Homework 1 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

This assignment is mostly reading (and little coding). You will answer questions in Brightspace. It is extremely important that you read this assignment very very (very) carefully. This assignment is the foundation for the entire semester. You will need to refer to this assignment often throughout the semester. It is common that students make careless…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

This assignment is mostly reading (and little coding). You will answer

questions in Brightspace.

It is extremely important that you read this assignment very very

(very) carefully. This assignment is the foundation for the entire

semester. You will need to refer to this assignment often throughout

the semester. It is common that students make careless mistakes even

though this assignment clearly warns students to avoid these mistakes.

It is advised that you read this assignment again and again. **It is

your responsibility fully understanding the requirements and follow

the rules precisely.** If you do not follow these rules precisely, it

is very likely that you will lose many, possibly all, points.

You will find this course challenging and rewarding. Some recruiters

and hiring managers specifically ask candidates “Have you taken ECE

264?” You will learn many concepts, skills, and tools useful in

industry. ECE264 can be a turning point in your career. Many alumni

will tell you ECE 264 is the course they truly love; some others will

tell you ECE 264 is the course they hate the most. If you pay

attention to **details** and follow the instructors’ advice, you may

find software development a rewarding experience. If you insist

keeping the old (and wrong) way of doing things, you will feel

frustrated and even angry. This course is designed for professionals

and you must accept that professionals do things differently from


The assignments in ECE 264 are too large for you (or anyone) to start

coding without a good plan. It is critical to plan before typing any

code. When writing small programs, many people adopt the “coding and

then debugging” approach. This will not work in ECE 264. The programs

in ECE 264 are too complex and too many places can be wrong. Without

a good plan, it is extremely difficult to write correct programs.

You need to understand that computers are “designed to be completely

stupid”. Computers were invented during the Cold War to control

weapons and computers must do precisely what programmers instruct to

do. Computers do not understand “small” mistakes mistakes. For

computers, all mistakes are big mistakes.

A general rule in ECE 264 is **the sooner you start coding, the more

time you spend and the lower score you get**. Many (millions) people

have learned programming and become professional software

developers. They understand the importance of planning before coding.

You will not be the first exception. DO NOT EVEN TRY. You must plan

before coding.

Write down and draw (not type) your plan on paper (not on a

computer). Think about how data will be move around. Think about how

and where data will be changed. If you cannot figure out the details

on paper, your programs will not work.

ECE 264 is “Advanced C Programming”. It is designed for the students

that consider to pursue careers in software development. Many former

students say this course is helpful in interviews for summer intern

positions, or regular positions. ECE 264 is not designed for the

general public and it is not an introductory course. ECE 264

emphasizes understanding and discourages *memorization without



It is important to understand the difference between “learning” and

“re-inventing” (or “re-discovery”). Some students think

“trial-and-error” is learning. This is wrong. You do not have to

throw your computer out of the window of a tall building and break it

in order to rediscover gravity.

You can find the electronic version of Dr. Lu’s book (Intermediate C

Programming by CRC Press,


Please go to Purdue Library web and search the book. As a Purdue

student, you can download the book. If you prefer a physical copy,

please go to WALC (Wilmeth Active Learning Center) to check it out.

You should read the book before attempting to write any code. You can

save a lot of time by reading the book and learning what is correct

without making common mistakes. You should also attend **every**

lecture because the instructors have seen many common mistakes and

will tell students how to avoid these mistakes.

There are many well-understood principles writing better programs.

These principles have been discovered and tested for decades. You

should following these principles. Do not imagine that you would be an

exception. Do not imagine that you will reinvent the software industry.

You will not. At least, not yet. You need to know how things are done

before you can make any improvement. If you do not follow these

principles, you will certainly encounter unnecessary difficulty.

You need to write many more programs in addition to required

assignments. To be successful, you should write code that is not

needed for homework for the purpose of practice. Consider a

basketball team in which the players touch basketballs only during

games. They never practice before any game. That would sound crazy,

right? If you write code for the homework only and nothing else,

isn’t it the same as touching a basketball only when you have a game?

There is no definite rule about how much additional code you need to

write. A rule of thumb would be 1-5 ratio: for every line of code you

write for homework, you write 5 lines that are not submitted. The

most difficult part of writing a complex program is integration, i.e.,

putting pieces together. Before you integrate multiple parts, you

must ensure that each part is correct. Doing so requires writing

additional code for testing each part.

