Homework #1

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In this assignment you will analyze the Big-O performance of inserts into an array by inspecting source code. You will then compare this analysis to the actual performance seen in a running program. (2 points) Implement a function named insert that takes a dynamically allocated array of ints, the array’s length, the index at which…

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In this assignment you will analyze the Big-O performance of inserts into an array by inspecting source code. You will then compare this analysis to the actual performance seen in a running program.

  1. (2 points) Implement a function named insert that takes a dynamically allocated array of ints, the array’s length, the index at which a new value should be inserted, and the new value that should be inserted. The function should allocate a new array populated with the contents of the original array plus the new value inserted at the given index. The originally array should be freed. The following sections provide a detailed description of this function:


int *insert(int *array, int length, int index, int value);


array The array of ints into which a new value should be inserted.

length The number of elements in the array.

index The location where the value should be inserted into the array.

value The value that should be inserted into the array.

Return value:

A new array of ints containing the contents of the original array plus the new value inserted at the given index. NULL will be returned should something goes wrong.


insert(array, length, index, value)

If array is empty (i.e. length == 0)

return a newly malloc’d array having 1 element of the given value

End If


Let newArray = a newly malloc’d array with length + 1 elements

Copy array[0, index) to newArray[0, index)

Set newArray[index] to value

Copy array[index, length) to newArray[index + 1, length + 1)

Free array

Return newArray

End Else


  1. (2 points) Implement a main function that profiles the performance of insert and outputs a table showing the average time per insert as the length of the array increases.



/* Setting to allow fine-tuning the granularity of the readings */ Let INSERTS_PER_READING = 1000

/* Start with an empty array */

Let array = empty array (i.e. NULL)

Let length = 0

/* Take 60 readings */

Loop 60 times

/* Each reading will be taken after INSERTS_PER_READING inserts */

Let startTime = current time


Let index = random integer in range [0, length] Let value = random integer value

Let array = insert(array, length, index, value)

Let length = length + 1

End Loop

Let stopTime = current time

Let timePerInsert = (stopTime – startTime) / INSERTS_PER_READING

/* Output reading in tabular format */

Output array length and timePerInsert

End Loop

/* Free the old array */

Free array

Report format:

main should output a report similar to the format below (your values will be different). You should fine-tune the INSERTS_PER_READING constant so that none of the readings (“Seconds per insert”) are zero:

Array length

Seconds per insert


















  1. (2 points) Plot a scatter graph showing “Seconds per insert” (Y-axis) vs. “Array length” (X-axis) using the profiling data that was output by main.

  1. (2 points) Provide a line-by-line Big-O analysis of your implementation of insert. You can do this by adding a comment next to each line in your source code. What is the overall Big-O performance of insert? What parts of the algorithm contribute most heavily to the overall Big-O performance?

  1. (1 point) Based on the graph does the performance of improve, degrade, or stay the same as the length of the array grows? Does your Big-O analysis of match the results of running the program?

  1. (1 point) Make sure your source code is well-commented, consistently formatted, uses no magic numbers/values, follows programming best-practices, and is ANSI-compliant.

Turn in all source code, program output, diagrams, and answers to questions in a single Word document.

Homework #1
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