IN4320 Machine Learning Assignment 1 Solution

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We are going to consider (what we will refer to as) the nearest representor classi er (NrC). You may want to compare this classi er to the nearest mean classi er (NMC). Like NMC, NrC determines a vector for every class at training time, which we call the representors. At test time, it assigns samples…

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We are going to consider (what we will refer to as) the nearest representor classi er (NrC). You may want to compare this classi er to the nearest mean classi er (NMC). Like NMC, NrC determines a vector for every class at training time, which we call the representors. At test time, it assigns samples to the class for which the corresponding representor is closest in terms of the Euclidean distance.

In this assignment, we consider two-class data only. In the general setting, training data consists of d-dimensional feature vectors xi together with their corresponding labels yi, the latter of which we agree to encode with an element from the set f+; . The two representors

for the two classes are also indexed + and , i.e., r belongs to the class with labels

, while

r+ represents the + class.

Now, consider the following loss function (or objective function) L:

L(r ; r+) :=


r+k1 ;


i=1 N1yi kxi ryi k2! + kr


with the regularization parameter, N the number of samples in the training set, N

and N+

the number of samples in the and + class respectively, and k k1 the L1-norm. Minimizing L both over r 2 Rd and r+ 2 Rd gives us the solution to the regularized loss (for that ). These optimal representors then fully de ne our regularized NrC.

My guess: if your report goes over 4 pages, you are probably on the wrong track.

Some Optima & Some Geometry

1 Assume d = 1. Also assume that we are in a situation where we know r is xed to 1, so we only have to optimize for r+. The only observations that we have for that + class are x1 = 1 and x2 = 1.

  • Draw the loss function as a function of r+ for all 2 f0; 1; 2; 3g. Be precise. A rough sketch or artist impression is not enough.

b Derive for every of the four functions the minimizer and their minimum values.

Also determine all points where the derivative equals 0.

  • Generally, what does the regularizer in Equation (1) actually try to enforce and what will, therefore, eventually happen to the representors if gets larger and larger (i.e., what is the limiting behavior of the two solution representors)?

  • We now consider the setting in which both representors have to be determined through a minimization of the loss. Still, d = 1, so we have L : R2 ! R.

a Describe in words (but still precise and accurate!) how the contour lines for the general function L typically look like when we are trying to nd two 1-dimensional representors. Hint: the contours can described as the concatenation of two basic geometric shapes.

b Let us consider a handful of data points. For the + class we have the same observations as in Exercise 1. For the class we now have observations x3 = 3 and x4 = 1. Clearly, if we set to 0, we would nd as optimal solution (r ; r+) = (1; 0). Assume we have a large enough as under Exercise 2: determine the exact solution (r ; r+) in that case.

Some Programming & Some Experimenting

Through the course page you can nd a two-class digit classi cation task in 64 dimensions, i.e., d = 64. It is named optdigitsubset and consists of the pixel values of small 8 8 images, which are ordered in N = 1125 rows of 64 columns wide. The rst 554 rows contains the values of 8 8 images of zeros, while the remaining block of 571 rows contains the 64 pixel values of 571 ones. The actual feature vectors are obtained by running through the rows of the images of the digits from top to bottom, concatenating all 8 rows of 8 pixels into a 64-dimensional vector.

  • Implement an optimizer for the NrC from Equation (1) and convince yourself that it indeed optimizes what it should optimize. You can use gradient descent or any other approach of your liking. You are even allowed to use optimization toolboxes and the like. You can either implement a general version of the NrC or one that is completely dedicated to the data set that is given. (Note, however, that the latter is probably not necessarily easier to implement and it is probably harder to debug.)

  • Describe in no more than 200 words the main ingredients of and/or considerations behind your optimization routine. In particular, sketch the search strategy that you employ and explain how you decide when you have reached the sought-after minimum.

b Similar to all 64-dimensional samples in the data sets, you can restructure the 64-dimensional solution representors that you nd into an 8 8 images again. (For instance, in Matlab you can just use something like reshape(m,[8 8]).) Plot the two solution representor images that you nd for = 0 and plot the two solution images for large for which the solution does not change anymore with an even further increase.

  • Draw regularization curves, where you plot estimates of the apparent and true error (y-axis) against the regularization parameter (x-axis). Consider a single training example per class and all 2 f0; 101 ; 1; 10; 100; 1000g. Make sure you repeat the experiment so to get somewhat smooth curves: 20 times may be enough, but 100 is probably better.

IN4320 Machine Learning Assignment 1 Solution
$30.00 $24.00