Each homework gives you *some* test cases. It is very likely that

these test cases do not cover all possible scenarios. It is very

likely that your program passes all given test cases and fails some

additional test cases. Thus, **you must write additional test cases**

to cover scenarios that are not covered by the given test cases.

Observations suggest that

* If you want to get A, you have to write at least twice more

test cases than the given ones.

* If you want to get B, you have to write several more test cases.

* If your program passes all given test cases, you will likely get C.

* If your program fail one or two given test cases, you will likely

get D or F.

# Learn Tools to Help You

Imagine that you walk into a hospital and the doctors diagnose by

their eyes without any medical instruments, no ultrasounds, no x-ray,

no MRI. Imagine that an observatory has no telescope. Imagine that

an electronic lab has no oscilloscopes. Without these tools, how can

one know what is going on? The same applies to software development.

This course will cover a wide variety of tools that will make writing

correct large programs easier. You need to learn these tools. Do not

intend to debug using your eyes. Before you learn any tool, you need

to understand the purposes of these tools. These tools can help you

improve your programs and detect potential problems. Even though

learning these tools takes time, these tools can save you much more

time. Some students skip learning these tools hoping to save time, but

they spend much more time debugging their programs.

If you think you can save time by not learning tools, you are wrong.

Some students refuse to learn tools and use `printf` as the only way

for debugging. These students usually get C or lower grades. Do not

fool yourself. You will not be the first exception. Do not try.

This following story may help you understand why it is so important

using the right tools. Imagine that two Purdue students want to attend

a conference in Seattle (latitude 47.6062N). West Lafayette’s latitude

is 40.4259N. In other words, Seattle is north of West

Lafayette. Student A drives along I-65 North. Student B drives along

I-65 South to the Indianapolis Airport. After one hour, A is closer

to Seattle than B. After two hours, B is still waiting at the gate

and A is even closer to Seattle than B. B will land in the Seattle

Airport several hours later and A is still driving. Why can B reach

Seattle earlier than A? Because B uses a better tool called

*airplane*. A thinks driving north will make progress sooner but A

will spend several days driving to Seattle. The point is that you

**need to use the right tools**.

Learn touch typing (typing without looking at keyboard). If one types

2 keystrokes per second and another needs 3 seconds per keystroke, it

is likely the former can finish correct programs faster. Learn using

hotkeys, instead of mouse. When you use a mouse, your hand has to

move from keyboard and move back. This takes time. Learning touch

typing and remembering hotkeys will take several hours, you will save

thousands of hours in the coming years.

# Understand Yourself

Should everyone become professional athletes? Lawyers? Police?

Medical doctors? Truck drivers? Pilots? The answer is probably no.

Why should everyone become software developers? Maybe you think you

want to be a professional software developer. This course is an

opportunity for you to understand yourself. Maybe you would enjoy

software development; maybe you would not. Failing a programming class

is not a failure in life. Maybe you will find another career path that

is more rewarding and fulfilling.

# Let’s work together

You are encouraged to talk to your classmates and help each

other. Talking is not considered academic dishonesty.

*Do not copy code. Do not share code.* Sharing code is not

allowed. Discussing concepts will not produce code of excessive and

unreasonable similarity.

# Understand C’s Design Principles

C is an old language. When it was designed, computers were very

expensive. Thus, some design decisions were made to make C programs

faster, possibly making C programs more difficult to write. C

programs will not do anything for you unless you explicitly tell the C

programs to do something.

# Automatic Grading

Due to the size of the class (more than 300 students per semester),

this class is highly automated in every step. Your programs must

follow the instructions precisely. If it is your mistake, you will

lose points.

# 99% Correct is WRONG

Some students think they deserve 99% points if their programs are “99%

correct”. This is WRONG. It is possible that a simple careless mistake

makes the entire program not working.

In absolutely no circumstance can the teaching staff modify your

program for grading. Your scores depend on your submissions, and

nothing else. Do not tell the teaching staff, “If you fix that

mistake, my program is correct.” The teaching staff is strictly

forbidden modifying your submissions.

This class will give as many partial credits as possible for the

purpose of encouraging learning. However, you must understand that

**partial credits do not exist in the real world.** Many students

think “If I have done 90% work, I should get 90% points.” This is

completely wrong. That missing 10% is worth 100% points.

