Implement a Defensive Security System

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This assignment will help you understand security mechanisms. You will be guided through the steps of creating a reference monitor using the security layer functionality in Repy V2. A reference monitor is an access control concept that refers to an abstract machine that mediates all access to objects by subjects. This can be used to…

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This assignment will help you understand security mechanisms. You will be

guided through the steps of creating a reference monitor using the security

layer functionality in Repy V2. A reference monitor is an access control

concept that refers to an abstract machine that mediates all access to

objects by subjects. This can be used to allow, deny, or change the

behavior of any set of calls. While not a perfect way of validating your

reference monitor, it is useful to create test cases to see whether your

security layer will work as expected (the test cases may be turned in as

part of the next assignment). Please ask your instructor if test cases are available to you, some instructors may provide with test cases.

This assignment is intended to reinforce concepts about access control and

reference monitors in a hands-on manner.



In this assignment you will create a security layer which keeps a backup

copy of a file in case it is written incorrectly. This is a common

technique for things like firmware images where a system may not be able to

recover if the file is written incorrectly. For this assignment, a

valid file must start with the character ‘S’ and end with the character

‘E’. If any other characters (including lowercase ‘s’, ‘e’, etc.) are

the first or last characters, then the file is considered invalid.

Applications use ABopenfile() to create or open a file. Files are created by

setting create=True. When calling ABopenfile(), the reference

monitor will create a valid backup file called filename.a and an empty

file we will write to called filename.b. When close() is called on the file, if both filename.a and filename.b are valid, the original file’s data is replaced with the data of filename.b. If filename.b is not valid, the original file should use the data of the backup filename.a file. Afterward both the filename.a and filename.b file should be deleted, and only the original file should remain.

Write test applications to ensure your reference monitor behaves properly

in different cases and to test attacks against your monitor.

The Reference Monitor Must:

1. Not modify or disable any functionality of any [RepyV2 API calls](../Programming/, such as:

* Creating new files

* Opening an existing file

* Reading valid backup using readat()

* Writing to file using writeat(). This includes invalid writes, because ‘S’ and ‘E’

may later be written to the begining and end of the file respectively.

2. Check if file contents starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘E’, only when close() is called.

3. Update the original file with the new data IF the new data is valid on close().

4. Not produce any errors

* Normal operations should not be blocked or produce any output

* Invalid operations should not produce any output to the user

The Reference Monitor Should:

1. Create two copies of the same file (filename.a and filename.b)

* One is a valid backup to read from, and the other is written to

2. When an app calls ABopenfile(), the method opens the A/B files, which

you should name filename.a and filename.b.

3. When the app calls readat(), all reads must be performed on the valid backup.

4. When the app calls writeat(), all writes must be performed on the written to file.

Three design paradigms are at work in this assignment: accuracy,

efficiency, and security.

* Accuracy: The security layer should only stop certain actions from being

blocked. All other actions should be allowed. For example, if an app

tries to read data from the backup file, this must succeed as per normal and

must not be blocked. All situations that are not described above *must*

match that of the underlying API.

* Efficiency: The security layer should use a minimum number of resources,

so performance is not compromised. For example, keeping a complete copy of

every file on disk in memory would be forbidden.

* Security: The attacker should not be able to circumvent the security

layer. For example, if the attacker can cause an invalid file to be saved, read the “write to” file, or can

write to the backup file we read from, then the security is compromised.

Getting Python and RepyV2

Please refer to the [SeattleTestbed Build Instructions](../Contributing/ prerequisites)

for details.

Once you have built RepyV2 into a directory of your choice, change into that

directory. Use the command below in order to run your RepyV2 applications:

“`python2 restrictions.default encasementlib.r2py [security_layer].r2py [application].r2py“`

(Replace ‘[security_layer].r2py’ and ‘[application].r2py’ by the names of the

security layers and application that you want to run.)

In order to test whether or not these steps worked, please copy and paste

the code found below for the sample security layer and sample attack.

If you got an error, please go through the troubleshooting section found below.

Troubleshooting Repy code


If you can’t get Repy files to run, some of the following common errors may

have occurred:

* using `print` instead of `log`:

Repy is a subset of Python, but its syntax is slightly different. For

example, Python’s `print` statement cannot be used; Repy has `log` for

that. For a full list of acceptable syntax please see


* command line errors:

**files are missing:** In the above command line call, you must have

``, restrictions.default, encasementlib.r2py, the security layer and

the program you want to run in the current working directory. If any or

all of the above files are not in that directory then you will not be able

to run repy files.


AR: This doesn’t apply when building from source or getting the runtime tarball only (it does for clearinghouse downloads).

