Program 1 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Write a program in VS C++ 2017 to convert an unsigned integer to its binary equivalent and vice versa. Your program should first read in either an unsigned integer or a binary number provided by the user. Your program then does the necessary conversion and displays the answer to the screen. The following shows a…

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Write a program in VS C++ 2017 to convert an unsigned integer to its binary equivalent and vice versa. Your program should first read in either an unsigned integer or a binary number provided by the user. Your program then does the necessary conversion and displays the answer to the screen. The following shows a scenario of running a sample program, where user’s inputs are represented in boldface.

Enter your choice (1 = decimal to binary, 2 = binary to decimal): 1

Enter the unsigned decimal number to be converted: 23

The binary equivalent for unsigned decimal number 23 is 10111

More choice (y or n): y

Enter your choice (1 = decimal to binary, 2 = binary to decimal): 2

Enter the binary number to be converted: 0110101

The unsigned decimal equivalent for binary number 0110101 is 53

More choice (y or n): n

Good bye!

Follow the criteria shown below to prepare and turn your program in.

  1. You MUST use VS C++ 2017 to develop, compile, debug, test, and run your program.

  1. The file containing your program MUST be submitted to Canvas (on time or late).

  1. Make sure your program compiles successfully in order not to lose a major portion of total points.

  1. Your program will be tested using the test cases similar to those shown above.

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Program 1 Solution
$30.00 $24.00