# Scores are calculated by your submissions, not by efforts

Another common misunderstanding is how scores are assigned. Some

students think “amounts of efforts” or “amounts of time spent” should

be part of the grade. Some students go to instructors and say, “I

spent a lot of time on this. Can I get some points?” Some students

also get confused between personal preference and grades. Some

students tell instructors, “I really like this class. Can you give me

a higher score?” Is that reasonable? The question is “How is it

possible to grade by effort, time, or personal preference

**objectively**?” Who can measure it? If you think about a question in

homework when you walk, does that time count? If you come out a

solution after a good night of sleep, should the sleeping time be

counted? If you have a dream that is not related to the question,

should the time during that dream be excluded? It is impossible to

count effort or time. It is also unfair to grade based on how much a

student has learned. Imagine two students: One spends a lot of time

writing a program but the program does not work. Another student

spends little time but the program works. Should the first student

gets a higher score than the second one? It is not possible measuring

effort or time. Thus, this class (and all other classes) measures by

“output”: does your program work or not. This is the only objective

way for measurement.

The instructors do not make these rules. These are the rules in the

real world.

The instructors *want* to give you partial credits for the purpose of

encouraging you to learn. However, in many cases, it is not possible

to give you partial credits. If your C program misses a semicolon,

the program may fail to compile and there is no possibility giving any

partial credit because the program cannot run.

Please understand that this is a large class and students’ submissions

are graded by computer programs. Your submissions must meet the

specification precisely. Any “trivial” differences (you think it is

trivial but computer programs may disagree) can make you lose points.

If you want to get partial credits, you need to understand how your

submissions are graded. This assignment intends to provide the

information. Please read this assignment carefully.

After fully understanding the current grading systems, you are welcome

to suggest better ways to give partial credits. Your suggestions must

be scalable: It must be able to grade the submissions from several

hundred students within several hours. Asking teaching assistants to

read each student’s code, understanding and correcting errors, would

not be an acceptable solution.

* The instructor and the teaching assistants are your friends

The instructor and the teaching assistants want to help you understand

C programming. They are your friends.

Learning Tools


This assignment will help you learn some most widely used tools:

`git`, `gcc`, `gcov`, and `make`.

You will learn to

* Manage source code using the git version control tools

* Detect likely mistakes using gcc warnings

* Write a program that has multiple files

* Understand how programming assignments are graded

* Build a program and run multiple tests at once

* Use conditional compilation to turn on and off sections of code

* Use gcov to find untested code

Version Control


Have you ever spent hours writing code (or a report) only to realize,

when your computer crashes, that you haven’t saved your progress? Have

you ever spent an hour making a change to a program only to realize

that the new features did not work and you had to go back to the way

the code was an hour ago? Version control helps solve these problems.

Every non-trivial program is written in stages. To write a good

program, you need to divide it into stages and finish one stage at a

time. After you finish one stage, test it to ensure that it works

and then **commit** a version so that you have a record. Version

control provides many advantages. One of them is a simple way to back

up your code. If, for any reason, you want to go back to a previous

version, it is very easy. Version control does many more things than

backing up your code.

Please understand that you must commit changes often if you want to

use version control. If you do not commit, version control cannot help

you. It is common to commit everyday or every hour. You can even

`commit` buggy code, as long as you do not `push`.

Some people send their programs to themselves as email

attachments. Some other people create zip files called v1.zip, v2.zip,

…. If you are one of them, it is time to change. Version control

provides *line-by-line* comparison of different versions. This

feature is unavailable when you use email attachments or zip files.

This class uses `git` for version control. Git is a distributed

version control system. That means there are two repositories: local

and remote. When you **commit** changes, only the local repository is

changed. This makes commits fast without network connections. If your

computer is damaged, you still lose the local repository.

To change the remote repository, you need to **push** the changes. If

your computer is damaged, you can retrieve the code from the remote


Github is a cloud-based service for remote repositories.

Please read the guide at github about how to use version control.


In this class, homework assignments are distributed using a *public*

repository in github: everyone can see the files but only the teaching

staff can modify the files.

You are *encouraged* but *not required* to use version control

managing your own code. If you do use version control, it **absolutely

critical** that your repository is **private**. You can request

*free* [private repositories](https://education.github.com/) by using

your Purdue account. You **must** keep your repository for ECE 264

private. If your repository is public, everyone can see your

solutions. If anyone copies your solutions, you will receive penalty

because you give away your solutions. “I do not know that my

repository is public” is not an acceptable excuse because this

paragraph already explains to you how to make it private.

