Assignment 1 Solution

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Requirements You are expected to complete all required homework exercises and encouraged to complete the optional ones. For submission, please put all your answers in a single PDF file and submit it via the assignment channel on SAKAI. The name of the file should follow the format “studentID A#” (e.g., 30003554 A1). The submission deadline…

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  • Requirements

You are expected to complete all required homework exercises and encouraged to complete the optional ones. For submission, please put all your answers in a single PDF file and submit it via the assignment channel on SAKAI. The name of the file should follow the format “studentID A#” (e.g., 30003554 A1). The submission deadline is 11:55 PM, September 27, 2022. Late submissions are allowed within one week after the deadline (grace period). If you submit your assignment during the grace period, your score will be 80% of the score you could get if the submission was made in time. Assignment submitted after the grace period will not be graded, meaning that you will get a zero for the assignment.

  • Required Exercises (100 points)

Exercise 1: When a C compiler compiles the following statement, how many tokens will it generate? [5 points]

int a3 = a3 * 3;

Exercise 2: In a string of length n (n > 0), how many of the following are there? For simplicity, we assume that the string contains n different characters.

  1. Prefixes [5 points]

  1. Proper prefixes [5 points]

  1. Prefixes of length m (0 < m ≤ n) [5 points]

  1. Suffixes of length m (0 < m ≤ n) [5 points]

  1. Proper prefixes of length m (0 < m ≤ n) [10 points]

  1. Substrings [10 points]

  1. Subsequences [10 points]

Exercise 3: Describe the regular languages denoted by the following regular expressions:

  1. ((ϵ|a)*b*)* [5 points]

  1. (a|b)*a(a|b)(a|b) [5 points]

  1. a*ba*ba*ba* [5 points]

SUSTech CS323 – Compilers September 13, 2022

Exercise 4: Write regular definitions or regular expressions for the following languages.

  1. All strings representing valid telephone numbers in Shenzhen. A valid telephone number contains the country code (86), a hyphen, the area code 755, another hyphen, and eight digits where the first one cannot be zero (e.g., 86-755-88015159). [10 points]

  1. All strings of a’s and b’s that start with a and end with b. [10 points]

  1. All strings of lowercase letters that 1) contain the five vowels (i.e., a, e, i, o, u) and

    1. the vowels appear in order. For example, abaeeiou is such a string (we allow that a vowel appears multiple times before its next one appears) but aeaiou is not as the second ‘a’ appears after ’e’. [10 points]

  • Optional Exercises (10 bonus points)

Exercise 1: Given an alphabet Σ = {a, b}, are the following two regular languages equiva-lent? Please also prove your answer.

  1. L1 = L((ab))

  1. L2 = L((a|b))


Assignment 1 Solution
$24.99 $18.99