Project 06 Solution

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Write a class called Player that has four data members: a string for the player’s name, and an int for each of these stats: points, rebounds and assists. The class should have a default constructor that initializes the name to the empty string (“”) and initializes each of the stats to -100 (this is not…

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Write a class called Player that has four data members: a string for the player’s name, and an int for each of these stats: points, rebounds and assists. The class should have a default constructor that initializes the name to the empty string (“”) and initializes each of the stats to -100 (this is not a valid value for any of the stats, and is one we should notice if it shows up where it shouldn’t). It should also have a constructor that takes four parameters and uses them to initialize the data members. It should have get methods for each data member. It should have set methods for each of the stats. It should have a bool method called hasMorePointsThan that takes a Player parameter and returns true if the Player that is executing the function has more points than the Player that was passed as a parameter. Otherwise it should return false. For example, if we have the function call “p1.hasMorePointsThan(p2)”, then it should return true if p1 has more points than p2, but return false otherwise.

Next write a class called Team that has five data members of type Player: a point guard, a shooting guard, a small forward, a power forward, and a center. The class should have a constructor that takes five Players and uses them to initialize each of those data members (in the given order). The class should have get and set methods for each data member. It should have a method named totalPoints that returns the sum of the points for all players on the team.

For example, these classes might be used as follows:

Player p1(“Charlotte”, 24, 10, 7);

Player p2(“Emily”, 21, 13, 9);

Player p3(“Anne”, 20, 10, 8);

Player p4(“Jane”, 19, 10, 10);

Player p5(“Mary”, 18, 11, 8);


Team team1(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);

Player p = team1.getShootingGuard();

cout << p.getName() << endl;

The methods of the Player class should have the following names:









The methods of the Team class should have the following names:












The files must be named: Player.hpp, Player.cpp, Team.hpp and Team.cpp

Project 06 Solution
$35.00 $29.00