Since you are advised to use version control, the instructors will not

accept any excuse like “I accidentally deleted my code” or “my

computer crashed” for an extension. **Do not ask because such

a request will never be accepted.**

If there is any doubt about academic dishonesty, your commit history

would be an important piece of evidence proving your innocence.

Version control can demonstrate that you make small and steady

progress (instead copying a large chunk of code at once). This is

another reason why you must commit and push often.

`gcc` version


**Environment Variables** The Linux operating system is, at a high

level, parametrized by a set of values called environment variables.

These are values modifiable by the system’s user that will allow them

to control the system’s behavior. You can view a list of every variable

defined on your system with `printenv`. One of these variables will be

the `PATH` environment variable, which is nothing more than a list of

system paths separated by colons. The `PATH` variable is actually used

by the shell to determine the location of a program you want to run

from the command line. For example, when you type `gcc` on the command

line, the shell will look into each directory listed in the `PATH`,

starting with the left-most one, until it finds a binary named `gcc`.

**`gcc` Versioning** The compiler, in our case `gcc`, enforces the

rules of the C language. As the C language and compiler techniques

evolve, `gcc` is updated with a new version to reflect and keep up

with changes. Often times, C code that compiles without warnings

on one version of `gcc` can look quite different from C code that

compiles without warning on another version (this tends to be

increasingly true as `gcc` versions drift further apart). This is

why, in this course, we will stick to a single version of `gcc`,

the default one.

**Default `gcc` Version** By default, on the ecegrid machines, your

system will have the path `/usr/bin` in your `PATH` variable, which

will be the location the shell will find the `gcc` binary to run when

you invoke it from the command line. We can look at the version of

this `gcc` program using

`> /usr/bin/gcc -v`

or, in this case, simply

`> gcc -v`

You’ll find that the version of the default `gcc` binary is 4.8.5.

This is the version of `gcc` the grading staff will use to compile

and link your code. **Your code must compile and link with this

version of `gcc` before you decide to submit.** This will never be

an issue with you if you always write your code on an ecegrid machine.

However, if you ever decide to work on a different machine (e.g. you

are on the plane or otherwise do not have internet access), keep

in mind that the version of `gcc` on that machine is most likely


`gcc` warnings


Before you write any program, you must assume that the program will

have many mistakes and develop strategies to prevent, detect, and

remove the mistakes.

When you write a program, you create text files. These text files are

not computer programs. To convert the text files from human-readable

to machine-readable format, you need to use a *compiler*. This class

uses `gcc` for the compiler.

`gcc` takes one or several `.c` files as input.

You can specify the output file’s name by adding

`-o name`

If you do not specify the name, the default name is called `a.out`

Please be careful **not** to use the file you write as the output’s name,

for example

`> gcc myprogram.c -o myprogram.c`

This will **erase** `myprogram.c`. You definitely do not want to do this.

Also, do not use `test` as the name of the output because `test` is a

command in Linux. When you run `test`, is it your program or the

Linux command? The answer depends on your *path* settings. If you do

not understand what *path* means, that’s all right for now. Just do

not use `test` as the output of `gcc`.

If you read the manual (also called the “man page”) of `gcc`, you can

find many options. In this class, you should **always** use `gcc` in the

following way.

`> gcc -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wshadow -pedantic -Wvla -Werror`

* `>` is the command prompt

* `-std=c99` means using the C standard announced in 1999

* `-g` means enabling debugging

* `-Wall` means enable warning messages

* `-Wshadow` means detecting shadow variables

* `-pedantic` means restricting standard C

* `-Wvla` means detecting variable length array

* `-Werror` means treating warnings as errors

You should create an *alias* in Linux (or use `make` as explained

below) so that whenever you use `gcc`, all these options are

automatically added. If you do not know how to create an alias in

Linux, look it up on the Internet. If you do not create an alias, it

is very likely that you forget some parts of the long command. It is

very important to use `gcc` this way to detect mistakes. In almost all

cases, the warnings by `gcc` indicate serious problems. This is your

first “line of defense” writing good programs. There were many cases

when students forgot to use these options, failed to detect these

problems early, and spent many hours later debugging.

Here are some common warning messages:

* create a variable but never use it (most likely it is mistyped)

* create a function but never use it (most likely it is mistyped)

* read a variable before a value is assigned. C does not initialize

variables. If a variable is not assigned, its value is garbage, not

necessarily zero. Please be aware that `gcc` does not *always* detect

uninitialized variables. You cannot rely on `gcc` completely.

