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Each exercise has to begin with the line Exercise# You should also mark down the parts such as (a), (b), (c), and etc. This makes grading easier. Important: we use the default format short for the numbers in all exercises unless it is specified otherwise. We do not employ format rat since it may cause…

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Each exercise has to begin with the line


You should also mark down the parts such as (a), (b), (c), and etc. This makes grading easier. Important: we use the default format short for the numbers in all exercises unless it is specified otherwise. We do not employ format rat since it may cause problems with running the codes and displaying matrices in Live Script. If format long has been used, please make sure to return to the default format in the next exercise.

Part I. Subspaces & Bases

Exercise 1 (5 points) Difficulty: Hard

In this exercise, you will be given two matrices A and B. You will create a function that works with the column spaces of the matrices. First, it will determine whether Col A and Col B are subspaces of the same Euclidian vector space m . If yes, your code has to determine if Col A and Col B have the same dimension, and, if yes, whether Col A = Col B. Obviously, when two subspaces have the same dimension, it might not be true that they are the same set. For example, a line through the origin in 3 is a one-dimensional subspace of 3 , but two lines might be different.

You will use a MATLAB built-in function rank()within your code. Remember, the rank of a matrix can be defined as the dimension of the column space of the matrix.

**Create a function in the file that begins with

function []=columnspaces(A,B)



First, your function has to check if Col A and Col B are subspaces of the same Euclidian vector space, that is, if m and n are equal.

**If Col A and Col B are subspaces of different spaces, you will output the corresponding message and terminate the program.

**If Col A and Col B are subspaces of the same vector space m , you will code the corresponding message that also outputs the dimension of the vector space m , which is m. An example of the output message is below:

fprintf(‘Col A and Col B are subspaces of R^%i\n’,m)


**Then, your function will continue with calculating the dimensions of Col A and Col B.

Output them with the corresponding messages.

**Next, check if both conditions hold: Col A is the whole m and Col B is the whole m . If it is the case, output a message that Col A = Col B = m and terminate the program.

If either Col A or Col B or both are not the whole m , your code will continue.

**First, it will check if Col A and Col B have the same dimension. If not, output the message that the dimensions of Col A and Col B are different.

**If the dimensions are the same, the code has to check whether Col A and Col B are the same set. If it is the case, output the message that Col A = Col B.

If it is not the case, output a message that the dimensions of Col A and Col B are the same but Col A ~= Col B.

Note: You cannot use a MATLAB built-in function colspace(sym()) within the function


This is the end of the function columnspaces.

**Print the function columnspaces in your Live Script.

** Type:


**Run the function on the choices (a)-(f) as indicated below:


A=[2 -4 -2 3;6 -9 -5 8;2 -7 -3 9;4 -2 -2 -1;-6 3 3 4]




A=[2 -4 -2 3;6 -9 -5 8;2 -7 -3 9;4 -2 -2 -1;-6 3 3 4]; B=([rref(A);zeros(5,4)])’



















%Based on the outputs for part (a), write a comment in the Live Script on a possible effect of the elementary row operations on the column space of a matrix.


Exercise 2 (4 points) Difficulty: Moderate

In this exercise, you will create a basis for the Col A in two ways: using a built-in MATLAB function colspace(sym(A))and using a function shrink() which you will create in a file.

Part 1:

The column space of a matrix A is a subspace spanned by the columns of A. It is possible that the set of columns of A is not linearly independent, that is, not all columns of A will be in a basis. The set of columns of A can be “shrunk” into a basis for Col A by using the function shrink(). Here is a code:

function B=shrink(A)




**Create the function B=shrink(A)in a file.

**Print the function shrink in your Live Script.

**Input a matrix as indicated below:

A=magic(4); A(:,3)=A(:,2)

Run the command


**Then, run the two lines given below (display the outputs):



%Write a comment in the Live Script on the outputs for each of the two lines above.

**Next, run the command:


%Explain the difference between the outputs for the last command and for the command


**Input the matrices

A=[2 -4 -2 3;6 -9 -5 8;2 -7 -3 9;4 -2 -2 -1;-6 3 3 4]


**Run the function columnspaces(A,B), which was created in Exercise 1 of this Project, to show that the matrices A and B have the same column space.

**Print the function columnspaces in your Live Script

%Explain in the Live Script why the set of the columns of B forms a basis for the column space of A.

Part 2

There is a MATLAB built-in function colspace(sym(A)) which creates a symbolic matrix whose columns form a basis for the column space of A.

**Input the matrix

A=[2 -4 -2 3;6 -9 -5 8;2 -7 -3 9;4 -2 -2 -1;-6 3 3 4]

**Type and run in the Live Script:





**Next, run the command:


which converts a symbolic matrix B to a double-precision matrix D. Run the logical command indicated below to compare the matrices D and M.


