CS 445: Data Structures Assignment 5

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When implementing this class, you may use the BinaryTree source code provided (pack-age cs445.binary) as a starting point, or you can start from scratch. You are also al-lowed to use any classes from the Java Collections Framework such as java.util.Stack or java.util.LinkedList (these may be useful, e.g., in implementing tree traversal iterators), but you may…

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When implementing this class, you may use the BinaryTree source code provided (pack-age cs445.binary) as a starting point, or you can start from scratch. You are also al-lowed to use any classes from the Java Collections Framework such as java.util.Stack or java.util.LinkedList (these may be useful, e.g., in implementing tree traversal iterators), but you may not use any Java-provided tree-like structures (e.g., javax.swing.tree.TreeNode).

  • Provided les

First, carefully read the provided les, in the usual place on Pitt Box.

The cs445.binary package contains the textbook’s implementation of a binary tree. The cs445.StackAndQueuePackage provides the textbook’s implementations of Stack and

Queue ADTs, which are used in the binary tree implementation (in particular, for the tree iterators).

TernaryTreeInterface and its superinterfaces are provided in the cs445.a5 package. Do not modify these provided les.

  • Submission

Upload your java les in the provided Box directory as additions to the provided code. All programs will be tested on the command line, so if you use an IDE to develop your

program, you must export the java les from the IDE and ensure that they compile and run on the command line. Do not submit the IDE’s project les. Your TA should be able to download your cs445-a5-abc123 directory from Box, and compile and test your code. Speci cally, javac cs445/a5/TernaryTree.java must compile your program, when executed from the root of your cs445-a5-abc123 directory.

In addition to your code, you may wish to include a README.txt le that describes features of your program that are not working as expected, to assist the TA in grading the portions that do work as expected. This le should be uploaded into the root of your cs445-a5-abc123 directory, not in the package directory.

Your project is due at 11:59 PM on Monday, December 9. You should upload your progress frequently, even far in advance of this deadline: No late submissions will be accepted.


CS 445: Data Structures Assignment 5
$24.99 $18.99