Assignment-1 Bag Class Abstraction;Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Purpose: This assignment will help you get practice with: • Abstract Data Types • Inheritance • Polymorphism • C++ pointers • C++ Classes • C++ virtual and pure virtual functions • C++ Class Templates • C++ Arrays TASK A container class is a data type that is capable of holding a collection of items and…

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Purpose: This assignment will help you get practice with:
• Abstract Data Types
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
• C++ pointers
• C++ Classes
• C++ virtual and pure virtual functions
• C++ Class Templates
• C++ Arrays


A container class is a data type that is capable of holding a collection of items and provides
functions to access them. Bag is an example of a container class. It is an unordered collection of
items that may have duplicates.
In this assignment, you are asked to design and develop an abstract Bag class, called
BagInterface, with the following fixed collection of operations:
• insert an item of any type into a bag
• query the bag contents: two queries
o Is an item in the bag?
o How many copies of an item is in the bag?
• remove an item from the bag
• clear the bag
• get the size of the bag
o How many items are there in the bag?
• check if the bag is empty
• check if the bag is full
o Assume the bag capacity is 20

In addition to BagInterface, you are asked to implement two classes of bag
implementations: PlainBag and MagicChangeBag. PlainBag is a simple container that
holds items of any type using an array implementation. MagicChangeBag is also very similar
to PlainBag, with two exceptions. When an item is inserted into a magic change bag, it’ll
magically disappear, and bag looks empty. Whenever a remove operation is invoked, all the
items, except the one is removed will appear.

You are asked to:
• create BagInterface abstract class
• implement PlainBag and MagicChangeBag classes
• use templates
• use virtual and pure virtual functions
• use arrays
• provide UML class diagram for your solution

Assignment-1 Bag Class Abstraction;Solution
$35.00 $29.00