* write code that can never be reached (for example, after `return`)

* assign a value to a wrong type

* create two variables that have overlapping scopes (called *shadow variables*)

You must remove all warning messages. In grading, you lose 5% for **each**

warning message. If your program has 20 warning messages, you get zero.

Why is ECE 264 so strict about warning messages? They are very easy to

use (simply by adding these flags after `gcc`) and they detect many

bugs. The purpose of this requirement is to help you detect problems

easily and early.

Conditional Compilation


In some cases, you want to turn on or off sections of code. For

example, you may want to print messages showing the progress and

status of your programs, such as

`printf(“The value of x is %d\n”, x);`

Such a message should not occur after you finish the

programs. Deleting these messages manually can be tedious and

dangerous. When you delete the messages, you may *accidentally* delete

other lines and the program does not work any more. (This occurs quite

often in ECE 264.)

Fortunately, there is an easy solution: enclose the message by

conditions using `ifdef` and `endif`:


#ifdef MESSAGE

printf(“The value of x is %d\n”, x);



If you add `-DMESSAGE` after `gcc`, this line is included in the program.

If you do not add `-DMESSAGE` after `gcc`, this line is excluded in the

program. What does `-DMESSAGE` mean? `-D` means defining the `MESSAGE`

symbol. If `MESSAGE` is defined, the `#ifdef` condition is true and that

line is included.

You can define multiple symbols. For example, if you want to test two

different solutions of the same function, you can do the following:


#ifdef SOLUTION1

void func(….) // solution 1





#ifdef SOLUTION2

void func(….) // solution 2






If you have `-DSOLUTION1` after `gcc`, the first solution is included.

If you have `-DSOLUTION2` after `gcc`, the second solution is included.

If you have neither, neither solution is included. You will get an error message

because `gcc` does not know how to handle the call of `func`.

If you have both `-DSOLUTION1` and `-DSOLUTION2`, you will get another

error message because `gcc` has two options and does not know which

one to use.

You can also use `ifndef` (notice `n` between `if` and `def`).


#ifndef MESSAGE

do something



This program will “do something” if `MESSAGE` is *not* defined in `gcc`.

If you add debugging messages, please make sure the messages are

enclosed by `ifdef` and `endif` using a symbol that is different from

the program’s requirement. If your program prints anything that is not

required, you will lose points. Please remember your programs will be

graded by computer programs. Any deviation from the requirement will

cost you points.

Multiple Files


Every non-trivial system is composed of multiple components.

C uses two types of files: header (`.h`) and source (`.c`). Header

files contain declarations of functions and types. Source files

implement functions. Header files are “included”.

If `header.h` is created by you, use

`#include “header.h”`

If a header file is available from the

C language, use

`#include <header.h>`

Please notice the difference using `””` and `<>`. Source files are

“compiled” and “linked”. To link source files, simply put the list of

source (.c) files after `gcc`.

You should

**never** put a .h file after `gcc`. You should **never** include a .c file.

As your programs become even larger, compiling every source file after

only a few changes becomes problematic. Imagine that you need to

spend an hour compiling a large program (such as an operating

system) if you have changed only one line. To solve this problem, C

adopts a two-stage process:

1. Source files (.c extension) can be converted (called *compilation*) into an intermediate format called

*object files* (.o extension).

2. Object files are *linked* to create the program (also called *executable*).

By convention, an executable file in Linux has no extension (no `.c`,

no `.h`, no `.exe`). If only one line in one source file is changed,

only this source file needs to be compiled. Then, the object files

are linked. Compilation has done a lot of work already and linking

object files can be much faster (maybe only a few seconds).



By now, you may feel that there is a lot of work to do before you

write any code. If you feel that you need to type a lot of things

after `gcc`, you are correct. Fortunately, many tools have been

created to greatly simplify things.

All you need to do is five keystrokes: `make [Enter]`.

`make` is a Linux command. You need to write a file telling `make` what

to do. This file, by convention, is called `Makefile`.

`Makefile` can also specify the sets of tests to run.

`Makefile` may contain multiple sections. Each section has three parts:


target: dependence

[TAB] action


For example


testgen: testgen.c testgen.h

gcc testgen.c -o testgen


This means the program `testgen` depends on `testgen.c` and

`testgen.h`. If either `testgen.c` or `testgen.h` is changed, `gcc`

will be called to compile `testgen.c` and generate `testgen`. Note

that it is important that a TAB character is before the action (not


You can define symbols in `Makefile`. For example,

`GCC = gcc -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wshadow –pedantic -Wvla -Werror`

defines the flags mentioned earlier.

