Project Programming Assignment 3

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In this assignment, you will be creating signal processing modules for 8-bit audio WAV files. == Project Architecture Your goal for this assignment is to build the classes in the `Processor` hierarchy shown below. image::class-diagram.png[] The `Processor` class has only one function, as shown, and no attributes. The function is _abstract_, making the class abstract…

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In this assignment, you will be creating signal processing modules for

8-bit audio WAV files.

== Project Architecture

Your goal for this assignment is to build the classes in the `Processor` hierarchy shown below.


The `Processor` class has only one function, as shown, and no attributes. The function is _abstract_, making

the class abstract as well. This means that you cannot instantiate the class — only its subclasses.

== Starter Project

The project includes the `Wav` class, the `main.cpp` file, a starter `makefile`, and the `Processor` class. In addition,

you are given a file called `testfile.wav` that you are to use in testing the application. As noted elsewhere,

the code that you are starting with only handles 8-bit mono WAV files such as the one provided. It will not work correctly

with any other audio file type.

== Steps

1. Watch the video at to gain an understanding of the signal processing you are to implement

in the assignment.

1. Review the `main` function in `main.cpp` to understand how the system will work.

1. Review the `Wav` class to get a general understanding. It is not required, but certainly recommended,

that you spend a bit of time understanding the binary file management in the class.

1. Create the `Limiter` class and have it inherit from the `Processor` class. The limiter should be implemented so that

the signal never exceeds 80% of its maximum value. You can implement the processors in any order you wish, however

the limiter is perhaps the easiest of the three.

.. *Recommended*: View your output files in Audacity to verify your output. Listen

to your output wavefile and compare it to the original that was supplied in the assignment.

1. Develop the `Echo` and `NoiseGate` classes. The `Echo` class should have a constructor that allows you to

set the delay in terms of samples. The `NoiseGate` class should set to zero any values in the waveform that

are above or a threshold. The class should have a constructor that takes the threshold in terms of

percentage of maximum amplitude.

1. Check in all your code and push to Github

Project Programming Assignment 3
$24.99 $18.99