Fall Final (Pt 1) [50 points]

$24.99 $18.99

– You **may** consult any course material (lecture notes, assignments, past exams, etc) – You **may** ask for clarifications on Piazza via a private message to instructors – You **may not** communicate with other students or ask for anyone’s help – You **may not** search help forums (StackOverflow) and the Internet for a solution Overview…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

– You **may** consult any course material (lecture notes, assignments, past exams, etc)

– You **may** ask for clarifications on Piazza via a private message to instructors

– You **may not** communicate with other students or ask for anyone’s help

– You **may not** search help forums (StackOverflow) and the Internet for a solution


The exam is in the files:

– [BHeap.hs](./src/BHeap.hs)

– [tests/Test.hs](./tests/Test.hs)

As before `Test.hs` has some sample tests, and testing code that

you can use to check your solution before submitting.

Testing and Evaluation

Most of the points, will be awarded automatically, by

**evaluating your functions against a given test suite**.

[Tests.hs](./tests/Test.hs) contains a very small suite

of tests which gives you a flavor of of these tests.

When you run


$ make test


Your last lines should have


All N tests passed (…)




K out of N tests failed


**If your output does not have one of the above your code will receive a zero**

If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile,

leave it as is with the `error …` with your partial

solution enclosed below as a comment.

The other lines will give you a readout for each test.

You are encouraged to try to understand the testing code,

but you will not be graded on this.

Submission Instructions

Submit your code via the `final` assignment on Gradescope.

You must submit a single zip file containing a single directory with your repository inside.

A simple way to create this zip file is:

– Run `git push` to push your local changes to your private fork of the assignment repository

– Navigate to your private fork on github and download source code as a zip

Please *do not* include the `.stack-work` or the `_MACOSX` folder into the submission.

Upon submission to Gradescope, the auto-grader will only test your code on the public test suite,

so you can get no more than 48 points.

After the deadline, we will re-test your code on the private test suite.

Q1: Binary Heaps (50pts)

Recall that as part of the midterm we implemented the `insert` function

that inserts a new key into a binary heap.

While traversing the tree, this function must check for each node and its left child,

whether they are *full*

(i.e. whether all of their levels are completely filled).

For this purpose we used a recursive function `isFull`,

which, again, traverses the whole tree.

This makes our insertion function inefficient.

To eliminate the inefficiency, we will modify the `BHeap` datatype slightly:

in each internal node, we will store a boolean flag

that indicates whether this subtree is full:


data BHeap

= Leaf — ^ Empty tree

| Node Int Bool BHeap BHeap — ^ Node with a value, whether this tree is full,

— ^ and left and right subtree


Now we can implement `isFull` in constant time like so:


— | Is this binary tree full according to the cached value?

isFull :: BHeap -> Bool

isFull Leaf = True

isFull (Node _ full _ _) = full


We can use this version of `isFull` to implement efficient insertion.

But the price to pay is that insertion has to properly adjust the fullness flags

of the nodes it creates.

The [midterm](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18gX__xGuQVKS9JUxYMIBgByhJiN-egAa/view?usp=sharing)

contains definitions of the various properties that define a well-formed binary heap.

1.1. Efficient insertion [15 pts]

Fill in the definition of `insert` that inserts a new key into a binary heap.

You can *assume* that the input heap is valid,

i.e. satisfies the shape property, the value property,

and all of its fullness flags are accurate.

You must *guarantee* that the output heap is also valid.

Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases:


λ> insert 11 Leaf

Node 11 True Leaf Leaf

λ> insert 5 (Node 11 True (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))

Node 11 False (Node 5 False (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf)


Feel free to refer to the midterm [master solution](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1taxKiDYZYPL0OxNy9jH7h2rj83PnetXq/view?usp=sharing) for the implementation of `insert` without fullness flags.

1.2. Build with HOF [5 pts]

Fill in the definition of `build` that converts the input `[Int]`

into a `BHeap` by inserting all list elements into an empty heap.

**You may not** use recursion; **you must** use higher-order functions instead.

The order in which you add elements is irrelevant.

Property-based testing

Now we want to use QuickCheck to test whether we implemented `insert` and `build` correctly.

In particular, we want to test the following properties:

1. `prop_full_correct`: if we create a heap with `build`, it has its fullness flag set correctly

2. `prop_is_heap_shape`: if we create a heap with `build`, it satisfies the shape property

3. `prop_is_heap_value`: if we create a heap with `build`, it satisfies the value property

4. `prop_contains_elts`: a heap created with `build xs` contains all the elements of `xs`

We have implemented property 1 for you,

so if you have implemented `insert` and `build` correctly,

you should see the following output in `ghci` after loading `BHeap`:


λ> quickCheck prop_full_correct

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


The other three properties require you to implement

some helper functions.

Again, the [midterm](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18gX__xGuQVKS9JUxYMIBgByhJiN-egAa/view?usp=sharing)

contains definitions of the various properties that we will validate via QuickCheck.

1.3. Checking the shape property [10 pts]

Fill in the definition of `isHeapShape`

that takes as input a binary tree

and determines whether it satisfies the heap shape property.

(Note that the input tree might not be a valid binary heap,

and in particular, its fullness flags might be invalid.)

Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases:


λ> isHeapShape (Node 11 True (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))


λ> isHeapShape (Node 11 True Leaf (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))



After this step, you should see the following output:


λ> quickCheck prop_is_heap_shape

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


1.4. Checking the value property [10 pts]

Fill in the definition of `isHeapValue`

that takes as input a binary tree

and determines whether it satisfies the heap value property.

(Note that the input tree might not be a valid binary heap,

and in particular, its fullness flags might be invalid.)

Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases:


λ> isHeapValue (Node 11 True (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))


λ> isHeapValue (Node 11 True (Node 15 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))



After this step, you should see the following output:


λ> quickCheck prop_is_heap_value

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


1.5. Checking the elements property with HOF [10 pts]

Fill in the definition of `containsAll`

that takes as input a list and a (valid) binary heap

and determines whether all list elements are present in the heap.

**You may not** use recursion; **you must** use higher-order functions instead.

However, you should use the provided function `contains`

to check the presence of individual values.

Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases:


λ> containsAll [3, 8, 11] (Node 11 True (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))


λ> containsAll [3, 5, 11] (Node 11 True (Node 3 True Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 True Leaf Leaf))



After this step, you should see the following output:


λ> quickCheck prop_contains_elts

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Fall Final (Pt 1) [50 points]
$24.99 $18.99