Please carefully study the `Makefile` included in this

assignment. Note, especially, the first few lines of the

`Makefile`. These define symbols that can be used elsewhere to avoid

typing the same thing over and over again. We use `GCC` in the rest of

`Makefile` to make sure that whenever we invoke `gcc`, we use the

command line flags specified above.

You can use symbols for symbols, for examples:



CFLAGS = -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wshadow –pedantic -Wvla -Werror



This is equivalent to

`GCC = gcc -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wshadow –pedantic -Wvla -Werror -DTEST_FUNC1 -DTEST_FUNC2`

**Warning** Your learning experience of this class to great extend depends on

whether you can take advantage of `Makefile` or not. Some students

do not pay attention to `Makefile` and spend much more time than

necessary on homework assignments. Some students do not take

advantage of `Makefile` for testing and fail many test cases. If

you are familiar with `Makefile`, learning ECE 264 is much more

pleasant. Use the right tools can save you a lot of time.

Test Coverage


You would not write code for no purpose. You would think every line of

code does something meaningful. However, sometimes, a program’s

conditions make certain portions of code unreachable. This is called

“dead code”. Here are two examples of dead code.


if ((x > 1) && (x < 0))


// cannot reach here


int func(…)


return …;

// whatever after return cannot be reached



Sometimes, the program’s execution flow is not expected. Consider the

following example.


x = 0;

if (x > 0)


// do something




// do something else



You may expect that `x` is greater than zero and the program should

“do something”. However, `x` is actually not greater than zero and

the program always does “something else”. You can use many methods to

detect such an unexpected program execution flow. One of the methods

is called *test coverage*. If `x` is not greater than zero, then the

code `do something` within the braces is not tested.

To use `gcov`, add

`-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage`

after `gcc`.

Then, execute the program as normal. To see the coverage of a particular

source file type

`> gcov filename.c `

If any line is marked `#####`, this line is not tested.

How to Write High-Quality Software


If you ask the students that have taken ECE 264, many will tell you

that ECE 264 “transformed” them from casual programmers to serious

software developers. To put it another way, in ECE 264, you learn how

to develop serious software that may be used by others.

Do you notice the selection of words? Programmer and Software

Developer? Are they different? Yes, they are different.

Developing software is much more than writing code (i.e.,

programming). As a rough analogy, developing software is like

building a house and writing code is like laying bricks. Building a

house is much more than laying bricks. Before laying down bricks, you

need to design the house. How many floors? Is there a basement? How

many rooms? Is there a garage? How would electrical wires, air flow,

and water pipes be connected?

Imagine laying bricks for a house before you have a design. It would

be a total disaster. Many students, however, want to start writing

code before they have designed the software. The results would be

predictable failures.

Many students mistakenly believe that they should spend most time

debugging. They want to write code quickly and then debug. This is

completely wrong. This is like building a house first, demolish some

parts, rebuild, demolish some other parts, and rebuild. Imagine that

a house has been built and the owner discovers that there is no

electric sockets for the kitchen. How much effort (and money) would be

needed to correct this mistake? This is crazy and, frankly, stupid.

**You should spend most time designing, not debugging.**

Design before writing code. This is the rule. You will not be the

first person to break this rule. Do not try.

Many students think developing software is about creativity and they

cannot be restricted by rules. This is also wrong. Every creative

person must fully understand their tools and the boundaries of these

tools. A musician must know many melodies. A painter must know how

colors interact. A gymnast needs to follow the law of gravity. An

interior designer must understand sunlight and seasons. A software

developer needs to understand the process of creating software.

Remember: spend time on design, not on debugging.

Another common mistake is to start coding without reading and

understanding the entire assignment’s requirements. Can it be

possible to solve a problem without understanding the problem? During

office hours, about 40% people ask questions before they read the

assignments carefully. These students waste their own time (and the

time of the teaching assistants).

Every software developer needs to know debugging process. The best

strategy, however, is to prevent bugs through careful design. Then, it

is important to detect bugs *automatically* by writing testing code.

Testing and 1-5 Rule


When you design software, you need to think about how to test.

Software developers frequently write code that is *never* shipped to

customers. Why? The software developers write code to test the

functionality that is actually shipped to the customers. The testing

code ensures that the customers get correct programs.

