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Using your Raspberry Pi, implement the example “Insult Generator” described in the file insult_ generator.pdf in our WebCampus page. Include an additional option to endlessly print out insults at a 3 second interval with the addition of some extra features of your choice and print out your name each time the program executes. We will…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

Using your Raspberry Pi, implement the example “Insult Generator” described in the file

insult_ generator.pdf in our WebCampus page. Include an additional option to endlessly print out insults at a 3 second interval with the addition of some extra features of your choice and print out your name each time the program executes.

We will use Python 3 for Raspberry Pi Projects. The Raspberry Pi Projects book and later the Freenove Tutorial contain code for most of the Project and you may use it if it is referenced in your Project report. Our objective in this course is for you to understand how the topics work, not just to write a lot of code.


You will submit a project report as defined below.

  1. Every Project assignment MUST have a report formatted as shown below.

  1. Projects will be due on WebCampus in a single .pdf file on (OR BEFORE) the date and time posted with the Project assignment. If your Project Report is one second late for whatever reason – it is late.

  1. All written material for Project assignments must be typewritten or printed from a word processor. Be sure to keep a copy of any work you submit for this course. You must submit a single .pdf file which should contain lots of screen shots, photos, and if possible a video of your Project (see example on Canvas). You may submit multiple versions of this single file and your grade will be based on the version with the most points.


Your Name

Assignment Description (Including Statement of Purpose):

This section should just explain what you will do and what you feel you are trying to learn.

Problems Encountered:

This section is important for making changes to future semesters and should describe any difficulties you had.

Lessons Learned:

What do you feel that you learned from this project.

Description of Completed Project (including Source Code):

This section, in addition to a written description, should also contain lots of screen shots and photos.

It can also include a link to a video of your project.

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