Exercise – Week 1: Setting up Python

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This exercise you need to be able to do without any help. This is a test to make sure that your programming skills are su cient for this course. Using Python (10 points) Install Python to your computer. You may install Python as you wish. However, a popular choice in Linux, MacOS and Windows is…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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This exercise you need to be able to do without any help. This is a test to make sure that your programming skills are su cient for this course.

  1. Using Python (10 points)

    1. Install Python to your computer.

You may install Python as you wish. However, a popular choice in Linux, MacOS and Windows is via the Anaconda environment manager. Anaconda makes it easier to work on multiple projects that use di erent versions of the same packages.

Go to https://www.anaconda.com and pick the correct installer for your OS. The following instruc-tions are tested in Linux and MacOS.

If you want to switch o the automatic Anaconda startup give the following command in terminal $ conda config –set auto_activate_base false

Create a new environment for the DATA.ML.100 course

$ conda create –name dataml100 $ conda activate dataml100

Start by installing a suitable version of Python (dataml100)$ conda install python=3.10

    1. Install IDE

Many people prefer to use an integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and debugging Python programs. You may browse the di erent option and choose your favourite. Popular choices are 1) VS code, 2) PyCharm and 3) Spyder.

    1. Test Python setup

Write a Python program that asks numbers from the user, sorts them and then outputs a sorted list of numbers (you may write your own sorting method or use Python ready-made)

(dataml100) $ python my_sort.py

Give a list of integers separated by space:-1 13 -666 666

Given numbers sorted: [-666, -1, 13, 666] (dataml100) $

Return the following items:

  • Python code: <surname> my sort.py

  • A full desktop screenshot that includes a terminal window where code is executed: <surname> my sort screenshot.py


Exercise - Week 1: Setting up Python
$24.99 $18.99