How to write testing code? There are a few rules. First, **do not

embed testing code inside the functional code**. What does this mean? Suppose

you need to write a function called `func`, **do not** write it this way


… func(…)


// do some work

// test whether everything is correct so far

// do some more work

// test whether everything is still correct



*Why is this bad?* It mixes real work and tests. When you need to ship

the finished program to your customers (or submit for grading), your

program will be full of testing code that can potentially slow down

your program and make it unusable. Some 264 students print debugging

messages and submit the programs with these additional messages. These

students will lose many points. Remember, the grading programs are

very stupid. If your program does anything different (such as printing

unwanted message) from the specification, you lose points.

Some students say they should not lose points by printing *additional*

message. This is wrong. Imagine that you take a flight from Chicago

to attend a friend’s wedding in London. The plane does not land in

London and instead lands in Frankfurt. The captain says, “We fly

longer than what you wanted. Do not complain.” Would you be unhappy

when this occurs and you miss the wedding? If so, you should not be

surprised when you lose points when your program prints additional,

unwanted, messages.

Some students said that they would remove the testing code. They

(almost) always forgot. Worse, they often deleted additional code and

made the programs incorrect. This has happened many many times.

Students want to delete the unwanted debugging messages and

accidentally delete more code. As a result, they submit wrong


Some books encourage readers to use `assert`. **THIS IS WRONG. DO NOT

USE `assert` within production code**. Here, production code means

the code you submit for grading. The problem of `assert` is that the

program stops immediately without any chance of correction. Imagine

that flight control software uses `assert` and stops when a plane is

flying! Some people say “I use `assert` because I know it must be

right.” This sentence is self-contradictory. A programmer puts

`assert` because the programmer *thinks* it should be right but is not

completely sure. If this programmer is 100% certain it is right, the

programmer would not put `assert` there (because there is no need).

Thus, putting `assert` inside a program is a really bad idea.

If putting testing code inside a function is bad, what is the correct

way of testing code? The correct way is to **create another function

(or several functions)** and call the function being tested, for example,


… func(…)


// do some work

// do some more work


… test_func(…) // in another file, do not put it into the same file


// prepare data needed by func

// call func and get the result

// check whether the result from func is correct

// you can use assert here



When you ship the finished software (or submit an assignment), you can

simply remove the file for `test_func` without touching `func`.

“This is a lot of work.”, you may say. Of course. Who said writing

good software would be easy? Please name one thing that is worth

doing and requires no work.

Welcome. Wake up. Grow up. Writing good software is not easy. If you

want an easy class, ECE 264 is not for you.

Some people in software industry would tell you the “1-5 rule”: for

every line of code that produces the final software shipped to

customers, software developers write another five lines of code for

testing and are never shipped to customers.

Limit Core


Coredump may be generated when your program terminates abnormally.

This occurs when your program intends to access memory that does not

belong to your program. It is like you want to enter someone else’s

room in a hotel. When your program does that, the operating system

stops your program.

Coredump can be a very large file and use up your disk quota. It is

unlikely that you would debug using coredump. Thus, it is recommended

that you limit the size of coredump to zero.

If you encounter out of disk quota, it is almost certain that you have

a core file somewhere. Use the following commands to find the core file:


cd # go back to the home directory

du -s * | sort -n # list directories and order them by sizes


`cd` to the last directory (the one using the most space) and repeat


ls # is a core file here? if not, du again as shown below

du -s * | sort -n # list directories and their sizes


Additional Tools to Learn


Please learn the following tools:

* A good editor. You are encouraged to learn how to use *hot keys*

(for example, for copy-paste) without using a mouse. Using hot keys

can *dramatically* reduce the time you spend on editing.

* shell commands, such as `grep`, `awk`, `find`, `mkdir`, `cd`, `mv`,

`ssh`, `scp`, `diff`, `sort`, `rm`, `cp`, `cat -n`, `man`, `head`,

`tail`, `more`, `less`.

* Touch typing. If you use only one or two fingers in typing and need

to look at the keyboard, you will spend a lot of time on

typing. There are many on-line tutorials about touch typing. Spend a

few hours learning touch typing and save many thousand hours in the

coming years.

Grading is based on Submissions, Only


In **absolutely no circumstance can the teaching staff modify your

program for grading**. You cannot say, “If you change this, my

program works.” If your program misses a semicolon and cannot compile,

you will receive zero. Your score depends on what is submitted,

nothing else.

Yes, we have to tell you again because a few people do not listen.

