Project 6: Semester Project – First Development Pass, Interim Report

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Introduction Project 6 is the second of three parts for your Semester Project. The plan right now is as follows: Project 5 – the Project Design deliverables – due Wed 3/30 – worth 100 points (with possible bonus) o This was your initial design effort for the semester project Project 6 – the first Semester…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)


Project 6 is the second of three parts for your Semester Project. The plan right now is as follows:

  • Project 5 – the Project Design deliverables – due Wed 3/30 – worth 100 points (with possible bonus)

o This was your initial design effort for the semester project

  • Project 6 – the first Semester Project Sprint is due Wed 4/13 – worth 75 points

  1. This part of the project is detailed below

  1. This will be an interim submission including an in-person demonstration and review to

show where the project code stands after your first two weeks of code development

    1. Expect to deliver at least 50% of the functionality of your code here

  • Project 7 – the second/final Semester Project Sprint is due Wed 4/27 – worth 100 points (with possible bonus)

    1. This is the final delivery of your project code and support with recorded demonstrations

  • Note that Projects 5, 6, and 7 are not divided into Part 1 and 2 deliveries – one delivery per project

Project 6 Deliverables

Your deliverable for Project 6 is a combination of a demonstration to class staff and a link to your GitHub repo for the project deliverables. You must include a PDF document in your repo – clearly labeled “Project 6 Update.pdf” – that contains the Status Summary, Class Diagram, and Plan listed below:

Status Summary (15 points)

Include these sections in your status update PDF labeled “Project 6 Update.pdf”:

  • Please include the names of all team members and the title of the project in the PDF!

  • Work Done: Written description of the work done in the first week of your project and (in the case of multi-person teams) the breakdown of work across team members.

  • Changes or Issues Encountered: Has anything changed so far in your approach to the project from the initial design in Project 5?

  • Patterns: Now that you have more of your system implemented, please describe the use of design patterns so far in your prototype and how they are helping you or your design.

Class Diagram (10 points)

A class diagram that shows the classes that have been implemented so far and their relationships to one another. (In other words, this diagram may not show the complete system you designed in Project 5 but rather the classes your team implemented during the past two weeks.) This will likely be an annotated version of your Project 5 UML Class Diagram. Pattern use should be highlighted in this diagram.

Plan for Next Iteration (10 points)

Provide an estimate of how much more work needs to be done for your team to have implemented the design that you presented in Project 5 (with any design changes that may have occurred). What are your

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OOAD Homework/Project 6 Fall 2021 Bruce Montgomery

plans for the final iteration to get to the Project 7 delivery? What do you plan to have done by 12/8 when the project is due?

Demonstration (40 points)

This will be approximately a 10- to 15-minute demonstration to one of the class staff to show where your team is with your development. We may ask to look at your code and you should be able to share what your team has implemented in the last two weeks, also you should consider demonstrating any elements of the project that are running at that point. We may also ask questions about how you are designing and implementing your project, your pattern use, changes in your plans, and about what remains to be completed. Your submitted PDF with the status summary, class diagram, and plan for the next iteration should be available for class staff to reference during this demonstration.

This is intended to be a checkpoint for the semester project to make sure progress is being made. You should plan to have approximately half of your semester project work done and sharable at this demonstration.

Demonstrations will be performed over Zoom, and a Google Docs sign-up sheet will be provided for you to pick a slot with a class staff person so your team can attend and share your work. Ideally, we would like all team members to be present for the demonstration, but if someone cannot make the scheduled slot, there is no penalty as long as some part of the team attends and reviews the work with class staff.

Grading Rubric

The point breakdown of this assignment is as follows:






Review of code and any functional elements with class staff

Status Summary


Names, title, work done, changes or issues, patterns use

Class Diagram


Classes implemented to date

Plan for Next Iteration


What will you need to do to finish?



  • There are no bonus points for Project 6 (there will be for Project 7)

  • Note that we will not be specifically grading project code for code review until Project 7

  • For the UML Diagrams, you can use a scan of a paper or whiteboard diagram, or use your favorite UML tools, such as If done on paper/pencil or whiteboard, please be sure the diagrams are readable and clear.

  • The repo including the status PDF from your team is due Wednesday 11/17 at 8 PM on Canvas.

  • Please contact the class staff EARLY in the cycle for questions, clarifications, or variations for your project. Class staff are happy to review your design or code to discuss issues you are running into, but do not wait until it is too late!

  • Assignments will be accepted late as follows. There is no late penalty within 4 hours of the due date/time. In the next 48 hours, the penalty for a late submission is 5%. In the next 48 hours, the late penalty increases to 15% of the grade. After that point, assignments will not be accepted for grading.

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Project 6: Semester Project – First Development Pass, Interim Report
$24.99 $18.99