Assignment 7 – Hash Tables

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OBJECTIVES Use a hash function Store data in a chained hash table (Separate Chaining) Search for data in a hash table Overview This assignment will recreate assignment 2, but using hash tables instead of arrays. You are welcome to use assignment 2 code wherever possible. There are 3 files on moodle HarryPotter.txt – contains text…

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  1. Use a hash function

  1. Store data in a chained hash table (Separate Chaining)

  1. Search for data in a hash table


This assignment will recreate assignment 2, but using hash tables instead of arrays. You are welcome to use assignment 2 code wherever possible. There are 3 files on moodle

  1. HarryPotter.txt – contains text to be read and analysed

  1. ignoreWords.txt – 50 most common words in english language

  1. HashTable.hpp – header file

You must implement the functions declared in the header file on Moodle: HashTable.hpp.Do notmodify this header file. You will also need to write a main function. We will assume your main function is written in a separate file while autograding. If you would like to write all of your code in one file, you will have to split it up when submitting it.

Your program must take4command-line arguments in the following order

  1. The number of most common words to print out

  1. The name of the text file to process

  1. The name of the stop words file

  1. The size of your hash table

For example:

./Assignment715 HarryPotter.txt ignoreWords.txt500

Your program should do the following:

  • Read in a list ofstop wordsfrom the file(50 stop words) specified by thethirdcommand line argument(ignoreWords.txt). Store the stopwords in astopwords hash table.Use the hash function detailed below in the description of thegetHash function

  • Build another hash table of size N, to store all the unique words, where N is thefourth command line argument. Use the hash function detailed below in the description of the getHash​​function

  • Your hash table should be stored in the privatehashTablevariable, which should be a dynamically allocated array of pointers towordItemstructs. Each of those wordItemstructs stores a word and how many times that words has appeared, as well as a pointer to the nextwordItemstruct with the same hash, in the event of a hash collision. A diagram of the hash table layout is shown below:

  • Read in every word from the file specified by thesecondcommand line argument (HarryPotter.txt). Store allnon-stop wordsin this hash table. Do not store the same word multiple times – instead, each word is stored with acountvariable that indicates how many times it appears

    • If the word is already present in the hash table, then increment the count by callingincrementCountmethod

    • Else, calladdWordmethod described below to add the word to the hashtable

  • Print out the top N words, where N is thefirstcommand line argument, along with some other information (detailed below)

For example running your program with the below command

./Assignment715 HarryPotter.txt ignoreWords.txt500

will give the below output:

0.0158 – said

0.0139 – had

0.0100 – him

0.0081 – ron

0.0068 – were

0.0067 – hagrid

0.0065 – them

0.0052 – back

0.0051 – hermione

0.0047 – its

0.0044 – into

0.0042 – been

0.0040 – off


Number of collisions:5485


Unique non-stop words:5985


Total non-stop words:50331

HashTable Class


  • Parameterized constructor: using the class variablehashTable,​​allocate a dynamic array

ofwordItempointers with sizehashTableSize.Hint: you may want to initialize all the pointers in the array tonullptr.Initialize all other class variables to default values.


  • Deallocate all memory that was dynamically allocated

void addWord(std::stringword)

  • Inserts word into the hash table with a count of 1. If the word collides with other existing words in the hash table then, add the new word to the beginning of the linked list chain and update thenumCollisionsclass variable accordingly

bool isInTable(std::stringword)

  • Using yoursearchTablefunction, search for thewordItemcontainingword. Return true if it is found, otherwise return false.

void incrementCount(std::stringword);

  • Using yoursearchTablefunction, search for thewordItemcontainingword. Then increment its count field.

void printTopN(intn);

  • Print the topnmost frequent words in descending order of frequency and the probability of occurrence(upto 4 decimal places)for each word. Use the following format:

/* for each wordItem, w, in the top n most frequent words totalNumberofWords – total number of non-stop words */

cout<< (float)w->count/totalNumberofWords <<” – “ << w->word << endl;

int getNumCollisions();

  • Return the class variablenumCollisions.

int getNumItems();

  • Returns the number of unique words in the hash table. Return the class variable numItemswhich​​needs to be updated every time a unique word gets added to the hash table.

int getTotalNumWords();

  • Return the sum ofcount’s for everywordItemin the hash table.

unsigned int getHash(std::stringword);

  • We will be using DJB2 function to compute the hash value for eachword. The complete code is provided for you:

unsigned int hashValue =5381;

int length = word.length();

for (int​​ i=0;i<length;i++)


hashValue=((hashValue<<5)+hashValue) + word[i];


hashValue %= hashTableSize;


wordItem* searchTable(std::stringword)

  • Search the hash table for thewordItemcontainingwordand return a pointer pointing to it

Submitting your code:

Log onto Moodle and go to the Assignment 7 Submit link. It’s set up in the quiz format. Follow the instructions on each question to submit all or parts of each assignment question.

Assignment 7 - Hash Tables
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