* Downloading the wrong version of Seattle:

Seattle is operating system dependent. If you download the Windows

version, you need to use the Windows command line. For Windows 7 this is

PowerShell. You can open a new terminal by going to start, search, type

powershell. If you downloaded the Linux version you must use a Linux OS

and Linux terminal.


Tutorials for Repy and Python


Now that you have Repy and Python, you may need a refresher on how to use

them. The following tutorials provide this information.

* Official [Python tutorial](

* [Differences between RepyV2 and Python](../Programming/

* List of [RepyV2 API calls](../Programming/

Building the security layer


The following program is a sample security layer, it is not complete and does not

handle all cases required by the API. Remember, you have no idea how the

attacker will try to penetrate your security layer, so it is important that

you leave nothing to chance!

A basic (and inadequate) defense

Time to start coding! Let’s inspect a basic security layer.



This security layer inadequately handles A/B storage for files in RepyV2.


This security layer uses encasementlib.r2py, restrictions.default, and Python

Also you need to give it an application to run.

python restrictions.default encasementlib.r2py [security_layer].r2py [attack_program].r2py









class ABFile():

def __init__(self,filename,create):


mycontext[‘debug’] = False

local (per object) reference to the underlying file

self.Afn = filename+’.a’

self.Bfn = filename+’.b’

make the files and add ‘SE’ to the readat file…

if create:

self.Afile = openfile(self.Afn,create)

self.Bfile = openfile(self.Bfn,create)


def writeat(self,data,offset):

Write the requested data to the B file using the sandbox’s writeat call


def readat(self,bytes,offset):

Read from the A file using the sandbox’s readat…

return self.Afile.readat(bytes,offset)

def close(self):



def ABopenfile(filename, create):

return ABFile(filename,create)

The code here sets up type checking and variable hiding for you. You

should not need to change anything below here.

sec_file_def = {“obj-type”:ABFile,






CHILD_CONTEXT_DEF[“ABopenfile”] = {TYPE:OBJC,ARGS:(str,bool),EXCP:Exception,RETURN:sec_file_def,TARGET:ABopenfile}

Execute the user code



Testing your security layer


In this part of the assignment you will pretend to be an attacker. Remember

the attacker’s objective is to bypass the A/B restrictions or cause

the security layer to act in a disallowed manner. By understanding how the

attacker thinks, you will be able to write better security layers.

An example of an attack is found below:


if “testfile.txt.a” in listfiles():


if “testfile.txt.b” in listfiles():


myfile=ABopenfile(“testfile.txt”,True) Create an AB file

I should get ‘SE’ when reading an empty file…

assert(‘SE’ == myfile.readat(None,0))

put some valid data in the file.


I should still get ‘SE’ because the file wasn’t closed.

assert(‘SE’ == myfile.readat(None,0))

Close the file



In the example above, a successful attack would cause an error when

“`assert(‘SE’== myfile.readat(None, 0))“`

is executed because the newly created valid file did not contain ‘SE’, meaning an invalid

read occurred

If the example above executed without error, meaning that the newly created file contained ‘SE’,

then the attack was successfully defended.

**Note:** All attacks should be written as Repy V2 files, using the .r2py extension.

Choice of File Names


Filenames may only be in the current directory and may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, the hyphen, underscore, and period characters. Also, filenames cannot be ‘.’, ‘..’, the blank string or start with a period. There is no concept of a directory or a folder in repy. Filenames must be no more than 120 characters long.

Running your security layer


Finally, type the following commands at the terminal to run your security

layer with your attack program

“`python restrictions.default encasementlib.r2py [security_layer].r2py [attack_program].r2py “`

Make sure you went through the “How to get RepyV2” section!

Notes and Resources


* For a complete list of syntax in Repyv2 please visit:

* **[]**

* The following link is an excellent source for information about security layers: **[]**

* **Note:** It is possible to add multiple security layers to Repy, this

may be useful for testing different mitigations separately. This is

done with the following command at the terminal:

“`python restrictions.default encasementlib.r2py [security_layer1].r2py [security_layer2].r2py [security_layer3].r2py [program].r2py“`

**Your security layer must produce no output!! **

* In repy log replaces print from python. This may be helpful when

testing if Repy installed correctly.

Extra Credit


For extra credit, program that keeps all old versions of files and allows

read from any of them. Writing to any old file creates a new (empty) version

of that file.

Do not submit this code inside your assignment. Submit a separate copy for extra credit.

What to turn in?


* Turn in a repy file called reference_monitor_[ netid ].r2py with all

letters in lowercase.

* **Never raise unexpected errors or produce any output.** Your program

must produce no output when run normally.

* For extra credit turn in a second repy file called extra_credit_[netid].r2py **You must turn in separate files for the normal assignment and extra credit**

Implement a Defensive Security System
$24.99 $18.99