Assignment-3 Solution

$40.00 $34.00

Introduction We want to write a program to simulate the advising area of a university advising center. The goal of this simulation is to collect statistical information of students and academic advisors. An advising area consists of several advisors and a student waiting line (or queue). In each time unit, at most one new student…

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We want to write a program to simulate the advising area of a university

advising center. The goal of this simulation is to collect statistical

information of students and academic advisors. An advising area consists of

several advisors and a student waiting line (or queue). In each time unit,

at most one new student arrives at the waiting line. If the student waiting

line is too long, the student leaves without meeting an advisor; otherwise,

the student gets into the waiting line. If all advisors are busy, students in

the waiting lines must wait for advisors. If an advisor is free and students

are waiting, the first student in the waiting line advances to the advisor’s

counter and begins advising session. When a student is done, the student departs

and the advisor becomes free. We will run the simulation through many units

of time. At the end of each time unit, your program should print out a “snap-shot”

of queues, students and advisors. At the end of the program, your program should

print out statistics and conclude simulation.

2. Assumptions and Requirements

2.1. Assumptions

– At most one student arrives per time unit

– All numbers are positive integer numbers (>=0), except average values

should be displayed to two decimal places

– No time lost in between events:

a student arriving and entering waiting line

a student arriving and leaving without meeting advisor

a student completing advising session and departing

a student leaving the waiting line, advancing to an advisor and

beginning an advising session

2.2. The limits of simulations parameters

– Maximum number of advisors 10

– Maximum simulation length 10000

– Maximum advising time 500

– Maximum student queue limit 50

– Probability of new student arrival 1% – 100%

2.3. Input parameters and student (random/file) data

– The following data are read at the beginning of the simulation:

int numAdvisors; // number of Advisors.

int simulationTime; // time to run simulation

int studentQLimit; // student queue limit

int chancesOfArrival; // probability of a new Student ( 1 – 100)

int maxAdvisingTime; // maximum advising time per student

int dataSource; // data source: from file or random

– Sample input layout:

*** Get Simulation Parameters ***

Enter simulation time (positive integer) : 10

Enter the number of advisors : 3

Enter chances (0% < & <= 100%) of new student : 75

Enter maximum advising time of students : 5

Enter student queue limit : 2

Enter 0/1 to get data from random/file : 1 <- see details below

Enter filename : DataFile <- for input 1 above

– In each time unit of simulation, your program will need two positive integers

numbers to compute boolean anyNewArrival & int advisingTime. A user should

have two options to specify the source of those numbers (input 1 or 0):

For user input 1, numbers are read from a file. A filename should be provided

at the beginning of simulation. Each line in a datafile should contain two

positive numbers (> 0). A datafile should contain sufficient data for

simulationTime upto 500 units, i.e. at least 500 lines. In each time unit,

anyNewArrival & advisingTime are computed as follows :

read data1 and data2 from the file;

anyNewArrival = (((data1%100)+1)<= chancesOfArrival);

advisingTime = (data2%maxAdvisingTime)+1;

For user input 0, numbers are generated by method nextInt() in a Random

object, dataRandom, which should be constructed at the beginning of

simulation. In each time unit, anyNewArrival & advisingTime are computed as


anyNewArrival = ((dataRandom.nextInt(100)+1) <= chancesOfArrival);

advisingTime = dataRandom.nextInt(maxAdvisingTime)+1;

2.4. INput/Output information

– At the end of each time unit, you program should print out “snap-shot” of

simulation. At the end of simulation, you program need to print out end

of simulation report

– Sample run is provided at the end of Readme file.

2.5 Data structures and simulation algorithm

– I have defined package PJ3 with the Student, Advisor and AdvisingArea classes.

You need to implement their methods. I also provide an outline of a

simulation program

3. Compile and run program

– You need to download PJ3 zip file (with sample datafie) from ilearn.

– Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

javac PJ3/*.java

– Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

// Run simulation

java PJ3.AdvisingCenter

4. Due date and project submission

– 11:55pm Sunday, November 24, 2019

– To submit your project, you need to zip (or tar) all source files and

upload it to ilearn.




$ java PJ3.Student

Student Info –> studentID=1:advisingTime=5:arrivalTime=35:watiTime=10:finishTime=50


$ java PJ3.Advisor
















Advisor ID : 5

Total free time : 25

Total busy time : 8

Total # of students : 1

Average advising time : 8.00


$ java PJ3.AdvisingArea

studentQ:[studentID=1:advisingTime=18:arrivalTime=10:watiTime=0:finishTime=0, studentID=2:advisingTime=33:arrivalTime=11:watiTime=0:finishTime=0, studentID=3:advisingTime=21:arrivalTime=12:watiTime=0:finishTime=0]


Remove student:studentID=1:advisingTime=18:arrivalTime=10:watiTime=0:finishTime=0

Remove student:studentID=2:advisingTime=33:arrivalTime=11:watiTime=0:finishTime=0

Remove student:studentID=3:advisingTime=21:arrivalTime=12:watiTime=0:finishTime=0







, AdvisorID=2





, AdvisorID=3







Remove free advisor:AdvisorID=1





Remove free advisor:AdvisorID=2





Remove free advisor:AdvisorID=3















, AdvisorID=2





, AdvisorID=3







Remove busy advisor:AdvisorID=1





Remove busy advisor:AdvisorID=3





Remove busy advisor:AdvisorID=2






$ java PJ3.AdvisingCenter

*** Get Simulation Parameters ***

Enter simulation time (positive integer) : 10

Enter the number of advisors : 3

Enter chances (0% < & <= 100%) of new student : 75

Enter maximum advising time of students : 5

Enter student queue limit : 2

Enter 0/1 to get data from random/file : 1

Enter filename : DataFile

*** Start Simulation ***

Advisor #1 to #3 are ready…


Time : 0

student #1 arrives with advising time 5 units

student #1 waits in the student queue

student #1 gets an advisor

advisor #1 starts advising student #1 for 5 units


Time : 1

student #2 arrives with advising time 2 units

student #2 waits in the student queue

student #2 gets an advisor

advisor #2 starts advising student #2 for 2 units


Time : 2

student #3 arrives with advising time 5 units

student #3 waits in the student queue

student #3 gets an advisor

advisor #3 starts advising student #3 for 5 units


Time : 3

No new student!

student #2 is done

advisor #2 is free


Time : 4

student #4 arrives with advising time 3 units

student #4 waits in the student queue

student #4 gets an advisor

advisor #2 starts advising student #4 for 3 units


Time : 5

No new student!

student #1 is done

advisor #1 is free


Time : 6

student #5 arrives with advising time 3 units

student #5 waits in the student queue

student #5 gets an advisor

advisor #1 starts advising student #5 for 3 units


Time : 7

student #6 arrives with advising time 5 units

student #6 waits in the student queue

student #4 is done

advisor #2 is free

student #3 is done

advisor #3 is free

student #6 gets an advisor

advisor #2 starts advising student #6 for 5 units


Time : 8

No new student!


Time : 9

No new student!

student #5 is done

advisor #1 is free


End of simulation report

# total arrival students : 6

# students gone-away : 0

# students served : 6

*** Current Advisors Info. ***

# waiting students : 0

# busy advisors : 1

# free advisors : 2

Total waiting time : 0

Average waiting time : 0.00

Busy Advisors Info. :

Advisor ID : 2

Total free time : 2

Total busy time : 8

Total # of students : 3

Average advising time : 2.67

Free Advisors Info. :

Advisor ID : 3

Total free time : 5

Total busy time : 5

Total # of students : 1

Average advising time : 5.00

Advisor ID : 1

Total free time : 2

Total busy time : 8

Total # of students : 2

Average advising time : 4.00

Assignment-3 Solution
$40.00 $34.00