Course Project CS 524 Introduction to Cloud Computing

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  Instructions: This project has two parts, Part A (to be completed on AWS) and Part B (to be completed on, each worth 50 points—with weight of Final. Please use your AWS Academy account to complete Part A; and your Salesforce Developer Account, to complete Part B. Please make sure that you provide the…

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  1. This project has two parts, Part A (to be completed on AWS) and Part B (to be completed on, each worth 50 points—with weight of Final.

  1. Please use your AWS Academy account to complete Part A; and your Salesforce Developer Account, to complete Part B.

  1. Please make sure that you provide the appropriate screenshots and explanations wherever those are required.

PART A: AWS [50 Points]

Creating a simple microservices architecture.

The microservice will return a JSON object containing a random question and answer pair (about Avengers) using an Amazon API Gateway endpoint that would invoke an AWS Lambda function.

As before, remember to double check the Amazon SLAs and ensure that you take all the necessary steps not to exceed the resource.

First, you need to ensure that you understand the concept of Microservices Architecture, Application Programming Interface (API), Restful API. This has already been covered in the lecture.

The description is accompanied by Figure 1 below.

The HTTP Response will consist of questions and answers based on the popular Marvel Avengers series. Make sure you understand the purpose before proceeding. All steps should be well-documented with screenshots, according to your unique AWS account id.

After you complete the lab, make sure to include the conclusion of your findings. The outline of your work is as follows:

Figure 1

  1. Create a Lambda function named “Avengers” (a Lambda function is a serverless compute service which helps you run your code without requiring you to manage your server.)

  1. Copy and paste the following code in your Code source window:

var json = { “service”:


“reference”: “”, “questions”: [{

“q”: “What is the real name of the Scarlet Witch?”,

“a”: “Wanda Maximoff” },{

“q”:”Which film did The Aether first appear in?”,

“a”:”Thor: The Dark World” },{

“q”:”Which of the infinity stones is hidden on Vormir?”, “a”:”Soul Stone” },{

“q”:”What is Captain America’s shield made of?”,

“a”:”Vibranium” },{

“q”:”Which country is Black Panther next in line to be king of?”, “a”:”Wakanda” },{

“q”:”What is the real name of Black Widow?”,

“a”:”Natasha Romanoff” },{

“q”:”What is the name of the axe created for and then used by Thor in Avengers: Infinity War?”, “a”:”Stormbreaker” },{

“q”:”What is Loki’s title?”,

“a”:”God of Mischief” },{

“q”:”What is the name of the organisation which is revealed to have infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?”,

“a”:”Hydra” },{

“q”:”What nickname does Captain America know the Winter Solider as?”, “a”:”Bucky”


“q”:”What food do the Avengers go to eat after the Battle of New York in the first Avengers film at Tony Stark’s suggestion?”,

“a”:”Shawarma” },{

“q”:”What type of radiation caused Bruce Banner to become the Hulk?”, “a”:”Gamma rays” },{

“q”:”What is the name of the treaty the Avengers are asked to sign which divide the Avengers, bringing us to Captain America: Civil War?”,

“a”:”The Sokovia Accords” },{

“q”:”Who has directed the most MCU movies?”,

“a”:”The Russo Brothers” }

] }

exports.handler = function(event, context) {

var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * json.questions.length); console.log(“Quote selected: “, rand); var response = {

body: JSON.stringify(json.questions[rand])


console.log(response); context.succeed(response);


  1. After deploying that function, add an API Gateway as the trigger to your Lambda service, which shoulb be implemented as REST API.

  1. Test your Lambda function by copying your API Gateway endpoint URL and pasting it into your browser.

  1. Invoke the Lambda function and view CloudWatch logs for this function.

  1. Write the report with the conclusion.

PART B: [50 Points]

Customization on the Standard Object

In this part you will be creating a custom field on the Standard Object Account and creating Contact record and the Apex trigger on Contact Object. When we create a new record on the Contact object the custom field on the Account object needs to be updated with the help of the Apex trigger.

Steps for accomplishing this task are as follows:

  1. Creating custom field on Account Object [15]:

Now, we will creating custom field name Field Update on the Account object. Steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Quick Find/ Search box (You will find it on the left side) and Search Accounts and click on Fields (You will find it under Accounts)

    1. All the fields on the Account object will open Go to Account Custom Fields & Relationships and Click New

    1. Now you will create custom field Field Update on the Account Object with the following information.

Field Update:

Field Type: Checkbox

Field Label: Field Update

Default Value: Unchecked

Field Name: Field_Update (This will be populated automatically)

Visible: Checked

Add to page layouts: Select all the checkboxes

    1. Click on Save

  1. Creating Apex trigger on Contact Object [25]:

Now we will be creating Apex trigger on the Contact Object. Steps for are as follows:

    1. Go to Quick Find/ Search box (You will find it on the left side) and Search Contacts and Click on Triggers (You will find it under Contacts)

    1. Click on New and copy paste the following code (Make sure before pasting remove everything from the console and then paste)


trigger updateAccount on Contact (after insert, after update) { Set <String> accID = New Set <String> ();

For (Contact con: { if (con.AccountId != Null ) {

accID.add (con.AccountId);



if (accID.size ()> 0) {

List <Account> upAccList = new List <Account> ();

For (Account ac:

[SELECT Id, Field_Update__c

FROM Account

WHERE id in: AccID

AND Field_Update__c != True]) {

ac.Field_Update__c = true;

UpAccList.add (ac);


if (upAccList.size ()> 0)

update upAccList;



    1. Click Save (Make sure your trigger status is Active)

  1. Creating a Contact record [10]:

Now we will be creating Contact records from the Account object. Steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Accounts object it will either on top bar or Click on the “+”

  1. Go to the record which was created previously by “Your Information” on it. You will see the Field update field on the Account Object page. And scroll down you will be able to see Contact Object with no records on it.

  1. Click on New Contact and update the “Your Contact Information” and Save

  1. Once you create a Contact record navigate back to the “Your Information” record on the Account


You will see Field Update field on the Account Object is Checked and “Your Contact Information” record is added in the Contacts


Course Project CS 524 Introduction to Cloud Computing
$24.99 $18.99