Next, run the command columnspaces(A,B) created in Exercise 1 of this Project to show that the column spaces of the matrices A and B are the same.

BONUS: 2 points

  • Analyze the outputs for Part 2 of this Exercise and determine the path that the function colspace(sym()) takes to create a basis for Col A. Justify the statement that the set of the columns of B forms a basis for the Col A.

BONUS: 1 point

**Use the results of Part 2 of this exercise to write a new function in a file

function []=columnspaces_1(A,B)

which takes the function columnspaces() and modifies only one part of this function, the one that checks if Col A = Col B; you will need to employ a MATLAB built-in function colspace(sym())within your code for the function columnspaces_1.

**Print the function columnspaces_1 in your Live Script.

Note: You can test here that the new function columnspaces_ 1() gives the same outputs as the function columnspaces() by running it on the matrices in Exercise 1; however, you do not need to include these tests into Exercise 2 file for the submission.

Exercise 3 (4 points) Difficulty: Easy

In this exercise, you will be given an m × n matrix A. Your program has to create two matrices B and D. The matrix B is formed by the pivot columns of A – the set of columns of B is a basis for Col A which is a subspace of m . The set of columns of the matrix D forms a basis for

m . If Col A m , the matrix D is constructed by using all columns of B and some columns of the m × m identity matrix.

**Create the function in a file which begins with

function [B,D]=basis(A)


**First, use the function shrink() , which was created in Exercise 2 of this project, within the function basis to output (and display) the matrix B of the pivot columns of A – supply the

output B with a message that ‘a basis for Col A is the set of columns of’

(display B)

**Then, your code has to check whether the set of columns of the matrix B forms a basis for

m . If yes, the program breaks with the message:

fprintf(‘a basis for R^%i is D=B\n’,m)

and assigns



**If the set of the columns of B does not form a basis for m , you should create a matrix D whose first columns are all columns of the matrix B and the rest of the columns come from the

matrix eye(m), such that the set of all columns of D forms a basis for m . You can use your function shrink() to create D.

**Next, you will write a set of commands within your code to verify whether the set of columns of D is, indeed, a basis for m . If your code confirms that, display a corresponding message, for example:

fprintf(‘a basis for R^%i is\n’,m)

(display D).

Otherwise, an output message could be: ‘something definitely went wrong!’

**Print the function basis and shrink within the Live Script.

**Run the function [B,D]=basis(A); on the following matrices (display the inputs):


A=[1 0;0 0;0 0;0 1]


A=[0 0;2 0;3 0;0 0]







Part II. Isomorphism & Change of Basis

Exercise 4 (5 points) Difficulty: Hard

DESCRIPTION: In this exercise, you will be given a set of n polynomials, which is denoted B. The polynomials in B are from the subspace Pn1 of the polynomials whose degrees do not

exceed ( n1). A standard basis for Pn1 is E = {x n 1 , x n2 , … , x , 1}. You will determine whether the given set B forms a basis for Pn1 . This could be done by employing isomorphism

from Pn1 onto n . You will create a matrix P, which is the matrix of the E-coordinates of the polynomials in B. According to the isomorphism, the set of the polynomials in B forms a basis for the subspace Pn1 if and only if the set of the columns of P forms a basis for n .

If the set B is a basis for Pn1 , your function will continue with two more tasks: (1) you will find a vector y of the B-coordinates of a polynomial Q, where Q is given in a symbolic form through the standard basis E, and (2) you will output a polynomial R in a symbolic form (through the standard basis E), given its B-coordinate vector r.

(For a help with this exercise, please refer to lecture Module 19.)


We will use the function closetozeroroundoff with a parameter p = 7 within the code. This function was created in Project 0 and you should have it in your Current Folder in MATLAB.

**Create a function in a file that begins with

function P=polyspace(B,Q,r)


An input B = [B (1), B (2), … , B ( n)] is a vector whose components are polynomials from the

vector space Pn1 , Q is a single polynomial from the same space Pn1 , and r is a numerical vector with n entries.

Note on the format of input polynomials: for the purpose of this program, it is required that the coefficient of the leading term xn1 of a polynomial must not be zero. However, the zero leading coefficient is accepted by the definition of the subspace Pn1 , and some of the given

polynomials do not have term xn1 , that is, the coefficient of xn1 is a zero. To be able to work with such polynomials, we insert the coefficient 10^(-8) of xn1 , and we will convert this leading coefficient into a 0 by running within our code the function closetozeroroundoff with p = 7 on the matrix P of the coefficients of the polynomials in B.

**Continue your function polyspace with the commands:



The command sym2poly(B(1)) takes the coefficients of the polynomial B(1), which is written through the standard basis E in the descending order according to the degree, and writes them as a row vector (a 1× n matrix).

