Project Mini-Pascal (Lexical-analyzer) Version I Solution

$40.00 $34.00

Write a lexical-analyzer and source-handler module for a Pascal compiler. Your lexical analysis module should transform the input (i.e., the program input in Pascal) into a stream of tokens. Documents all design decisions!!! At this point, you may create two modules: I/O module that does input buffering and generates the program listing, Lexical analyzer called…

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Write a lexical-analyzer and source-handler module for a Pascal compiler. Your lexical analysis module should transform the input (i.e., the program input in Pascal) into a stream of tokens. Documents all design decisions!!! At this point, you may create two modules:

  1. I/O module that does input buffering and generates the program listing,

  2. Lexical analyzer called getsysm module that returns one symbol at a time.

The I/O module communicate as follows:

Receives entire input lines from the input file;

Receives error messages from getsym, parser, and other modules;

Sends character stream to the getsysm module using getch (var ch: char);

Sends the (edited) input lines to the lister file (i.e., output file), and the assembler


Sends the error messages to the lister file (i.e., output file), marking the error position.

At this point, you should be able to handle arbitrary Pascal programs. Input should be handled by records; i.e., you will read in entire 80-char records (with readln(line), where line is a packed array [1..80] of char). Input lines should be available to be printed out as part of a listing file.

The getsym module communicates as follows:

Receives character stream from lister module (input);

Sends error messages to lister module; (output)

Sends token stream to the Parser module (Syntax analyzer).

These interactions (sending/receiving) all occur through procedure calls/function calls; receiving occurs directly via procedure calls and sending occurs when one module “allows” its procedures to be used by another. Ultimately, the main section of your compiler will be what drives everything.

The following enumerated type includes an entry for every Pascal keyword and every punctuation symbol (new symbols can be added provided that all productions rules effected by the new symbols are rewritten). The heart of your lexical analyzer is to decide which of these symbols appears next in the input stream.


tokentype =

(andsym, arraysym, beginsym, charsym, chrsym,

divsym, dosym, elsesym, endsym, ifsym,

integersym, modsym, notsym, ofsym, orsym,

ordsym, proceduresym, programsym, readsym, readlnsym,

thensym, varsym, whilesym, writesym, writelnsym,

(* end of reserved words *)

plus, minus, times,

(* + – * *)

less, lessequal, notequal, greater, greaterequal, equal,

(* < <= <> > >= = *)

assign, colon, semicolon, comma,

(* := : ; , *)

lparen, lbrack, rparen, rbrack, period,

(* ( (. ) .) . *)

identifier, (* letter (letter|digit)* *)

number, (* digit (digit)* *)

quotestring, (* such as ‘here ‘ ‘s a string’ *)

litchar, (* quoted strings of length=1: e.g., ‘a’, ‘b’ *)

eofsym, (* returned by getsym at end of file *)

illegal); (* for lexical errors: e.g., #id *)


Symboltype = record

Kind: tokentype;

Spelling: stringtype; (* array or table entry *)

The procedure getsym(var s: symboltype) should return one symbol at a time. Comments should not appear in this symbol stream; getsym should skip them. Identifiers should appear in the spelling field, padded with blanks. Numbers should appear in the spelling field as strings of digits; only unsigned integer strings need appear. If you encounter a quote mark, ‘, beginning a character string, store the actual string in (in a single call to getsym) in a global variable gstring, and its length in gslength. The symbol.kind field will then be set to string. Set symbol.kind to eofsym only if you reach the end of file.

Some changes will be made in this lexical analyzer between now and your final compilers. However, this will be a reasonable start.

You need to write a “driver program” that calls your getsym(symbol) repeatedly until eofsym is reached. Your driver may look like this:



If symbol.kind = identifier then begin

writeln(‘Identifier’:20; symbol.spelling:20)

end else if symbol.kind = number then begin

< similar>

end else if symbol.kind = string then begin



end else

<print appropriate message corresponding to symbol.kind>

Until symbol.kind = eofsym.

You MUST use the following Pascal program as an input file to your lexical analyzer.

program example(input,output);

var x,y:integer;

function gcd(a,b:integer):integer;


if b=0then gcd:=a else gcd:=(b,a mod b)






Your lexical analyzer must generate output file having two columns: the first columns as follows:


PROGRAM program

ID example

Project Mini-Pascal (Lexical-analyzer) Version I Solution
$40.00 $34.00