Solar System Assignment 5

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Problem/Question: – Problem: – Use struct Vec3d with Body class. and overload << operator for Vec3d – Design a Body class that set individual planet information – Design a SolarSystem class that read data to save it in vector of class Body and overload operation to print all information – **Your program will read data…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)


– Problem:

– Use struct Vec3d with Body class. and overload << operator for Vec3d

– Design a Body class that set individual planet information

– Design a SolarSystem class that read data to save it in vector of class Body and overload operation to print all information

– **Your program will read data file and use only planets orbiting Sun.**

– Read main.cpp and follow it for more instructions

– Example of .dat file

Example for .dat file

| Name | Orbits | Mass(kg) | Diam(m) | Perihelion(m) | Aphelion(m) | orbPeriod(days) | rotationalPeriod(hours) | axialtilt(deg) | orbinclin(deg) |

| ——- | —— | ——– | ——– | ————- | ———– | ————— | ———————– | ————– | ————– |

| Sun | NaN | 1.99E+30 | 1.39E+09 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 587.28 | 0 | 0 |

| Mercury | Sun | 3.30E+23 | 4.88E+06 | 4.60E+10 | 6.98E+10 | 88 | 1407.6 | 0.01 | 7 |

| Venus | Sun | 4.87E+24 | 1.21E+07 | 1.08E+11 | 1.09E+11 | 224.7 | \-5832.5 | 177.4 | 3.4 |

| Earth | Sun | 5.97E+24 | 1.28E+07 | 1.47E+11 | 1.52E+11 | 365.2425 | 23.9 | 23.4 | 0 |

| Moon | Earth | 7.30E+22 | 3.48E+06 | 3.63E+08 | 4.06E+08 | 27.3 | 655.7 | 6.7 | 5.1 |


– clone your repo to your local computer

– ”’ <b>git clone repo_https_url</b> ”’

– repo https url is found under code tab in your github

– Edit your name on top on file.

– Edit the main function (file name: main.cpp):

– Write your classes Body and SolarSystem in main.cpp

– Use data file in src folder:

– solarsystem.dat

– Push your answers

– use git in your terminal to add files, and add comments on your commits, and finally submit files

– ”’ <b>git add specific_file1.x specific_file2.x</b> ”’

– ”’ <b>git commit -m “add message here for commits”</b> ”’

– ”’ <b>git push</b> ”’

Solar System Assignment 5
$24.99 $18.99