Assignment 6: Test Driven Development Solved

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·Source code: TDD. This assignment will provide you with a comprehensive set of test cases; similar to those provided in the assignment 4. This set of test cases outlines the beginning of a “Musical Jukebox” program. The test cases provided in the assignment specify two classes Song and Playlist . The Playlist class is implementing…

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·Source code: TDD.

This assignment will provide you with a comprehensive set of test cases; similar to those provided in the assignment 4. This set of test cases outlines the beginning of a “Musical Jukebox” program. The test cases provided in the assignment specify two classes Song and Playlist .

The Playlist class is implementing a generic playlist to improve its applicability in order to handle any types of elements. Your assignment is to implement the functionality defined by the test cases provided. This assignment will utilize a number of Java concepts, including polymorphism, generics and method overriding or redefining. The assignment contains 19 test cases, divided over two classes — SongTest and PlaylistTest . The class AllTests is a test suite that contains the previous two test classes. These test cases are to be used to drive the development of the two classes Song and Playlist . Finally, you will be asked to create two new test cases that would provide a basis for two new methods inside of the Playlist class that would sort the playlist by artist, and by title.

It is important to note that you only need to implement the functionality needed to PASS the test cases. Remember to try and “keep it simple”!

Assignment 6: Test Driven Development Solved
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