Modify the Summation program attached as follows: Select an array size using a constant:

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Submit your program in “.asm” file.Snapshots of program are not allowed. Modify the Summation program attached as follows: Select an array size using a constant: ARRAY_SIZE = 20 array DWORD ARRAY_SIZE DUP(?) Write a new procedure that prompts the user for the number of integers to be processed. Pass the same value to the PromptForIntegers…

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Submit your program in “.asm” file.Snapshots of program are not allowed.

Modify the Summation program attached as follows: Select

an array size using a constant:



Write a new procedure that prompts the user for the number of integers

to be processed. Pass the same value to the PromptForIntegers procedure.

How many integers wil be added? 19

TITLE Integer Summation Program (Sum2.asm)

; This program inputs multiple integers from the user,

; stores them in an array, calculates the sum of the

; array, and displays the sum.


IntegerCount = 3 ; array size


prompt1 BYTE “Enter a signed integer: “,0

prompt2 BYTE “The sum of the integers is: “,0

array DWORD IntegerCount DUP(?)


main PROC

call Clrscr

mov esi,OFFSET array

mov ecx,IntegerCount

call PromptForIntegers

call ArraySum

call DisplaySum


main ENDP


PromptForIntegers PROC


; Prompts the user for an array of integers, and fills

; the array with the user’s input.

; Receives: ESI points to the array, ECX = array size

; Returns: nothing


pushad ; save all registers

mov edx,OFFSET prompt1 ; address of the prompt


call WriteString ; display string

call ReadInt ; read integer into EAX

call Crlf ; go to next output line

mov [esi],eax ; store in array

add esi,4 ; next integer

loop L1


popad ; restore all registers


PromptForIntegers ENDP


ArraySum PROC


; Calculates the sum of an array of 32-bit integers.

; Receives: ESI points to the array, ECX = array size

; Returns: EAX = sum of the array elements


push esi ; save ESI, ECX

push ecx

mov eax,0 ; set the sum to zero


add eax,[esi] ; add each integer to sum

add esi,4 ; point to next integer

loop L1 ; repeat for array size


pop ecx ; restore ECX, ESI

pop esi

ret ; sum is in EAX

ArraySum ENDP


DisplaySum PROC


; Displays the sum on the screen

; Recevies: EAX = the sum

; Returns: nothing


push edx

mov edx,OFFSET prompt2 ; display message

call WriteString

call WriteInt ; display EAX

call Crlf

pop edx


DisplaySum ENDP

END main

Modify the Summation program attached as follows: Select an array size using a constant:
$24.99 $18.99