P07 Inventory Storage System

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Overview This assignment involves the implementation of a simple inventory storage system. An inventory storage system helps businesses to store, manage, and track inventory. There are several di erent ways to store inventory and properly manage it. In this programming assignment, we will store and manage inventory using a singly linked list de ned by…

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This assignment involves the implementation of a simple inventory storage system. An inventory storage system helps businesses to store, manage, and track inventory. There are several di erent ways to store inventory and properly manage it. In this programming assignment, we will store and manage inventory using a singly linked list de ned by its head, its tail, its size, and di erent count elds to keep track of some statistics. This inventory storage list stores boxes of three colors: YELLOW, BLUE, and BROWN.

  • YELLOW boxes contain fragile things. They should be always added to the head of the list.

  • BROWN boxes store heavy things. They must be always added to the tail of the list.

  • BLUE boxes store non-fragile less heavy things. They must be added below any YELLOW boxes currently in the list, and above any BROWN boxes in the list.

Every box has a unique inventory number to keep track of it. Boxes stored in the list must be easily removed from the inventory list when needed.

Learning Objectives

The goals of this assignment include:

  • Implement a storage unit as dynamic sorted Linked List from scratch.

  • Further developing your experience working with object oriented design code and graphic applications.

  • Improve your experience with developing unit tests.

Additional Assignment Requirements and Notes

  • You are NOT allowed to add any constant or variable data eld outside of any method, or any additional public method, or additional constructor not de ned or provided in this write-up. You can only add private helper methods that you can call from the prede ned public methods if needed.

  • You CAN de ne local variables that you may need to implement the methods de ned in this program.

  • DO NOT submit the provided Box.java and Color.java les on gradescope.

  • You ARE NOT allowed to use a dummy node at the head of the InventoryList linked list.

  • You ARE NOT allowed to import any class to your source les, except relevant exceptions.

  • In addition to the required test methods, we HIGHLY recommend (not require) that you develop your own unit tests (public static methods that return a boolean) to convince yourself of the correctness of every behavior implemented in your LinkedBox and InventoryList classes with respect to these javadocs and the additional details provided in this write-up. Make sure to design the test scenarios for every method before starting its implementation. Make sure also to test all the special cases.

  • Feel free to reuse the javadoc method headers provided in these javadocs in your class and method javadoc headers.

  • All implemented methods including the overridden methods MUST have their own javadoc-style method headers, with accordance to the CS300 Course Style Guide. All classes MUST include a complete javadoc class header. A complete le header MUST be added at the top of every submitted source le.

  • Getting Started

    1. Start by creating a new Java Project in eclipse called P07 Inventory Storage System, for instance. .

      1. You must ensure this project uses Java 11. Select \JavaSE-11″ under \Use an execution environment JRE” in the New Java Project dialog box.

      1. Do NOT create a project-speci c package; use the default package! Your source les MUST NOT include any package statement.

    1. Download the following source les and add them to your project’s src folder. You MUST NOT make any changes to these les.

    1. Create three classes and add them to the default src package of your project:

      1. LinkedBox (instantiable class; does not include a main method);

      1. InventoryList (instantiable class; does NOT include a main method);

      1. InventorySystemTester (NOT instantiable class; includes a main method); You HAVE TO implement all the P07’s test methods (the required ones and the ones that you may de ne in your own) in this class.

The provided Box class represents a box which can be stored and managed by our Inventory Storage System. Read carefully through the provided code and its javadoc method headers and try to familiarize yourself with it. You can notice that every Box object has a unique inventory number and a color. Three color constants are de ned in the enum Color to serve as possible colors for the box objects. These colors are Color.BLUE, Color.BROWN, and Color.YELLOW. In the next steps, you are going to create 3 classes and add them to this project.

  • Implement the LinkedBox class

Now, implement the constructor and the public methods de ned for the LinkedBox class according to their detailed javadocs description provided within these javadocs. We provide in the following additional details about the LinkedBox.toString() method. A LinkedBox object should be represented by the following String:

box.toString() + “-> ” // if next field is not null box.toString() + “-> END” // if next field is null

Next, add a test method to your InventorySystemTester class with exactly the following signature. This method should test and make use of at least one LinkedBox constructor, an accessor (getter) method, and a mutator (setter) method. Note that NO setter method is de ned for the LinkedBox.box instance eld.

public static boolean testLinkedBox()

  • Implement the InventoryList class

The InventoryList This class models the singly linked list data structure that stores elements of type Box. This class MUST de ne the following instance elds.

  • head: private instance eld of type LinkedBox which represents the head of this list.

  • tail: private instance eld of type LinkedBox which represents tail of this list

  • size: private instance eld of type int which keeps track of the total number of boxes stored in this list.

  • yellowCount: private instance eld of type int which keeps track of the total number of YELLOW boxes stored in this list.

  • blueCount: private instance eld of type int which keeps track of the total number of BLUE boxes stored in this list.

  • brownCount: private instance eld of type int which keeps track of the total number of BROWN boxes stored in this list.

