SQ19 Project 2 solved

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This project specification is subject to change at any time for clarification. For this project you will be working with a partner. You will be implementing a tree data structure that can emulate a file system. In order to guide your development and to provide exposure to Test Driven Development, your implementation will be required…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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This project specification is subject to change at any time for clarification. For this project you will be working with a partner. You will be implementing a tree data structure that can emulate a file system. In order to guide your development and to provide exposure to Test Driven Development, your implementation will be required to pass a set of GoogleTest tests that have been provided. After implementing your tree data structure you will be creating a simple command line prompt program that will allow navigating the tree as if it were navigating a real file system. The CFileSystemTree has an interface with three sub classes (CEntry, CEntryIterator, and CConstEntryIterator) described below. The CFileSystemTree has the following member functions:

  • Construcotrs/destrucotr


CFileSystemTree(const CFileSystemTree &tree); ~CFileSystemTree();

  • Assignment operator overload

CFileSystemTree &operator=(const CFileSystemTree &tree);

  • Returns the CEntry for the root of the file system CEntry &Root();

const CEntry &Root() const;

  • Converts the tree into a string that has the form similar to

  • tree command. For example:

  • /

  • |–Makefile

  • |–bin

  • |–include

  • | |–DirectoryListing.h

  • | `–FileSystemTree.h

  • |–obj

  • |–src

  • | |–DirectoryListing.cpp

  • | |–FileSystemTree.cpp

  • | |–main.cpp

  • | `–testtree.cpp

  • `–testbin

std::string ToString() const;

operator std::string() const;

ECS34 SQ19 April 17,

  • Find the CEntry and returns an iterator to it CEntryIterator Find(const std::string &path); CConstEntryIterator Find(const std::string &path) const;

  • Returns an CEntryIterator that is equivalent to that returned

  • when the path is not found with Find

CEntryIterator NotFound(); CConstEntryIterator NotFound() const;

The CEntry is how the individual directory and file entries will be accessed in the CFileSystemTree.

  • Constructors/destructor


CEntry(const CEntry &entry); ~CEntry();

  • Assignment operator overload

CEntry &operator=(const CEntry &entry);

  • Returns if the CEntry is valid or not bool Valid() const;

  • Returns the name of the entry similar to BaseName() of CPath std::string Name() const;

  • Returns the full path to the CEntry

std::string FullPath() const;

  • Converts the CEntry into a string that has the form similar

  • to tree command. See the ToString for CFileSystemTree std::string ToString() const;

operator std::string() const;

  • Attempts to rename the CEntry

bool Rename(const std::string &name);

  • Returns the number of children, files will always have zero size_t ChildCount() const;

  • Sets the iter to become a child of the entry with name.

  • Can be used for moving of CEntries in the CFileSystemTree. bool SetChild(const std::string &name, CEntryIterator &iter);

ECS34 SQ19 April 17,

  • Adds a child (or path of children) to the CEntry. If addall

  • is true then all children in the path will be added if

  • necessary.

bool AddChild(const std::string &path, bool addall=false);

// Removes the child from the CEntry

bool RemoveChild(const std::string &path);

  • Sets the data for a file. SetData will fail if the CEntry

  • already has a child.

bool SetData(const std::vector< char > &data);

  • Gets the data for a file, if there is any. bool GetData(std::vector< char > &data) const;

  • Gets the Parent of the CEntry

CEntry &Parent();

const CEntry &Parent() const;

  • Finds and returns an iterator of the CEntry specified by name CEntryIterator Find(const std::string &name); CConstEntryIterator Find(const std::string &name) const;

  • Gets an iterator to the first child of the CEntry CEntryIterator begin();

CConstEntryIterator begin() const; CConstEntryIterator cbegin() const;

  • Gets an iterator to the CEntry past the last child CEntryIterator end();

CConstEntryIterator end() const; CConstEntryIterator cend() const;

The CEntryIterator and CConstEntryIterator are iterators of the CEntries. They have the same interface with the exception of the CConstEntryIterator only allowing for const access. Only the CEntryIterator is shown for brevity.

  • Constructors/destructor


CEntryIterator(const CEntryIterator &iter); ~CEntryIterator();

  • Assignment operator overload

CEntryIterator& operator=(const CEntryIterator &iter);

// Equality comparison

bool operator==(const CEntryIterator &iter) const;

Project 2

3 of 6

ECS34 SQ19 April 17,

cat file – Prints out the contents of the file specified by file

mkdir dir – Makes a directory named dir

rm file_dir – Removes the file or directory specified by file_dir

cp src dest – Copies the src file to the dest directory (if exits) or to the dest name (if not existing)

mv src dest – Moves the src file or directory to dest directory (if exists) or to be dest (if not existing)

tree [dir] – Prints out the tree rooted at dir if specified, otherwise prints the tree rooted at the current working directory

When loading the “mounted” directory, you will find the GetListing function helpful. In the DirectoryListing namespace that has been provided. The GetListing function takes in a path, and will fill out the vector of entries that have a name and a bool. The bool is true if there entry is a directory.

bool GetListing(const std::string &path, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, bool > > &entries);

You can unzip the given tgz file with utilities on your local machine, or if you upload the file to

the CSIF, you can unzip it with the command:

tar -xzvf proj2given.tgz

You must submit the source file(s), the provided unmodified Makefile, and README.txt file, in a tgz archive. Do a make clean prior to zipping up your files so the size will be smaller. You can tar gzip a directory with the command:

tar -zcvf archive-name.tgz directory-name

Provide your interactive grading timeslot csv file in the tgz. The directions for filling it out have been posted.

You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the Internet. You must specify in your readme file any sources of code that you have viewed to help you complete this project. All class projects will be submitted to MOSS to determine if students have excessively collaborated. Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external code sources will result in the matter being referred to Student Judicial Affairs.

Helpful Hints

  • Read through the guides that are provided on Canvas

Project 2

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ECS34 SQ19 April 17,

  • You may use (and are encouraged to use) the StirngUtils and CPath from project 1.

  • Make sure you are in the project directory with the Makefile when you type make.

  • If the build fails, there will likely be errors, scroll back up to the first error and start from there.

  • You may find the following line helpful for debugging your code: std::cout<<“@ line: “<<__LINE__<<std::endl;

It will output the line string “@ line: X” where X is the line number the code is on. You can copy and paste it in multiple places and it will output that particular line number when it is on it.

Project 2

6 of 6

SQ19 Project 2 solved
$24.99 $18.99