Note: The number n is the dimension of the vector space Pn1 ; thus, Pn1 is isomorphic to the Euclidean space n . The number n will be used later in this program.

**To use isomorphism, you will create an n × n matrix P, whose columns are the vectors of the coefficients of the polynomials in the set B – each column is generated by the commands transpose and sym2poly (as described above) – the columns of P are the E-coordinate vectors of the polynomials in B.

Note: to output P, you can employ a “for loop” in your code (do not display the output P here).

**Then, you will convert to 0 the entries of the matrix P which are in the range of 10^(-7) from a 0 by running the function:


**Display the new matrix P with the message:

fprintf(‘matrix of E-coordinate vectors of polynomials in B is\n’)

(display P).

Then you will check if the columns of P form a basis for n – use the command rank() . **If the set of the columns of P is not a basis for n , then, due to the isomorphism, the set of the polynomials B does not form a basis for Pn1 . In this case, you will output a corresponding


message and calculate and output matrix A=rref(P), which is the reduced echelon form of the matrix P (the matrix A should visualize the fact that the columns of P do not form a basis for

n ). After that, the program terminates.

Examples of the output messages for this part are given below:

sprintf(‘the polynomials in B do not form a basis for P%d’,n-1)

fprintf(‘the reduced echelon form of P is\n’)

(display A).

**If the set of the columns of P forms a basis for n , then, due to the isomorphism, you will output a message that the polynomials in B form a basis for the subspace of the polynomials Pn1 , and your function will continue with two more tasks:

  1. Given the polynomial Q written in a symbolic form through the standard basis E, calculate the B-coordinate vector y of Q. To calculate the vector y, you will use the Change-of-Coordinates equation.

Hint: use a MATLAB command sym2poly() to output the row vector of the E-coordinates of the polynomial Q. Then, run closetozeroroundoff with p = 7 within your code on the E-coordinate vector to convert the leading entry into a 0, when needed. After that, you can proceed with calculation of the B-coordinate vector y of Q.

Your outputs for this part will be a message and the vector y:

fprintf(‘the B-coordinate vector of Q is\n’)

(display y).

  1. Given the B-coordinate vector r of a polynomial R, output the polynomial R written in a symbolic form through the standard basis E.

Hint: you will need to calculate the E-coordinate vector of the polynomial R by the Change-of-Coordinates equation, and, then, use that vector and the command poly2sym() to output the required polynomial R.

The output R should be supplied with a message, for example:

fprintf(‘the polynomial whose B-coordinates form the vector r is\n’)

(display R).

For a help with this exercise, you may find it useful to review the second Example in the Lecture Notes for Module 19.

This is the end of the function polyspace.

**Type the functions closetozeroroundoff and polyspace in the Live Script. **Then, type in the Live Script

syms x

This command introduces a symbolic variable x, It will also allow you to input the polynomials

in the variable x in your Live Script by typing (or copying and pasting) the inputs B and Q as

they are given below.

** Run the function


on each set of the variables (a)-(c). (Display the inputs in the Live Script.)















Part III. Application to Calculus

Exercise 5 (4 points) Difficulty: Moderate

In this exercise, you will approximate the definite integral of a function using both Riemann sums and a MATLAB built-in function integral.

The code accepts as inputs: a function fun, a column vector n whose entries are the numbers

of subintervals of partitions, and two scalars a, b – the endpoints of the interval of integration.

Riemann sum calculations should be performed using partitions of [ a , b] by subintervals of the

equal length h(j) defined as


where n(j)is a jth entry of n, with j=1:N and N=length(n). Each entry of the vector n, n(j), is the number of the subintervals of the corresponding partition of [ a , b].

Your function has to return a table T whose first column formed by the N entries of the vector n, where n(j) entry of n defines the jth partition of [a, b]. For a jth partition (j=1:N), you will calculate the Riemann sums approximations of the definite integral by choosing the left endpoints, the middle points, and the right endpoints of each subinterval of the partition – these sums will be the jth entries of the column vectors L, M, and R, respectively. The vectors L, M, and R will form the columns 2, 3, and 4 of the output table T.

**Write a function that begins with

function T=reimsum(fun,a,b,n)

format compact


It has to calculate the column vectors L, M, R as described above and form a matrix


The following command converts the N-by-4 array A into an N-by-4 table T with the names of the variables as indicated below. This command should be present in your code.


‘VariableNames’,{‘n’ ,‘Left’,‘Middle’,‘Right’})

**Print the function reimsum in your Live Script.



syms x

format long

**Run the function T=reimsum(fun,a,b,n) in the way indicated below on the function handles. At the ends of each part (a) and (b), you will also run (and display the output) a MATLAB built-in function


which calculates definite integral of a function fun. The output of this function will allow you to verify if your approximations of the definite integral are correct.


fun=@(x) x.*tan(x) + x + 1








fun=@(x) x.^4 – 2*x – 2







%Write a comment in your Live Script for which choice of the points on a subinterval of a partition (left endpoints, middle points, or right endpoints) the Riemann sums give the best approximation of the integral.

