Programming Project 10 Solution

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The Problem We are going to work on making our own container class using dynamically allocated memory. We are going to build a Knapsack class, which is also called a Bag or Multiset in computer science texts. You are then going to solve, sort of, a Knapsack problem using your data structure. Some Background A…

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The Problem

We are going to work on making our own container class using dynamically allocated memory. We are going to build a Knapsack class, which is also called a Bag or Multiset in computer science texts. You are then going to solve, sort of, a Knapsack problem using your data structure.

Some Background

A Knapsack is best described by an example. Imagine you have some packages that you have to deliver in your delivery truck. Each package you have to deliver has two aspects:

  • a priority

  • a weight

You should deliver all your packages but it turns out that the sum of all the available packages exceeds the maximum weight you can carry in your truck. You have to make a decision, which packages to take. You should:

  • deliver as many of the most important/high-priority packages as you can. That is, maximize the sum of the priority of the packages you deliver.

  • stay below the weight limit of truck. That is, the sum of the weight of the packages should be below the truck weight limit.

This is often called the Knapsack problem. The Knapsack data structure is a container that can hold items of some type and has a fixed weight limit (can hold a maximum weight). The problem is to fill the Knapsack up to (but not over) its maximum weight while maximizing its priority.

We need to do three things to address this problem

  • make a Package struct.

  • make a Knapsack class

  • write an algorithm to address the Knapsack problem.

In particular, you cannot use an STL container inside of your Knapsack class. Memory has to be dynamically allocated and deleted.

Interface, proj10_package.h

The Package is a good example of needing a struct, not a class. A Package exists to carry information on its weight and priority, that’s about it. It represents the individual packages you are to deliver.

Data Members

  • public data member long weight_

  • public data member long priority_

Function Members

  • Package(long weight, long priority); o constructor.

  • overloaded function ostream &operator<<(ostream&, Package p), o print a Package.

o doesn’t have to be a friend since the members are public.

  • bool package_compare (const Package& lhs, const Package& rhs); o this is a function, doesn’t have to be a friend because all data members are public.

o we compare two packages based on their ratio of priority_/weight_. Eventually we want to

find those packages with the highest such ratio (most priority/weight) as those are the best packages to include in our Knapsack.

  1. compares the lhs Package with the argument rhs Package, returning true if the lhs Package is larger (in priority_/weight_ ratio), false otherwise.

  1. in a sort of say a vector<Package>, you can use this function in the sort to order the vector.

Interface proj10_knapsack.h file

The Knapsack is the truck, the container of all the packages that you can take. It has a fixed weight limit set at construction. The sum of the weight of the packages that are placed in the Knapsack cannot exceed this limit. Since we cannot know how many packages we can place in the Knapsack before we exceed the weight limit, and because we are restricted from using STL containers, our underlying Knapsack will use an array that can grow as more Packages are added (up to the weight limit).

Data Members

  • private data Package* data_ the array contents of the Knapsack

  • private data long weight_limit_, the maximum weight the Knapsack can hold

  • private data long capacity_, the initial size (the number of Packages) the underlying array (dynamically allocated) can hold before it needs to grow. Default value 10 (in the header)

  • private data long size_, the actual number of elements in the underlying array.

Function Members

  • Knapsack(long max). Constructor, one argument.

  1. the arg max is the maximum weight the Knapsack can take, no default o the capacity_ to 10, size_ to 0, create the underlying array data_

o again, you cannot use an STL data structure for this. You have to dynamically allocate memory for data_ of your Knapsack.


  • long capacity()const . Member function, no args

    1. return the present capacity_ of the underlying array, the number of Packages the array could hold before having to grow.

  • long size() const . Member function, no args

    1. return the present size_ , the number of Packages presently in the underlying array.

  • long weight_limit()const . Member function, no args

    1. return the present weight_limit that is set for this Knapsack instance.

Rule of Three Members

As we are working with dynamic memory, we need the following members.

  • Knapsack(Knapsack& ). The copy constructor.

  • ~Knapsack() . The destructor.

  • operator=(Knapsack) . Assignment operator

Other Members

  • bool add(Package p). member function, 1 argument of type Package

  1. if, by adding the argument Package the Knapsack exceeds the weight_limit_, then do not add Package to the contents of the Knapsack, return false.

  1. if, by adding the argument Package the Knapsack does not exceed weight_limit_, add the Package to the contents of the Knapsack, return true.

    1. if the Package can be added to the Knapsack (by doing so the weight_limit_, of the Knapsack is not exceeded) but the size of data_ is exceeded, then you must:

      • dynamically allocate a new_data array that is twice the size of the previous data_

      • copy all the Packages from the old data_ to the new_data

      • swap data_ and new_data

      • delete new_data

      • add the Package to the contents of the Knapsack

  • bool empty() const . member function, no parameters

    1. returns true if the Knapsack is empty, false otherwise.

  • long weight() const . Member function, no args

    1. sum of the weight of the Packages the Knapsack currently holds

    1. 0 if the Knapsack is empty

  • long priority() const. Member function, no args

    1. sum of the priorities of Packages the Knapsack currently holds

    1. 0 if the Knapsack is empty.


  • ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Knapsack &ks). This is a friend function (not a member). It prints the underlying contents_ array and other elements of the class,

Algorithm, solve_KS

void solve_KS(string fstring, Knapsack& k);

  • opens the file provided by fstring

o if the file is not available, throw a runtime_error;

  • if file opens, read each line which consists of a weight and a priority, space separated. This is a friend function. It adds elements to the Knapsack from the opened file.

It does so in a particular order as long as the weight limit is not violated. To find the truly optimal arrangement of Packages is a bit beyond us at this point (see for a discussion). However, we can implement the following algorithm which is satisficing (does a good job) but is not guaranteed to be optimal.

    • sort the knapsack data_ array in order of priority_/weight_.

  1. use the package_compare function in package.h in the sort

  • take elements from the sorted array in order, place them in the knapsack using the add method until you cannot take any more.


  • Turn in proj10_knapsack.cpp, proj10_package.cpp in a proj10 directory.

  • Use Mimir for testing (as always). There will be hidden test cases.

Programming Project 10 Solution
$40.00 $34.00