Algorithm Design and Programming II Lab 6 (30 Points)

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Objectives: Learn how to use structure array and file I/O Description: createArray function Use the implementation of file I/O operations, you’ve done in prelab to read the given file. The first number in the file is the number of students. Create an array of N Student structures, using malloc(). Store an integer number of students…

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  • Learn how to use structure array and file I/O


createArray function

  • Use the implementation of file I/O operations, you’ve done in prelab to read the given file.

  • The first number in the file is the number of students.

  • Create an array of N Student structures, using malloc().

  • Store an integer number of students at the beginning of the array.

  • Close your file.

  • Each Student structure should look like as follows:

typedef struct {

int id;

float GPA;

} Student;

After updating your createArray(), your array should look like this:

Number of Students






id: 0

id: 1

id: 2

id: N-1

GPA: 2.34

GPA: 2.99

GPA: 3.01

GPA: 2.98

getAverageOfGPA function

  • Compute and display your average GPA for this given student array.

  • Return average of all students’ GPA.

getNumOfStudents function

  • Return the number of students that located in front of the array.

Main function steps:

  • Call createArray function.

  • Call averageOfGPA function.

  • Display the result as Example below.

  • Free the allocated array using your freeArray function.

Every user-defined function must have a comment describing:

  • What function does;

  • What parameter values are;

  • What value it returns.

Section A

Example from the terminal window:

  • gcc main.c lab6.c -Wall -Werror

  • ./a.out

The average of N students’ GPA is X.xx

Grading Criteria:

Main program:

6 points

createArray function:

12 points

getAverageOfGPA function:

6 points

getNumOfStudents function:

4 points

freeArray function:

2 points


  • If your code does not compile with –Wall and –Werror, you will receive a zero for this assignment.

  • You need to finish at least three peer reviews within three days of this lab. Otherwise, you will get a 20% penalty.

  • You will lose points if you don’t have enough comments.


Algorithm Design and Programming II Lab 6 (30 Points)
$24.99 $18.99