You are not allowed to add any additional instance or static eld to this class. Recall also that you ARE NOT allowed to use a dummy node at the head of the InventoryList singly linked list.

Note that you DO NOT need to de ne an explicit constructor to this class. The compiler will automatically add a no-argument default constructor InventoryList() which creates a new empty inventory list and sets all its instance elds to their default values.

Now, make sure to implement all the public methods de ned in this class with respect to the speci cation provided in these javadocs. We note that our inventory list will be implemented

as a chain of linked boxes nodes. Our linked list can store only boxes having one of three colors de ned in the Color enum only (Color.BLUE, Color.BROWN, and Color.YELLOW). Adding and removing boxes to/from the list must obey to the following rules. Further details are provided in these javadocs.

  • YELLOW boxes can be added only at the head of the list.

  • YELLOW boxes can be removed only from the head of the list.

  • BROWN boxes can be added only at the end (tail) of the list.

  • BROWN boxes can be removed only from the end (tail) of the list.

  • BLUE boxes can be added ABOVE all blue boxes already added to the list, but AFTER all the already added YELLOW boxes, and BEFORE all the already added BROWN boxes. This means that a BLUE box MUST be added at position yellowCount of the inventory list.

  • Any box stored in the inventory list can be removed given their inventory number.

We note also the InventoryList.toString() method should traverse the contents of the list and return the following String. Refer to the String representation of the linked boxes to help you implement this method.

  1. An empty String “”; if the list is empty.

  1. A string containing an String representation of each box stored in the list separated by ” -> “s, and ending with ” -> END”; if the list is not empty.


Here are some hints which can help you implement the di erent behaviors related to adding and removing boxes to and from our inventory list. We highly recommend that you try to make a problem decomposition and try to consider all the edge cases:

  1. Adding a box to an empty list,

  1. Adding a box to the head of the list,

  1. Adding a box at the tail of the list, and

  1. Adding a box at the middle of the list.

For remove operations, we recommend that you distinguish the cases of :

1. Trying to remove from an empty list, or speci c box to be removed not found.

  1. Removing a box from a list which contains only one box,

  1. Removing a box from the middle and the tail of a non-empty the list. You will need a reference to the previous node!

Make sure to DRAW out the behavior for each of these cases ON PAPER before you begin coding. Write down the steps you need to take (and all the variables you’ll need to update) as you draw.

Adding BLUE and BROWN boxes:

BLUE boxes can be added at the head of the list if no YELLOW boxes are present in the list.

BROWN boxes can be added to an empty list.

Removing Boxes:

Make sure to consider the special cases for removeYELLOW() and removeBROWN() operations.

As for removeBox(int inventoryNumber), we recommend the following problem decomposition.

Break this method down into four cases:

  1. The box you’re looking for is the rst one in the list.

  1. The box you’re looking for is in the middle of the list (there are boxes both before AND after it).

  1. The box you’re looking for is at the end of the list.

  1. The box you’re looking for is not in the list. This includes the case of an empty list.

Draw out the behavior for each of these cases ON PAPER before you begin coding. Write down the steps you need to take (and variables you’ll need to update) as you draw. Review the questions in the pre-assignment quiz. They can give you some hints on how to keep references to the current and previous nodes as you traverse the list looking for a match with the box to be removed given its inventory number.

3.2 Add more test methods!

You are HIGHLY encouraged to add additional test methods to your InventorySystemTester class to gain con dence that the methods de ned in your InventoryList class are working correctly with respect to these javadocs the details provided above. All your test methods MUST return a boolean (true if the expected behavior is satis ed and false otherwise). In particular, create and add the following ve test methods with exactly the following signatures to your InventorySystemTester class.

  • checks for the correctness of the InventoryList.clear() method public static boolean testClear()

  • checks for the correctness of the InventoryList.addYellow(),

  • InventoryList.addBlue(), and InventoryList.addBrown() methods public static boolean testAddBoxes()

  • checks for the correctness of the InventoryList.removeBox()

  • InventoryList.removeYellow(), and InventoryList.remove Brown()

  • methods

public static boolean testRemoveBoxes()

  • checks for the correctness of the InventoryList.get() method public static boolean testGetBoxes()

  • a test suite method to run all your test methods

public static boolean runAllTests()

Make sure to call Box.restartNextInventoryNumber() at the beginning of every test method. Your runAllTests() test method should run all your public test methods. It should return false if any of its component tests fail, and true if they all succeed. Note that we will run this speci c test method against several LinkedBox or InventoryList implementations (some working, some broken) in our automated tests on Gradescope.

