Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment #5 Solved

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This assignment provides the opportunity to implement and use a generic class and generic methods. The goal: combine two sorted stacks (min value on top) into one sorted stack (min value on top). The code must work for any 2 sorted stacks. The picture shows 2 stacks of integers being merged. Stack1 Stack2 MergedStack 7…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

This assignment provides the opportunity to implement and use a generic class and generic methods. The goal: combine two sorted stacks (min value on top) into one sorted stack (min value on top). The code must work for any 2 sorted stacks. The picture shows 2 stacks of integers being merged.

Stack1 Stack2 MergedStack

7 5 5
12 18 7
32 24 12
48 30 18
42 24
47 30

In this assignment, first work from the developer perspective and create a generic class for the stack. Once the generic stack is implemented, work from the user perspective (code inside main) using the generic stack methods to push objects of type Integer onto 2 stacks then objects of type String. Finally, write the generic methods to merge the two stacks, reverse a stack, and print the objects in a stack.


  1. Create a Java class called LastnameFirstnameAssignment5
  2. Follow “CS1450 Programming Assignments Policy”
  3. Write a test program (i.e. main) that performs the following:
    1. Create 2 GenericStack objects of type Integer (you will repeat steps 3a-3f for String)
      1. See definition of GenericStack class below for the class you need to create
    1. Fill the 2 GenericStacks with values read from the files:
      1. Read values in numbers1.txt
      2. Store values in 1st GenericStack – numStack1
      3. Read values in numbers2.txt
      4. Store values in 2nd GenericStack – numStack2
    1. Print the 2 stacks (write a generic printStack method)
      1. Print each stack proving they contain the file values (min on top)
      2. Iterate through the stack, popping and printing values.
      3. Write the code so that the stack is in its original state after printStack completes. For example, if the stack contains the following values before calling printStack, then it must contain these values in the same order after the call:
7 State of stack before and after

call to printStack must be same

      1. The method signature is left as an exercise but it should have only one stack formal parameter. This means, you need to call it once for each stack.
    1. Merge the 2 stacks (write a generic mergeStacks method)
      1. First create 1 GenericStack object of type Integer (this is the mergedStack)
      2. Call mergeStacks to combine numtack1 & numStack2 into mergedStack.
      3. Note: merging causes the largest value to be on top in the mergedStack. The reversal is done by another method because methods should perform 1 task.
      4. Make sure you understand the syntax of this method call, that is, what is <E extends Comparable<E>>> for, what is the return type, etc.

public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void mergeStacks

(GenericStack<E> stack1,

GenericStack<E> stack2,

GenericStack<E> mergedStack)

    1. Reverse a stack (write a generic reverseStack method)
      1. First create 1 GenericStack object of type Integer (this is the finalMergedStack)
      2. Call reverseStack to reverse values in mergedStack so smallest value is on top

public static <E> void reverseStack (GenericStack<E> stack,

GenericStack<E> finalMergedStack)

    1. Print the final merged stack
      1. Call generic printStack method described in step c to print finalMergedStack.
    1. REPEAT STEPS 3a – 3f for the two String files (mountains1.txt and mountains2.txt)
    1. Print 2 merged stacks side by side (write a generic printTwoStacks method)
      1. Call generic printTwoStacks to print the contents of two stacks side by side.
      2. The method printTwoStacks has two generic parameters, E and F, since the stacks are of different types.

public static <E, F> void printTwoStacks(GenericStack<E> stack1,

GenericStack<F> stack2)

