Programming Project #11 Solution

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The Problem You did a TriMap in Project 9, and we’re going to do it again with a variation. It is going to be a templated class and it is going to use as its underlying representation a linked list (instead of a dynamically allocated array). Class Element The variation of the class Element is…

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The Problem

You did a TriMap in Project 9, and we’re going to do it again with a variation. It is going to be a templated class and it is going to use as its underlying representation a linked list (instead of a dynamically allocated array).

Class Element

The variation of the class Element is listed below. It contains two templated class data members key_ and value_ As before, key_ is private and value_ is public. The key_ is templated on the first type, which I have called K, and value_ is templated on the second type which I have called V . There is also a size_t index_ to help remember which entry this Element is in the TriMap.

Different is the Element *next_ member. This is a pointer to the next Element, necessary for making linked list of Element.

template <typename K, typename V>

class Element{


K key_;

size_t index_ = 0;

Element *next_ = nullptr;


V value_;

Element() = default;

Element(K key, V val, size_t i) : key_(key),index_(i),

next_(nullptr), value_(val) {};

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Element& e){

// replace this with your own code


friend class TriMap<K,V>;


Provided in the header are a default constructor and a 3-parameter constructor. We also make the class TriMap a friend of Element, so that the TriMap class can access Element private data members.

You must write your code for the operator<< right there in the class definition where “replace this with your own code” appears.

Class TriMap

The class TriMap is shown below. It has two pointers: head_ which points to the first Element in the linked list and tail_ which points to the last. Initially they both point to nullptr (to nothing).

template<typename K, typename V>

class TriMap{


Element<K,V> *head_ = nullptr;

Element<K,V> *tail_ = nullptr;

size_t index_ = 0;

void print_list(ostream& out);


TriMap() = default;

TriMap(K, V);

TriMap(const TriMap&);

TriMap& operator=(TriMap);


bool insert(K,V);

bool remove(K);

Element<K,V>* find_key(K);

Element<K,V>* find_value(V);

Element<K,V>* find_index(size_t);

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, TriMap<K,V>& sl){ sl.print_list(out);

return out;




Writing the details of TriMap is where most of the work will be.

  • size class method. No arguments, returns a size_t.

    1. The number of Elements in the underlying vector.

  • insert class method.

    1. Templated arguments: K key and V value of a new Element<K,V> to insert in the

linked list

  1. bool return

  1. if the key does not already exist in the underlying list, it inserts a new Element<K,V>into the list in key-order.

    • the inserted Element<K,V> will have the key, the value and the proper insertion value (which element this is in terms of insertion order)

    • returns true

    1. if the key does exist, no action is taken

      • return is false

  • remove class method.

    1. One argument, the K key of the Element<K,V> to remove

    1. bool return

    1. if the Element with the key is in the list then it is removed.

      • after removal, the index_ values of the Element<K,V> is updated appropriately (see the Figure)

      • returns true

    1. if the Element key is not in the list no action is taken

      • returns false

  • find _key class method.

    1. One argument, the K key to find in the underlying list.

    1. Element<K,V>* return

    1. If the Element<K,V> with the key is found in the list, Element<K,V>* is returned

    1. If the Element is not found, return nullptr

    1. You cannot use binary search in a singly linked list, so you are free to do a linear search.

  • find _value and find_index class methods

    1. both take one argument, a V value or a size_t index

  1. Using a linear search, locate the Element with the value_/index_ and return an


    1. If the Element cannot be found, return nullptr

  • template<typename K, typename V>

void TriMap<K,V>::print_list(ostream &out)

    1. function (not a class method, notice the TriMap argument)

    1. print the TriMap (see Mimir tests for format)


proj11/proj11_trimap.h — your completion of the class specs to Mimir Remember to include your section, the date, project number and comments.


To make things easier I gave you a proj11_skeleton.h, which is all the declarations and the beginning of the definitions of the two classes. You can copy that directly to proj11_trimap.h and begin your work. Look the comments, they are there to be helpful.

Programming Project #11 Solution
$40.00 $34.00