VE477 Lab 1

$30.00 $24.00

1 C programming Example 1 # tuple 2 days = (‘Monday’,‘Tuesday’,‘Wednesday’,‘Thursday’,‘Friday’,‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’) 3 # list students = [‘Sam’, ‘Tom’, ‘Laura’, ‘Dave’, ‘Sarah’] print(students[2]) students.append(‘Catherine’) 7 del students[3] print(students[2:4]) 9 # dictionary 10 gradebook = {‘Andrew Parson’: [ ‘a-‘, ‘b’, ‘c+’], \ ‘Paul Black’: [ ‘a-‘, ‘b+’, ‘a+’ ]} del gradebook[‘Andrew Parson’] gradebook[‘Angela Tree’] = [‘d’,…

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1 C programming


1 # tuple

2 days = (‘Monday’,‘Tuesday’,‘Wednesday’,‘Thursday’,‘Friday’,‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’)

3 # list

  • students = [‘Sam’, ‘Tom’, ‘Laura’, ‘Dave’, ‘Sarah’]

  • print(students[2])

  • students.append(‘Catherine’)

7 del students[3]

  • print(students[2:4])

9 # dictionary

10 gradebook = {‘Andrew Parson’: [ ‘a-‘, ‘b’, ‘c+’], \

  1. ‘Paul Black’: [ ‘a-‘, ‘b+’, ‘a+’ ]}

  1. del gradebook[‘Andrew Parson’]

  1. gradebook[‘Angela Tree’] = [‘d’, ‘c-‘, ‘f’]

  1. gradebook

Loops and conditional statements

In the rest of the lab it is recommended to write the code is a text editor and then run it from the terminal using the command python

In Python any code must be indented. A program that is not properly indented will not run.

If statement

  • #!/usr/bin/python

  • a=0; b=1; c=4

3 if a < 3:

  • print(a)

5 if a < 3 and b > 0:

  • print (c)

7 elif b == –1:

  • print(b)

  • else:

  1. print(a)

Ternary operator

1 a=0; b=1

2 a if a < b else b

While loops

  • #!/usr/bin/python

  • a=0

3 while a != 0:

  • a = input(“Input a number: “)

  • a+=1

  • print(a)

  • print(‘Bye’)

For loops

  • #!/usr/bin/python

  • for i in list(range(3,12,2)):

  • print(i)

  • students = [‘Sam’, ‘Tom’, ‘Laura’, ‘Dave’, ‘Sarah’]

5 for i in students:

  • print(“{} is a student”.format(i))

Defining and calling functions

Defining functions requires to use the keyword def. Python programs do not need to define a main function.

Simple functions

1 def gm(course):

  • return “Good morning “ + course + “!”

  • course=‘ve477’

  • message=gm(course)

  • print(message)

  • print(gm(input(“Input course code: “)))

7 def list(students,courses):

  • for i in students:

  • print(i)

  1. del students[1]

  1. courses.append(‘ve281’)

  1. return students,courses

  1. c = [‘ve477’, ‘ve370’]

  1. s = [‘Sam’, ‘Tom’, ‘Laura’, ‘Dave’, ‘Sarah’]

  1. a,b=list(s, c)

  1. print(students)

  1. print(a, b, d, e)

Function arguments

1 def list(students,courses):

  • for i in students:

  • print(i)

  • del students[1]

  • courses.append(‘ve281’)

6 return students,courses

7 c = [‘ve477’, ‘ve370’]

8 s = [‘Sam’, ‘Tom’, ‘Laura’, ‘Dave’, ‘Sarah’]

9 # the input order can be changed

  1. d,e=list(courses=c,students=s)

  1. # define a function with a variable number of input

  1. def varin(*args):

  1. return args

  1. varin(1,2,3); varin(1); varin(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

  1. # define a function with a variable number of keywords

  1. def varkw(**kwargs):

  1. return kwargs

  1. varkw(students=[‘Sam’, ‘Tom’], courses=[‘ve477’, ‘ve370’],\

  1. sports=[‘tennis’, ‘soccer’])

First class functions

In Python a function can be passed as an argument or returned by a function.

1 def adding(x):

  • def add(y):

  • return x+y

  • return add

  • add_2=adding(2)

  • print(add_2(123))

List, set, and dictionary comprehensions

A list, set, or dictionary comprehension is a way to construct new lists, sets, or dictionaries from existing ones. It follows a syntax similar to set definition in mathematics.

1 [i+3 for i in [1, 2, 3]]

2 [5*i for i in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] if i < 5]

3 {x for x in ‘abcdef’ if x not in ‘abc’}

4 {i: i**3 for i in range(2,10,3)}

Lambda functions

A Lambda function is a Python facility allowing to embed a function within the code. It can be viewed as an “embedded function” which does not need to be declared using def.

Basic use

1 l = [lambda x: x ** 2, lambda x: x ** 3, lambda x: x ** 4]

2 for i in l:

  • print(i(2))

4 min = (lambda x, y: x if x < y else y)

  • min(12,16)

Lambda and map functions

1 # distances in Miles

2 mi=[ 123, 2, 45, 87.2, 192 ]

3 # distances in km

4 km=map(lambda x: x*1.609344,mi)

5 for i in km:

  • print(i)

Lambda and filter functions

1 gradebook = {‘Andrew Parson’: [ 55, 40, 60], ‘Paul Black’: [ 85, 80, 95 ]}

  • list(filter(lambda x: x < 60, gradebook[‘Andrew Parson’]))


Python 3 short practice:

  • Construct more complex examples showing how to use:

Lambda functions with map(), and filter()

List, set, and dictionary comprehensions

  • Write a phone book application, where the user can add, remove, and edit entries.

VE477 Lab 1
$30.00 $24.00