Demo: Illustrative Example

In order to provide you with a better understanding on how to use the implemented classes, we provide in the following an example of source code and its expected output, when the methods are called with correct input arguments. You can add these methods to your tester class and class the demo() method in its main method. The following text le contains a copy of the source code of this demo.

public static void main(String[] args) {

  • call your test methods here demo();



  • Helper method to display the size and the count of different

  • boxes stored in a list of boxes

  • @param list a reference to an InventoryList object

  • @throws NullPointerException if list is null


private static void displaySizeCounts(InventoryList list) { System.out.println(” Size: “ + list.size() +

“, yellowCount: “ + list.getYellowCount() +

“, blueCount: “ + list.getBlueCount() +

“, brownCount: “ + list.getBrownCount());



  • Demo method showing how to use the implemented classes in P07 Inventory Storage System

  • @param args input arguments


public static void demo() {

  • Create a new empty InventoryList object InventoryList list = new InventoryList(); System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

  • Add a blue box to an empty list

list.addBlue(new Box(Color.BLUE)); // adds BLUE 1 System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

list.addYellow(new Box(Color.YELLOW)); // adds YELLOW 2 at the head of the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

list.addBlue(new Box(Color.BLUE)); // adds BLUE 3 System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content list.addYellow(new Box(Color.YELLOW)); // adds YELLOW 4 System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

list.addYellow(new Box(Color.YELLOW)); // adds YELLOW 5 at the head of the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts // Add more boxes to list and display its contents

list.addBrown(new Box(Color.BROWN)); // adds BROWN 6 at the end of the list

System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

list.addBrown(new Box(Color.BROWN)); // adds BROWN 7 at the end of the list

System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

list.removeBrown(); // removes BROWN 7 from the list

System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

list.addBlue(new Box(Color.BLUE)); // adds BLUE 8

System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

list.removeBrown(); // removes BROWN 6 from the list

System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

list.removeYellow(); // removes YELLOW 5 System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content list.removeBox(3); // removes BLUE 3 from the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts try {

list.removeBox(25); // tries to remove box #25


catch(NoSuchElementException e) {



System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content

displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts

// remove all yellow boxes

while(list.getYellowCount() != 0) {



System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.removeBox(1); // removes BLUE 1 from the list -> empty list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.addBrown(new Box(Color.BROWN)); // adds BROWN 9 to the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.removeBox(8); // removes BLUE 8 from the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.removeBrown(); // removes BROWN 9 from the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.addYellow(new Box(Color.YELLOW)); // adds YELLOW 10 to the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts list.removeBox(10); // removes YELLOW 10 from the list System.out.println(list); // prints list’s content displaySizeCounts(list); // displays list’s size and counts


Expected output:

Size: 0, yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 0, brownCount: 0 BLUE 1 -> END


YELLOW 2 -> BLUE 3 -> BLUE 1 -> END

YELLOW 4 -> YELLOW 2 -> BLUE 3 -> BLUE 1 -> END

YELLOW 5 -> YELLOW 4 -> YELLOW 2 -> BLUE 3 -> BLUE 1 -> END Size: 5, yellowCount: 3, blueCount: 2, brownCount: 0



2 -> BLUE

3 -> BLUE 1

-> BROWN 6 -> END

Size: 6,


3, blueCount: 2,





2 -> BLUE

3 -> BLUE 1

-> BROWN 6 -> BROWN 7 -> END

Size: 7,


3, blueCount: 2,





2 -> BLUE

3 -> BLUE 1

-> BROWN 6 -> END

Size: 6,


3, blueCount: 2,





2 -> BLUE

8 -> BLUE 3

-> BLUE 1 -> BROWN 6 -> END

Size: 7,


3, blueCount: 3,





2 -> BLUE

8 -> BLUE 3

-> BLUE 1 -> END

Size: 6,


3, blueCount: 3,





-> BLUE 3

-> BLUE 1 -> END



-> BLUE 1

-> END

Size: 4,

yellowCount: 2, blueCount: 2, brownCount:


Error to remove box. Box #25 not found!



-> BLUE 1

-> END

Size: 4,

yellowCount: 2, blueCount: 2, brownCount:


BLUE 8 -> BLUE 1 -> END

Size: 2,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 2, brownCount:



Size: 1,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 1, brownCount:


BLUE 8 -> BROWN 9 -> END

Size: 2,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 1, brownCount:


BROWN 9 ->


Size: 1,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 0, brownCount:


Size: 0,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 0, brownCount:



Size: 1,

yellowCount: 1, blueCount: 0, brownCount:


Size: 0,

yellowCount: 0, blueCount: 0, brownCount:


  • Assignment Submission

Congratulations on nishing this CS300 assignment! After verifying that your work is correct, and written clearly in a style that is consistent with the CS300 Course Style Guide, you should submit your nal work through Gradescope. The only THREE les that you must submit is: LinkedBox.java, InventoryList.java, and InventorySystemTester.java. Your score for this assignment will be based on your \active” submission made prior to the hard deadline of Due: 11:59PM on April 7th. The second portion of your grade for this assignment will be determined by running that same submission against additional o ine automated grading tests after the submission deadline.

©Copyright: This write-up is a copyright programming assignment. It belongs to UW-Madison. This document should not be shared publicly beyond the CS300 instructors, CS300 Teaching Assistants, and CS300 Spring 2021 fellow students. Students are NOT also allowed to share the source code of their CS300 projects on any public site including github, bitbucket, etc.


P07 Inventory Storage System
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