. Grading will be based upon the presence and proper functionality of all features and behaviors described in this document.


This assignment is worth 300 points. This means (for example) that if you get 89% on this assignment, your recorded score will be:

(89% * 300 points = 267 points)

Note that this also means that the 10% late submission penalty will be 10% * 300 points = 30 points.

If you do not understand anything in this handout, please ask.

Otherwise the assumption is that you understand the content.

Unsure? Ask!

© Christopher Hield

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Assignment 3 Stock Watch Solution
$30.00 $24.00