Exercise 6 (4 points) Difficulty: Easy

In this exercise you are given a polynomial, and you will write a code that outputs an antiderivative of the polynomial.

**Write a function in the file that begins with

function I=polint(P)

format compact

syms x

which accepts as an input a polynomial P. A polynomial will be written in a symbolic form through the standard basis (you may find it helpful to review Exercise 4 of the current Project).


The function has to calculate indefinite integral of the polynomial assigning a value 3 to an arbitrary constant. The output I has to be a polynomial written in a symbolic form through the standard basis. Do not use a MATLAB built-in function int(P)within the function polint.

Suggested commands within your code: sym2poly, poly2sym, length. A single “for loop” or a vectorized statement can be used.

This is the end of the function polint.

**Print the function polint in your Live Script.

**Type in the Live Script:


syms x

**Run I=polint(P) on the polynomials in parts (a) and (b). (You can copy and paste each polynomial in the Live Script.)

  1. P=6*x^5+5*x^4+4*x^3+3*x^2+2*x+6

  2. P=x^5-2*x^3+3*x+5

**For each part, (a) and (b), after getting (and displaying) the output I, run a logical command


to make sure that your output matches the output of a MATLAB built-in function. If it doesn’t, consider making corrections in your code.

Part IV. Application to Markov Chains

Exercise 7 (4 points): Difficulty: Moderate

In this exercise, you will work with Markov Chains. Please read the part Theory and perform the tasks indicated below.

Theory: A vector with nonnegative entries that add up to 1 is called a probability vector. A stochastic matrix is a square matrix whose columns are probability vectors.

Important Note: in this Exercise, the definition of a stochastic matrix matches the definition of the left-stochastic matrix in Exercise 5 of Project 1.

  1. Markov chain is a sequence of probability vectors x 0 , x1 , x2 ,… , together with a stochastic matrix P, such that

x1 = Px 0 , x 2 = Px1 , x 3 = Px2 , … .

In other words, a Markov chain is described by the first-order difference equation x k +1 = Pxk

for k = 0,1, 2,…

The n entries of vectors xk list, respectively, a probability that the system is in one the n possible states. For this reason, xk is called a state vector. If P is a stochastic matrix, then a steady-state vector for P is a probability vector q such that Pq = q .


A stochastic matrix P is called regular if some matrix power P k contains only strictly positive entries.

Theorem: If P is an n × n regular stochastic matrix, then P has a unique steady-state vector q.

Further, if x0 is any initial state and x k +1 = Pxk for k = 0,1, 2,… , then the Markov chain {xk } converges to q as k → ∞ .

For more on Markov Chains read the textbook: Section 4.9, Applications to Markov Chains. **Create a function in a file that begins with

function q=markov(P,x0)



**First, the function has to check whether the given n × n matrix P, whose entries will be positive numbers, is stochastic (that is, left-stochastic). If P is not left-stochastic, the program

displays a message ‘P is not a stochastic matrix’, returns q=[]; and terminates.

**If P is left-stochastic (then it will be a regular stochastic matrix), we do the following:

(1) Find the unique steady-state vector q.

Recall: the steady-state vector q is a probability vector which is a solution of the equation

Pq = q , or, equivalently, the equation ( P eye ( n))q = 0 . You can find a basis for the solution set of this system (which has to contain only one vector) by using a MATLAB function


Then, you will need to output the probability vector q that belongs to the solution set. Display q with a message that it is the steady-state vector of the system.

(2) Next, verify that the Markov chain converges to q by calculating consecutive iterations

x1 = P *x0 , x2 = P*x1 , x3 = P *x2 , … , until, for the first time, norm (x k q)< 10^(-7) Output the number of iterations k that are required to archive this accuracy – supply your output with the corresponding message.

**Type the function markov in your Live Script.

**Run the function


on the following choices of the matrix P and the vector x0. (Display the inputs.)


P=[.6 .3;.5 .7]



P=[.5 .3;.5 .7]

x0 is the same as in part (a)


P=[.9 .2;.1 .8]


where P is a migration matrix between two regions.


A migration matrix P is the same as in (c)




P=[.90 .01 .09;.01 .90 .01;.09 .09 .90] x0=[.5; .3; .2]

  • Compare the output vectors q for parts (c) and (d), which have the same matrix P and different vectors x0, and write a comment whether a choice of the initial vector x0 has an effect on the steady-state vector q. Does a choice of x0 have an effect on the number of iterations k? Write a comment about it as well.

This is the end of Project 3


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