      1. This method may use one temporary stack of type GenericStack<E> and one temporary stack of type GenericStack<F>. It may also use one temporary variable of each type, E and F.
      2. No other data structures may be used (array, ArrayList, etc.)
      3. The stacks will likely be of different lengths, so when one stack runs out of elements, fill in the blanks in its display with “—-“.
      4. The method must leave the stacks in their original state, to prove this, print the top element in each stack after the printTwoStacks method has returned.
    1. Note:
      1. There is only one printStack, one mergeStack, one reverseStack, and one printTwoStacks method.
      2. These methods belong after main since they belong to class Assignment5
      3. DO NOT create these methods for Integers and another set of methods for Strings – that defeats the purpose of learning to use generic methods.
  1. Test files information:
    1. There are 4 files: two files with integer values and two files with string values.
    1. The values are stored in reverse sorted order in the files so as you read and push the values onto the stack the stack ends up in proper sorted order (min value on top).
    1. Remember, these files are examples so do NOT ASSUME file size or specific values beyond Integers and Strings.
numbers1.txt numbers2.txt mountains1.txt mountains2.txt










Snowmass Mountain

Pikes Peak

Mt. Sneffels

Mt. of the Holy Cross

Mt. Elbert

Mt. Princeton

Mt. Evans

Maroon Peak

Longs Peak


GenericStack Class

  • Description:
    • A stack is a data structure with last-in, first out behavior.
      • Last item added is first item removed.
      • Visually, it’s like a stack of plates – where plates are added to the top of the stack, and plates are also removed from the top of the stack.
    • To be a generic class it must look like this:

class GenericStack<E> E is a placeholder. When creating a

GenericStack indicate the type – Integer, String

  • Private Data Fields
    • list – Use an ArrayList as the storage container (i.e. structure to hold objects in stack)
      • To implement a stack, we add and remove only from one end of the ArrayList.
      • Allow the ArrayList’s last occupied location to represent the top of the stack.
      • Now the last element added to the ArrayList is the 1st element removed
  • Public Methods
    • Constructor: public GenericStack()
      • Creates an empty stack, that is, creates an empty ArrayList
    • getSize
      • Returns the number of objects currently on the stack
    • isEmpty
      • Indicates if the stack is currently empty
    • peek
      • Returns the object on the top of the stack, does NOT remove that object
    • push
      • Adds an object to the top of the stack (i.e. end of the ArrayList)
    • pop
      • Removes the object on the top of the stack (i.e. end of the ArrayList)


Tip: Writing a Generic Class

  • When first working with generics, it can be difficult to understand and write generic code.
  • Some students find it helpful to use this approach to learn generics:
    • 1st write an Integer stack class without any generics.
    • Use Integer as the type for ArrayList and the type in methods (arguments/return type).
    • Test the class and get the regular Integer stack working properly.
    • Convert Integer class to a generic class by replacing all Integer types with the generic type parameter E. Make sure the code still works.
    • Finally, write code for Strings using generic class & methods and everything should work

Tip: Comparing Values in a Generic Stack

  • If you attempt to compare stack values using the relational operators, you will see this error
    • The operator > is undefined for the argument type(s) E
  • The mergeStacks method is bounded by comparable so using the compareTo method solves this error.


Output when running against the test files numbers1.txt, numbers2.txt and mountains1.txt, mountains2.txt

Numbers Stack 1 – filled with values from numbers1.txt






Numbers Stack 2 – filled with values from numbers2.txt








Merged Stack – lowest value on top












String Stack 1 – filled with values from mountains1.txt


Mt. Elbert

Mt. Of The Holy Cross

Mt. Sneffels

Pikes Peak

Snowmass Mountain

String Stack 2 – filled with values from mountains2.txt


Longs Peak

Maroon Peak

Mt. Evans

Mt. Princeton

Merged Stack – lowest value on top


Longs Peak

Maroon Peak

Mt. Elbert

Mt. Evans

Mt. Of The Holy Cross

Mt. Princeton

Mt. Sneffels

Pikes Peak

Snowmass Mountain

Printing Merged Stacks side by side – lowest value on top


Integers Strings


5 Longs Peak

7 Maroon Peak

12 Mt. Elbert

18 Mt. Evans

24 Mt. Of The Holy Cross

30 Mt. Princeton

32 Mt. Sneffels

42 Pikes Peak

47 Snowmass Mountain

48 —-

Number stack top: 5

String stack top: Longs Peak

Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment #5 Solved
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