The teaching staff is strictly prohibited checking what is stored in

your computer (or your ECN account) for grading. Your score depends

on what is submitted. **NEVER** say “I finished before the deadline

but I forgot to submit”. **NEVER** say “I have not made any change

after the submission deadline.” because the teaching staff is not

allowed to look at your files that have not been submitted through

Brightspace. If a file is not submitted, it cannot be graded. There is

no exception in any case.

It is possible (and likely) that additional test cases will be used

for grading. If your program fails any of the additional tests, you

will lose points. It is your responsibility to create additional test cases.

Submitting Your Code through Brightspace


**This assignment (HW01) is not a programming homework. You need to

answer questions in Brightspace.**

All the other homework assignments are submitted through Brightspace.

Before the submission deadline, you can withdraw and submit new

versions. Please understand that once you withdraw a submission,

**there is no record of prior submissions**. You must submit as soon

as possible. It is your responsibility submitting before the

deadlines. Brightspace automatically marks submissions as late based on

the clock of the machine that runs Brightspace (not your own watch).

The **only** way to submit homework is through Brightspace.

The instructors will **never** accept any request for exception “*my

submission is only one minute late*”. It is your responsibility to

meet the deadline. You are strongly encouraged to submit at least ten

minutes before the deadline because submission may take time.

**You must be really careful in submission.** If you fails to submit a

needed file, you will likely get zero. It is your responsibility

checking whether you submit correctly.

**DO NOT** send your code by email. Your code will not be graded if it

is sent by email. The only way getting scores is submitting code to

Brightspace. No exception.

Submit Carefully


The submissions are graded by computer programs. Thus, you have to

follow rules precisely. If you submit an assignment to a wrong place

(for example, submitting assignment 3 to assignment 4), you will

receive zero. You spend a lot of time working on the

assignments. Please spend a little checking whether you submit




It is strongly encouraged to go to the office or lab hours for your

questions. Face-to-face discussion (or by video call) is much more

efficient than writing long emails.

The teaching staff will NOT answer your questions by email, unless the questions are personal.



Under absolutely no circumstance will the teaching staff (instructors

and teaching assistants) debug your programs without your presence.

Such email is **ALWAYS** ignored. If you need help, go to office or

lab hours.



If there is a campus-wide situation (such as severe weather or power

outage), the instructors will extend submission deadlines for the

entire class. If the problem is specific to yourself (for example,

your computer crashes), the deadline will not be extended for you.

If your dog eats your computer, please send your dog to an animal

hospital and ask the doctor to write a document saying that your

computer is inside your dog’s body. Without such a document, you still

need to submit assignments before deadlines.

If you encounter an exceptional situation (such as injury in a traffic

accident or serious illness), the instructors will grant extensions

based on the recommendations of the proper authorities (such as

medical doctors or police). You are responsible providing proper

documents requesting the extensions. The instructor of ECE 264 is not

a medical doctor and cannot decide the length of the extensions. You must

obtain that information from your medical doctors in written forms.

**DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENSION** because you will not get it. Do not

waste your time asking a question whose answer is already known. It

is **extremely rare** that a particular student receives an

extension. A general principle is that if you *can* ask for an

extension, you will *not* get it. If you truly need an extension

(and can receive one), you are probably in a situation (such as a

traffic accident) where asking for an extension is not your first


It is possible that an extension is given to the entire class, not a

specific person.

The instructors reserve the right to reject any request of

extension. Students have the right to request to the department, the

college, or the university to examine the instructor’s decision.



Before you ask the instructors for any special treatment, please ask

yourself the following question:

*”If the instructors do this to another student but not me, would it be fair?”*

If the answer is no, then do not ask.



If you need special consideration, please contact [the Office of Dean

of Students](https://www.purdue.edu/odos/) or [the Student Resource

Center](https://www.purdue.edu/drc/students/index.html). The offices

will evaluate your situation and recommend appropriate accommodation

to the instructor.



The first several homework assignments are intentionally easier than

the others. The purpose is to give you time to set up your programming

environment, familiarize yourself with the tools, and review the

topics from CS 159 (if necessary). Later assignments are considerably

more difficult. It is important that you do well at the beginning of

the semester. If you do poorly at the beginning, it would be almost

impossible to gain enough points later and get a good grade.



If you want to become a professional software developer, ECE 264 is

for you. If you want an easy course getting a good grade without much

effort, ECE 264 is not for you.

Homework 1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00